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the white drew carey

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Everything posted by the white drew carey

  1. Once again, it doesn't say anything about being subbed. Your specification is that it has an indicator that it has been subbed, but doesn't actually say it is subbed. Never argue semantics with me, because you will always lose. Anyhow, watched a little bit with the sound off, definitely don't like the facial designs. Alicia's eyes are too huge and Welkin has that weak chin design that has been prevalent in anime lately that I ind pretty awful. At least I already know the story is going to be good!
  2. Does the filename say anything about being subbed? I rest my case. As for the characters having the same bodies... at least the main characters didn't. I'm talking more about the faces/heads. Don't like the anime ones. Hopefully they will look better in motion... Thanks for the link, Shiroikaze!
  3. Looks nice. Although I'm not sure about the character designs... why couldn't they use the ones from the game? Any idea when it will be fansubbed?
  4. You can get it. It just takes a very specified strategy and lots of saving and reloading.
  5. Just finished CoD4, and found it pretty funny that there is a WOPR computer from Wargames in the Russian missile base.
  6. A downward spiral into alcoholism, with robots. Almost everyone would die at the end...
  7. Yeah, you need to visit her between every mission and see if there's something new. Unlocking Largo's Veggie Maniac potential is pretty funny. If you just started again, you'll have to wait until you reach the points where she has those stories ready to publish. I just finished the game yesterday morning. It's pretty damn awesome... probably my favorite game on PS3 so far. They could definitely make prequels and/or sequels out of this.
  8. Yeah, this news is almost half a year old: MW Thread on "valk" type mechs in RA3 Welcome to MW... learn to use the Search function!
  9. I love snow. I wish it was snowing here. We had the "biggest" winter since we moved to central Pennsylvania, it snowed like 5 times!!! Seriously... on a Friday the CANCELED SCHOOL FOR THE NEXT MONDAY because there was a prediction for snow (didn't happen). That's how retarded people are about snow here. You'd think it was Tucson or something.
  10. I didn't want to say anything until after re-watching Daybreak 1 & 2, but wow. Just wow...
  11. Hmmm... I wonder if most of us could get away with this bit without a mod locking it up. Sometimes authority does have it's perks, I guess...
  12. I guess it goes from God, to Jerry, to you, to the cleaners.
  13. Christ almighty! I may have been wrong when I said that Anders would "power" up the Galactica... but I'm pretty damn sure he will get the Big G straight into that pocket, with guns a'blazing!!!
  14. I'm pissed. I didn't get the new trailer before Watchmen. Just Wolverine and some crappy Event Horizon look-alike called Pandorum. =(
  15. That plane is so chock full of awesome, I don't think it can get any cooler.
  16. Its a tough question. Who knows how faithful Snyder will be, and even if he is very faithful, a lot of the subtleties may get lost in translation, or not be readily apparent on screen. My wife is reading it before we see it, if that helps.
  17. Ahhh... the P-51 Palomino! What a great plane!
  18. That's about as manga as my ball sack. How come so many crappy looking comics nowadays are called "manga"?
  19. Agreed totally. In a faltering economy, the fact that there is such a demand for the Raptor would create a considerable increase in production, thereby creating much needed jobs as well.
  20. It would gimme a giggle or two.
  21. Yeah, I'm gonna have to agree with you. From a visual standpoint, Unicorn in it's "Magenta Fury" mode is too super-robotish for me.
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