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the white drew carey

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Everything posted by the white drew carey

  1. Wow, what if Oshii actually made Hallmark movies?
  2. I think P1 has a better plot., and P2 is much more dramatic. A lot of the plot elements in P2 are a little hard to swallow, simply because it tries to be so realistic at the same time. Both are much better than most anime out there.
  3. Tru- but Sony really needs the love. Don't get me wrong, I love my PS3 and think it, and it's games, are way better than 360. But Sony's marketing campaign, delaying Home, and developerstaking too long to release games (Hello... GT5, hopefully by Holiday 2009? WTF?!?) is really killing everyone. It seems that Sony hopes to make the PS3 a longevity machine like the PS2, but technology is moving way to fast. Nintendo will be on the Hey-eM, and Microsoft will be on the Gates-3-and-one-half-spin, by the time Sony decides that it's time to move on.
  4. Man, PS3 is getting its ass kicked in sales lately. They really need to do a price-drop because Home definitely isn't going to sell systems, and the fact that 1) it has a built in Blu-Ray player, and 2) you don't have to pay to play online, hasn't seemed to sink in with consumers that this thing is actually a pretty good deal. Oh well.
  5. Well, I don't know. I'm sure a lot of people who work on movies don't typically like them as a film. I don't think we need salt, but then again... ?
  6. I think they were skydiving because it's extreme!!!
  7. Because the whole gag was that the viewer doesn't know it's set into the future until you see the hoverbike. That was the point anyway. I wouldn't be surprised if that whole bit was merely done for the trailer, and isn't even in the movie.
  8. Aren't all anime fans somehow disgruntled? Too be honest, this guy didn't do a good job of "teasing" me with his teaser.
  9. Still haven't seen a Home invite? Do I have to have something more than a PSN account to get invited?
  10. Hmmm... I thought the controls were odd as first, but once I got used to them, I think they work very smoothly. In fact, I think they're just about perfect. I'm not sold on using the sixaxis for the balancing stuff, and stick to the L stick for that. To each his own, though. At least you gave it the "old Wes" try.
  11. Although Comic Sans would be pretty kick ass.
  12. I didna get a Home invite. Rrrgrghhh...
  13. Hey, I didn't know you made it to MW-Con this year!!!
  14. It's to the right of the doors (from the viewer's eye). Its Nagel-ish, but I'm sure if its actually a Nagel.
  15. I know that Snyder fought hard to have it placed in the 80's. I'm betting that the trailers aren't pointing that out because it's not really an important aspect in generating interest. Movie Studio: "Hmmm... we can spend 15-20 seconds pointing out that this takes place in the 80's, or show more of Silk Spectre..."
  16. Dude, that's because Europeans still believe in stuff like werewolves and vampires. They are so backwards. p.s.- If I could talk out of my rectum, that would be so awesome.
  17. Cool! I want to be a Mon Calamari!!!
  18. Why, what happens then?
  19. Its hard to tell. In some screenshots his boots do look brown and green, in others they just look brown and darker brown. Hmmm...
  20. I don't know about Bridge Bunnies, but I saw an old dude.
  21. One thing I liked is that there are more people manning the bridge.
  22. You're right. I had forgotten about that. He's good at fisticuffs as well.
  23. You're not looking forward to The Road? Blasphemer!!!
  24. Nah, I can understand a reboot with the classic crew, it's not a bad idea. You're just evil (OK, you're not evil either).
  25. "Did I leave the iron on?"
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