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the white drew carey

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Everything posted by the white drew carey

  1. Not entirely implausible. Assuming the statue is really old and, also assuming, that is constructed in a similar manner to other ancient Egyptian statues (which were, and are, notoriously unstable, all things considered), the wave itself would probably have been enough to send it crashing to the ground. A glancing blow by a ship such as the Black Rock is just the icing on the cake.
  2. Another question is: Is this really the first time Jacob has used a proxy, or is he just as nefarious, yet subtler than, the Man in Black?
  3. No that this is a surprise but as we know the island also moves, we now know that, at one point, it was somewhere in the Atlantic (Black Rock starts in the Canary Islands, and is heading to the New World when it crashes). I am am still of the impression that: A) The island is the inspiration for the mythical city of Atlantis (NOT what the myths say Atlantis is) -and- B) That who is actually the good guy, Jacob or Smokey, may end up being reversed by the end of the season.
  4. And yet everyone goes crazy when the PAK-FA takes off, flies around for a little under an hour, and then lands. Hmmm... I think it is still neat and interesting. The progress of private spaceflight is moving faster than I expected, and considering recent slashes to NASA's program, this is probably going to be the best we'll get for a while.
  5. I noticed that. To be honest, I figured you cut to the chase for a good reason, and didn't even bother to check what was before it. I trust your judgment in these matters.
  6. Lame music, awesome video. I think #3 should be #1, just for sheer balls.
  7. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=32554 Datterboy has created a thread where he has taken it upon himself to lay down ground rules on who can or cannot post images (invite only for images, anyone can comment). I find it troublesome that a member feels he can create posting guidelines for individual threads, and only slightly less so that a Mod has not done something about this yet (from what I can tell). While understanding that the Mods typically have their hands full policing threads which have high chances for trouble-making, I still think that this is something that should be nipped in the bud. I would think that MW members should never presume to dictate who can post in their threads. That is a privilege given to the Moderating team who voluntarily polices this site.
  8. Trust me, I've seen a lot of HBO series, and I know how they operate. That is exactly why I am worried that ten eps won't be enough, even with all of the storytelling they can fit in. If you read the books, you'll see what I mean. GRRM doesn't waste much time, either. And a whole lot happens in his books (except for maybe A Feast for Crows which, hopefully, will be combined with the forthcoming A Dance with Dragons and then split into two seasons).
  9. That guy in the cockpit = photoshopped purple shirt.
  10. According to Winter is Coming, a website devoted to news regarding the TV adaptation, HBO programming execs saw the pilot episode in late January and have now decided to pick up 9 more episodes (for a total of 10, including the pilot). It is unknown if those new episodes will be judged by HBO during filming to see if they like where the series is going, and then they will make a full season commitment, or if 10 episodes is all they plan for season 1. Personally, I prefer the former. 10 one-hour long episodes simply isn't enough to cover the first book without heavy editing of the storyline, editing which will eviscerate the story to such a point that it will probably be very weak. Let's see what happens. Also, HBO has released their first bit of promotional material:
  11. My vote is fake. Along with the questionable 'details' that everyone has been mentioning (the 51 and red star) if you watch the takeoff video, you can see the exact moment with the photo was taken, as the plane lifts off moments before it passes a group of observers and a photographer on the ground. At 0:16 in you can see the observers, the photographer is the only one not wearing black, and he is in the middle of the crowd. Then at 0:36-0:38 is the takeoff, with the plane passing the observers at 0:38. Between the angle of the photo, the position of the plane, the shadows (indicating time of day), and the level of snow on the ground; deductive reasoning shows a high probability that the debut flight is when the photo was taken, with the paint scheme and markings photoshopped in later.
  12. Remember the days when it only took a year or two (sometimes less) to go from the drawing board to operational status. Man, those were the days.
  13. Well, that didn't take long.
  14. This thread could go for several more pages just based on bad Gundam designs... NRX-055 Bound Doc
  15. I don't know... I mean, the game rocks and I spent many, many hours blowing on the cartridge so I could get it to play... But the memory of the game itself doesn't drive me to play it over and over again like the others on my list. I'll one-up you and throw Donkey King down over Super Mario Bros. Tober- I forgot about Marathon... good choice.
  16. Galaga - simply a classic Romance of the Three Kingdoms II - The perfect blend of the management and combat strategy. System Shock - I am replaying this game now (or, when I actually have a free moment), and while the graphics and plot don't hold up so well 16 years later, I am reminded of the amount of detail and sheer enjoyability of the game that made me love it so much when it came out. Front Mission III - just pure awesome. Considering I have not been able to play FMV this is, to me, the best entry in the series.
  17. I an imagine the creative process there... some guy folds a paper airplane, turns it upside down, and then thinks "brilliant!"
  18. All right, got it to work. Basically, I went into Display and changed it from Component to Composite, when I went to the next scree it said (in nice terms) "Yo, you got a component on this thing, up to 1080i, why the hell do you want to switch to Composite?!?" And then it worked. Weird, though...
  19. Still no luck. It simply doesn't give me the option to change the resolution. I really don't want to reset my settings and hope that works.
  20. I'm having a bit of a problem. I turned my PS3 on today, and about a second after it turned on, it beeped again. When I turn to look at the TV, it is only displaying in 480i. I checked my Display Settings, and it recognizes that I am using Component Cables, but it just says that I am at 480i resolution and doesn't give me the option to change it when I go through the process of selecting them again, it only lets me choose the widescreen or standard. ??? I have tried powering down, removing power, removing and reinserting the cable... nothing seems to work.
  21. I like how that is what you take away from my post.
  22. By that same logic, Square should have never released an FF game on a PS system... As it was exclusively Nintendo before. Loyalty only goes so far when there is money to be made.
  23. Too many letters. By one... go figure!
  24. Not to knock Jason Momoa, but he just doesn't fit the image of the character. Besides, if Game of Thrones gets picked up, he should stay to being busy playing Khal Drogo (a character he fits the image of much better). However, that Marius Pudzianowski looks too much like an over-grown man child. There is a point where your body is too big for your head and you just start to look silly. I nominate Conan to play Conan... Conan Stevens, that is. 7 foot tall stuntman from down-under... and he looks like a grizzled badass. Not only that, but he is a fan of Robert E. Howard and prefers faithfulness to the source material in adapted projects he works on.
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