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the white drew carey

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Everything posted by the white drew carey

  1. Mods- I'm sorry I posted this as a separate thread from the auto forum, but I need the trusted advice of my fellow MWers and wanted it to be seen ASAP. In preparation for our move to France, my sister and brother-in-law agreed to watch my wife's 2000 New Beetle while we are gone. We had the car serviced before we handed it over, and were told that there was a small coolant leak into the engine that would not be any problem as long as the oil was changed on schedule. Anyhow, less than two days after handing it over, my brother-in-law, in a moment of idiocy, puts diesel into a unleaded car. Luckily he only put in four gallons and the tank was almost empty, so he was able to immediately fill the rest up with high octane and and octane boosters and get it to run and burn through the diesel. Now, two weeks later they are telling me to engine temp light is going off even on short drives. His mechanic thinks it is a problem with the coolant pump impeller (which is a known issue with the New Beetle), and it will be $750 to fix. My question is: Can his mistake of putting diesel in the engine also be complicit in this engine heat error?
  2. OK, so I took the Nestea Plunge. Since my PS3 is past it's manufacturer's warranty, I popped the damn thing open. Sure enough, the actual Power Supply is rated 110-240v, 50-60 MHz. I have the CECHE01 80GB model from the MGS4 bundle, and it DOES have a Universal Power Source.
  3. BTW- I know we discussed this a few months back, but I want to be entirely sure. I also looked into voltage converters (w/ enough wattage to cover the PS3), but have heard some bad things about the less expensive ones.
  4. OK, seriously... I've read a bunch of posts about this online, but I trust my MWers more than anyone else, so... ... does the 80gb US PS3 have a universal power supply? A lot of people are saying that the specs on the bottom (110v/60Hz) are BS, and that Sony just did that to make moolah, but that inside there is a true universal power supply. Any info? I'm moving to France in less than a month, but only have two weeks to put together a converter/regulator system if this is not the case. Thanks in advance, guys!
  5. Actually, maybe that would be better. Mike is right in that more and more ends up cut and, admittedly this time around, the director said that the movie is made for followers of the series, and cuts stuff that fan should already know. Its not that there needs to be 12 movies, but HP fans will sit through as much as you give them. You can make a 3 1/2-hour long HP movie and we will sit through it. If the director knows he is marketing the film to fans, then don't make a heavily chopped 2 1/2-hour film that is obviously meant to please the masses.
  6. Hopefully the pilot knew, or else he was as surprised as the rest of us.
  7. I would've, but I'm getting ready for my move. Maybe next year? (Polidread will win anyway! )
  8. Yeah, age has nothing to do with it. I'm 34, and I've read all the HP books and seen every movie in the theater. I was just curious if anyone else has seen the film and, if so, what their thoughts are on it. because I'm am completely torn between liking and disliking it for various reasons.
  9. So, I went and saw the midnight showing last evening. To admit, I'm torn...
  10. I just downloaded* "Spanaway" by Seaweed. Haven't heard this one in a long time!!! "It's unlaughable now, no it's not ok you know you were screwing us both over anyway i wish i could laugh but my laughs all tapped out cause i sat alone as you worshiped your wallet setting up goals or whatever you call it..." *although I do not typically participate in downloading of music, this album is out of print and the band has broken up, so I don't have a problem with it in this case.
  11. Link, please. This is some very interesting news, and would like to see the specifics.
  12. I'm remembering the mantra: "If you don't have anything nice to say..."
  13. Yeah, I like how they point out that this IS actually a remake of the movie itself, and not another adaptation of the story from which the movie was derived.
  14. Coming soon: Terminator: Salvation the remake.
  15. I'd kind of have to agree here. Turn-based SRPG is what FM is about. When they tried to venture out of the box with Gun Hazard it blew chunks. This is like taking a Mario Cart game, and making it turn-based racing. You're completely chaning the formula that makes the game great in the first place.
  16. In order to fit a full MGS game on the DVDs that the 360 uses, they had to cut some corners. Here's the first screenshot:
  17. Yeah, I'm really miffed at this, too. The SRPG element is what set it apart from Armored Core and all that crap. Boo!
  18. Don't get me wrong, it's awesome and I wholly support it (although I don't have time to participate), but the post itself seemed so reminiscent of adverts...
  19. I hate to harsh on you, Prometheum, but I would think that if people wanted to engage in a ToyBoxDX chat, they'd already be on ToyBoxDX. This seems awfully close to outside advertising to me, even if it isn't for money. edit: I am dum at speling.
  20. I hope they use someone who doesn't blink every time she shoots a gun. Angelina Jolie sucks.
  21. I saw it, thought it was fun. I have to admit that I liked the current state of things much more than Cameron's. It seemed more plausible here that the resistance has a fighting chance. There's enough inconsistencies in all of the movies that I don't bother with continuity anymore. Starting with T2, each film has tried to bring it's visual wow-factor to the mix, and this one doesn't disappoint. I give it two-thumbs up for enjoyment. Its no Ghosts of Girlfriends Past but, then again, what is?
  22. Nope, unless you count my wife... HAR HAR, um... har. Seriously, no. But we're in a very pollen-ridden area. It gets everywhere, even indoors. Maybe I'll give it a twice-over, but the vents themselves seem clean. There could be dust deep down, though.
  23. I've tried, but am having problems sifting through 20 pages of thread, and the search function finds too many false hits... Q: Anyone have any ideas on why my PS3's fan is ramping up now after 2 minutes of play? DVDs, BDs, PS2 games, PS3 games, it doesn't take long until my fan is whirring away at high speed. This is a recent change, starting about a month ago. I don't recall it happening along with a firmware update, either. The unit stands vertically on wire shelving with no other heat source around and has plenty of breathing room. It has been vacuumed per Sony's recommendations to no effect. ??? The one-year warranty is up in a couple of weeks, so I don't know if I should bug Sony about this or not.
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