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the white drew carey

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Everything posted by the white drew carey

  1. I'm kind of getting that vibe, too. Its like, when they found out what they really were, they all thought they would totally change. But it seems tat they've actually become a clearer representation of who they always were.
  2. The caption for the 2nd picture says its fiberglass.
  3. I really don't think this is the case, but we're still short a 5th "Final Five" model. Would it be interesting if Callie shows back up, but maybe having taken some other form?
  4. I don't know. Chief really came to love Callie, and if he finds out that Torie (worthless character that she is) was responsible for Callie's death, I see some major fragmentation of the final five.
  5. No man, the upgraded the WinXP to Vista. That was the problem...
  6. Ohhh... The Onion. How I will never forget the editorial: "I Hate Those F%cking Ducks!"
  7. Here's something going back to last week's ep that kind of caught me then, but I didn't notice it until it repeated last night before the new episode: Did anyone notice that the raider that chatted up Anders had a different eyepiece than the one's we've seen thus far? This one's eyepiece was more of a chevron, like the centurions. But the raiders we've seen before this had an eyepiece that just went straight across. I'm not sure what the purpose for the design change is, but I find it kind of odd that they would alter the visual continuity so late in the game.
  8. I think he still has a major part to play (according to IMDB, he's in ep. 9 of season 4). Its such a screwy thing to keep thinking about. I feel like I'm going to blow a gasket over who the the last of the Final Five is.
  9. Dude, it's all about crossovers nowadays. Freddie vs. Jason, AvP... Short Circuit vs. Terminator!!! Man, Christian Bale is going to rock in this!
  10. I'm not too sure about that. He could simply have been an interesting catalyst for Lee's entrance into the civvy life, and away from the military.
  11. Your question is based on the assumption that the Final Five are manufactured like the Significant Seven. As for foreseeing things, this whole show is definitely in the "This has all happened before, and it will happen again" plotline, so I couldn't discount any type of prescience at all, nowadays.
  12. Sing along, everybody! "Gaius Baltar! Superstar!"
  13. For books, I've always been a fan of Frank M. Robinson's "The Dark Beyond the Stars", and I always suggest it for friends who are looking for a good read. Movies, I like to suggest the obscure-ish Kiwi film from the 80's "The Quiet Earth". All good stuff.
  14. Dude... why isn't Tron on that list?!? My user will be very unhappy.
  15. One week to go... I'm soooo excited. I think I have to change my pants again!!!
  16. Here we go again- What I like to call Frisky Russkie.
  17. I feel so bad for it when that guy kicks it! And I was totally rooting for it when it loses it's balance!
  18. Agreed. His delivery is just so... wrong... that it's right, you know?
  19. But why find a razor, when you've already starred in it?
  20. Better hurry. You got to weeks before S4 starts!
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