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the white drew carey

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Everything posted by the white drew carey

  1. Ture, but imagine the audience the person who created that video was probably actually going for: regular joes who may, or may not, enjoy video games and who also liked Top Gun. I am assuming THAT was the inspiration for the tongue-in-cheek moment of seeing a dude in a Maverick flight suit playing a flying video game. Oh well, I wash my hands of the affair.
  2. I think it is kind of funny* how Loner links a humorous video of someone in a flight suit playing a game (ace combat?) and you guys are ragging on the player for not having a good enough sim pit. *and by 'funny' I mean somewhat sad. I can understand and appreciate fanboyism but for some reason this just makes me depressed by the internet.
  3. Never satisfied, are you?
  4. For every neat/cool Gundam design, there are about fifty stupid looking ones.
  5. I think any sequels will fall into the same problem films like The Matrix has. You create a stand-alone film and, when it does well, you tack on two sequels to make it a trilogy which screws up the narrative flow as a whole.
  6. This is such an awesome thread that deserves to exist. I want to make a placeholder for the next time they reboot the Star Trek franchise, just so I can be ready for it.
  7. Reading your post hurts my brain.
  8. I was wondering whether the split crotch was just to make it look like its transforming more, but then I photoshopped the crotch unsplit, and saw that the YF-10 would have major long dong issues if it didn't.
  9. A reboot of Cruise Chaser Blassty?!?
  10. Are you trying to say it isn't???
  11. and how could everyone forget ?!?
  12. We had an I Am Legend marathon a year or two ago, where we watched the three films directly based on the novel. "The Last Man On Earth" with Vincent Price was the most faithful to the novel, while Will Smith's "I Am Legend" was the most entertaining. That being said, "The Omega Man" and "I Am Legend" totally lose the whole point of the story. The end of "I Am Legend" even tries to re-interpret the reason that he is, well... legend.
  13. Three words: read the book. The Road (film) is a good adaptation, but the stylistic approach Cormac McCarthy uses in the novel leaves you even more barren inside than the movie does. One of the best novels I have ever read.
  14. Actually, 'unobtanium' has been around since the 50's in both real-word engineering and sci-fi. Cameron didn't even make that up.
  15. Well, now I don't even want to color it myself! How could I ever top that!?!
  16. Just an FYI- I just unpacked my U.S. 80GB PS3 and plugged it into the outlet here in France and, as I already knew, its working just fine. So, I'm back online PS3 ID: dewhitedrewcarey Woohoo!
  17. Great work, Poli! Quite different from the norm for you!
  18. Wow, it is like reliving our first times vicariously through Gubaba.
  19. Hey guys! Maybe I using the wrong search criteria or something, but I'm curious if anyone knows where I can get information on dual-voltage home cinema systems. We had to hand off my trusty old Aiwa shelf system when we moved here to France, but the wife is kind of against getting a new one if we're only going to be able to use it in the time we are living here. However, if I can find a reasonably priced dual-voltage system that we can take back to the states, that would be helpful in my argument for getting a new one. Any help or direction would be greatly appreciated!
  20. Now that is shock an awe. Make me think of Izzard's 1st Battalion Transvestite Brigade.
  21. What I think is possibly one of the most exciting moments in any media- past, present, or future.
  22. The Battlstar Galactica is made of people!!!
  23. Nice work Diva. May I ask what you use to color them? The coloring is so well done!
  24. OK, so I didn't get much done this weekend, but I have been hemming and hawing over Sheryl 2 since I finished it. After some soul-searching, I decided to go in and digitally manipulate some of the inkwork and move things around a bit. Essentially, I lengthened her right arm and, even though it still looks a bit wonky, I'm hoping that color and shading will clarify what's going on with what. I also brought her right breast out over her right arm and rounded it out a bit, as well as bringing in the left breast just a bit so that they look a bit better. Finally I brought down her right shoulder. They are minor changes, but I think it improves te overall image.
  25. OK, so here is Sheryl version 2. I kept her kind of saucy, but I think this pose is a lot more realistic. If I color it right, her knockers will just POP OUT at you! OK, and here's the VF-25 with Super packs. I know I probably got some of the details wrong but, hopefully, after coloring no will notice (or care too much) Still working on Alto v2...
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