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the white drew carey

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Everything posted by the white drew carey

  1. The lineart from the movie is what I'm comparing it against, and it doesn't look very spot on to me.
  2. I am really not liking the Yamato Ingram. It just looks to fat/squat/rotund...
  3. Ummm... thats the same link I posted four replies up.
  4. Last I heard, 2010
  5. Someone "stabilized" the footage HERE. Second window down.
  6. Lets just say I need to change my shorts. Rgrengnnhlkgfjg need trailer online!!!!
  7. Dope. I believe him when he says he is dedicated to being faithful. The longer it is, the better, I say.
  8. Ummm... It may be me, but I didn't realize that Batman had tits in the movie.
  9. Remember when films had intermissions? I say we bring that back. If Snyder wants Watchmen to be 3-hours, I am completely fine with that. I can put on a pair of Depends Undergarments, no problem.
  10. Nah... that guy's eyes really look like that.
  11. Thank goodness. I want to play Resistance, but every place around here still sells it for $60...
  12. I read the book when I was really young. It wasn't too bad. This movie has less in common with the book than Starship Troopers did with its original source material.
  13. The F-8 is so goofy with that damned lifting wing. As a child, i simply could not understand why the heck it did that (despite repeated explanations from pops).
  14. Rocky IV, OK... not so bad. But saying it's someone's best movie since... (don't make me say it) Johnny Mnemonic!?!? Now THAT is a loaded statement.
  15. Ummm, I don't want to look through hundreds of posts, so... Does MW have a group for Folding@home? Because I was looking for one, but I think I accidentally made one under the name MacrossWorld, and failed to get the group number...
  16. Comic-Con products are being unveiled. Own your own toaster that burns Toasters on your toast!!!
  17. I envision recurring search parties for dozens of rich idiots who crash their A5's in the wilderness.
  18. Was able to order the MGS4 PS3 Bundle off of Best Buy's website. Should expect delivery sometime next week. For further punishment, i also picked up another time-consumer, Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion GOTY Editiion. Hoo-ray!
  19. ST the movie was funny in Verhoeven's vision. Bust for it to spwan a series of sequels is f@cking idiotic. I still think that a true adaptation of Heinlein's ST would be a great venture for any film company, especially in today's world/political atmosphere.
  20. I'm pretty sure has been seen before, but damn, is that cutting it close!
  21. Worst cameraman ever. Its amazing that the pilot almost got that back on the ground. I can just imagine the intensity of that moment and when they finally decided to eject.
  22. Agreed. I don't see what the big attraction is in 360's "achievements."
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