I'm not being a PS3 fanboy by saying this, but the PS3 has been picking up momentum lately. Over the past few months its has been consistently outselling 360 in Europe, Japan and "Other" (as they say), and ever since the BluRay "victory" it has been outselling the 360 in the US more often than not on a weekly basis (although most often the difference is in the single digit percentages).
Just pointing out that is not lagging.
Still, on the flipside, I think i may be in the opposite boat than you. PS3 has more exclusive games that interest me, and the ones that are for both systems tend to look and play better on the PS3. When my wife either A- Gives in and lets me buy a new system, or B- leaves town for a conference (like she will the first week in May), I'll probably pick up a PS3 first, especially for Elder Scrolls IV, which I can waste away my summer with (when I'm not going to Barcelona, or the Garden State Craft Brewers Guild Beer Festival, which actually takes place on the back of the USS New Jersey battleship!!!)
Plus, I like the thought of trying to cure cancer with folding@home.