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the white drew carey

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Everything posted by the white drew carey

  1. I'll admit that I love reading this thread for the visual porn and, many times, get confused when the knowledgables talk confusing words, I have to say that I always liked the YF-23 better.
  2. This show rocks? Crap, that's not answering any of our questions.
  3. Yeah, the alternate endings weren't even good enough to throw off the fanboys. It was all just a marketing gimmick that they could throw on the morning show.
  4. Alright, so what direction are they going in, now? Jeremy Bentham
  5. That idea was mentioned by the producers a few months ago, but there hasn't been any official announcement... I think.
  6. Not that I'm defending it, but the Force is still the Force. The midichlorians are what allows other creatures to sense it, they aren't IT. Qui-Gon clearly explains this, you know.
  7. Yeah. I have a computer for the web-browsing stuff. As much as Sony and MS want their systems to become an all-in-one hub, its just not going to happen yet. Focus on games and (for Sony) BluRay. Oh, and Folding@home.
  8. Threesome between Athena, Six, and Dee!!! Threesome between Athena, Six, and Dee!!! Threesome between Athena, Six, and Dee!!! Threesome between Athena, Six, and Dee!!! It's worth a try. Roslyn in Colonial History X mode was kind of surprising. I kept trying to see if her eyelashes were painted on (because you lose them to in chemo), but my cable company blows so I couldn't get a clear enough shot.
  9. Wow. Thats a lot cooler than this.
  10. Yeah, I found that kind of incredulous, as well. "Hey, we can't make a miniature arc reactor like Tony Stark, but we can make an armored suit that is better... EVEN THOUGH WE'VE NEVER HAD A CHANCE TO STUDY THE MKII OR MKIII, only the MKI MADE FROM SCRAPS IN AFGHANISTAN!!!"
  11. It was great, but I have to agree about Stane being so good so quickly.
  12. I see Rei going whichever way I think of. If I think clockwise before I look, she goes clockwise. If I think counterclockwise, she goes counterclockwise. And I can make her switch during. Does that mean I have the traits of both lists or, more likely, there's actually no actual scientific basis in this test?
  13. All the fun, and only 1/5th the size!
  14. OK, I may be an idiot, but I cannot get the size of the subtitles in VLC to change, and their "manual" isn't very helpful. I'm on an Intel Mac, and Mplayer OSX won't even run the video (it crashes before it starts). Ummm, any ideas?
  15. That's exactly what I said to my viewing friends.
  16. Man, crap was f'ed up when Head6 was lifting up Baltar, and when they showed him in "real life" his body was posititioned like he was being lifted, with no one there. Frak.
  17. Well, his daughter did turn it off, and the phone warning indicated thusly, so he knew it was down, allowing him to use it as a weapon.
  18. I'm not being a PS3 fanboy by saying this, but the PS3 has been picking up momentum lately. Over the past few months its has been consistently outselling 360 in Europe, Japan and "Other" (as they say), and ever since the BluRay "victory" it has been outselling the 360 in the US more often than not on a weekly basis (although most often the difference is in the single digit percentages). Just pointing out that is not lagging. Still, on the flipside, I think i may be in the opposite boat than you. PS3 has more exclusive games that interest me, and the ones that are for both systems tend to look and play better on the PS3. When my wife either A- Gives in and lets me buy a new system, or B- leaves town for a conference (like she will the first week in May), I'll probably pick up a PS3 first, especially for Elder Scrolls IV, which I can waste away my summer with (when I'm not going to Barcelona, or the Garden State Craft Brewers Guild Beer Festival, which actually takes place on the back of the USS New Jersey battleship!!!) Plus, I like the thought of trying to cure cancer with folding@home.
  19. Ummm... when it strips off its clothes, it has a blue uniform with a big yellow "S" on its chest underneath? I now yield the stage to David.
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