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the white drew carey

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Everything posted by the white drew carey

  1. Mmmmm... My wife will be pissed when she finds out about this. I've avoided the 1/48 VF-1's and a whole bunch of other big toys, but when it comes to Patlabor... gimme gimme gimme!!!
  2. You know that's not a bad idea. It could either be where its a whole force of gunstars against baddies, or there's some terrible attack and all of the starfighters and gunstars are wiped out... again. Then we see a new gunstar that's basically a grey 2008 Ford Mustang. I'd be curious about a sequel. Not so much a remake, though. Sadly, this will probably be another example of our childhoods being raped again.
  3. No, but you made a snarky comment against both Sony and Apple at the same time. That, and a quick look at all your posts in the 360 thread, and its not hard to see where you're loyalties lie. It seems like many of your posts here are simply to debase Sony and the PS3 for no constructive reason.
  4. I think he was, but I really don't get the Lincoln reference... ...and maybe Apple has a bloated sense of superiority because they are so much better*? *
  5. I don't think its such a big deal. So your out your DS3 for a couple of weeks. Its much better than having to send a whole dead system back to Microsoft.
  6. Tex Johnson. Although I'm not sure if it was the the first test flight, though. But I think it was the prototype.
  7. Just for gits and shiggles I messaged the seller asking if he knew he was selling a knock-off, and here was his response: So, he knows he selling something thats a KO, but tries to justify the price because of its "rarity". Riiiiight...
  8. That's an amazing perspective.
  9. While I agree its a cool discovery, and a lot of effort on 1BRD's part (kudos), I don't think it really is variable. I mean, it locks its arms to its sides and its legs go from pointing down so it can walkee-walkee to pointing straight backwards so it can flyee-flyee. Thats like saying I transform when I sit down.
  10. I have to agree with him. It seems to be missing a bunch of the greeblies and bulk that made it look so cool and mechanical.
  11. They should call the rebuilt city New Amsterdam. That would be choice.
  12. That looks like total crap. The color and mold of the plastic looks more like a $20 knock off. Man, am I disappointed.
  13. Another problem is when something f's up the HD that the toothless masses are storing their DLC on and then they lose it all. Very few companies have a user-friendly and helpful system in place to get your DLC back to you if there is some type of hardware failure (my wife went through this wife Apple when our old HD crashed and a bunch of songs she paid for on an iTunes gift card went bye-bye). There's something reassuring about having a copy of the product in hand.
  14. Toshiba officially pulls the plug.
  15. I don't know the answer to this, but do we know how long the Significant Seven had infiltrated humanity? We know that Sharon was on board Galactica for 2 years prior to the attack in the mini-series, so it's entirely possible that the Cylons fudged her civilian info to get her into the military in the first place, at which point she rose in the ranks like everyone else. I think the Final Five are significantly different than the other Cylons because we haven't seen any copies, they were sleeper agents, and the other seven don't seem know too much about them (your observation of Anders being sick was very astute), or at least talk about them. Im also of the opinion that the Five have a more far-reaching agenda then the Seven, and Razor kind of helped to bolster the theory that I've heard around, and think is pretty plausible.
  16. I never said that they were contradicted. Only that some of the things you state in fairly solidly manner but, IIRC, have never been confirmed (the one example that comes to mind off hand is how Boomer infiltrated the military). I think the significance of the Final Five is more important then the recent schism your theory predicts. I think its something a bit larger than that. Anyhow, like I said: Good work. Lots of research, but I simply can't subscribe to your theory at this time.
  17. Nah. It seems to me that a lot of the things you're claiming as "we know this" or " we know that" seem to actually be conjecture on your part, or unproven theories not solidified by the creators. At least I remember them differently (and we've been re-watching the series since mid-fall, usually 2-3 eps a night with a week or two off around holidays, so its still fairly fresh). Interesting thoughts, but I think you're waaaay off in regards to the relationship between the Final Five and the Significant Seven. Good work, anyhow. Battlestar rocks.
  18. We're talking about going to go see this drunk with some anthropology PhD students and laugh. A lot.
  19. I'm in agreement with your final assessment, but I have to admit that I think Danny Craig was the kind of injection the franchise needed. Timothy Dalton is a twat and Pierce Brosnan would've been a good Bond during the Cold War, but once that ended the whole idea of Bond was lost and Hollywood did their worst to try to carry on the character past the cold war. Danny Craig's Bond is the best reinvention of the character we've had yet, and I have to admit, as a Bond fan, that he is the best incarnation since Connery, and even better for the new millenium (as cheesy as that may sound).
  20. Yeah, but you are also so totally gay, so Danny Craig as Sarah Jessica Parker makes sense to you...
  21. Awesome Cruise Chaser Blassty model!!!
  22. Thank goodness I keep my funds at Sake Bank... ...the market can be hot or cold, but they're always good.
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