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the white drew carey

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Everything posted by the white drew carey

  1. Yeah, the same with me. I never had this problem until the moment I did the 3.30 update. This leads me to believe that it is not the age of the system, but the update itself.
  2. I think that kind of sums it all up.
  3. I just saw a trailer for the new Robin Hood film, and noticed that they show a beach invasion with oar-driven Higgins boats. WTF? Why does Ridley Scott keep stooping so low? Anyhow, who's interested in this flick, Aye or Nay?
  4. Now THAT would be scary.
  5. Yeah, I've got the same one. But I've never had the fan running this hot before. It stands alone on a well-ventilated shelf, so there aren't any other heat sources giving it problems. Hmm...
  6. Anyone else having problems withe the 3.30 update? Ever since I updated, the fan is running on high constantly, even when I have no disc in and am just sitting on the XMB. It's really kind of abnoxious.
  7. I think that Jacob is just much more nefarious. His calm demeanor belies the fact that he has no problem using people as tools for whatever little game he is playing with MIB.
  8. Oh, yeah... I never thought he is a 'good' guy. Just that he's not the be-all-end-all evil that the show is hinting at (black stone, white stone). My guess is that the story isn't so black and white as they are making it out to be.
  9. I don't know why, but I am still suspecting that MIB is not really the bad guy in all of this.
  10. Hellcyon- not just a crackling good story, but chock full of cultural references from around the world!
  11. And they didn't even put on the landing gears, yet.
  12. Nothing big at all. I had a strip for two years in an independent student newspaper in Madison, WI (daily circulation varied between 16,000 and 20,000), but it was more for the fun of it and quality definitely wasn't the most important thing! Yeah, I am going to be doing the whole creator/writer/artist package with this idea. I've been reading up on the submission guidelines for a lot of the publishers out there but, since this project is going to more of a labor of love than with a direct intent to publish, I am probably going to make a full first issue before I put together submission packages based on the individual publisher's criteria. Thanks for advice!
  13. Congrats, Lonely Soldier Boy! Now I just gotta get my arse in gear on getting my idea ready for submission. Any suggestions?
  14. Remember the old days when you just put in a cartridge, pressed the power button, and you were on your way?
  15. CV-22 Osprey down in Afghanistan. The cause is being investigated, but several militant groups are claiming they shot it down. Incredibly uninformative news blurb.
  16. That's cool and all if you have those systems, but the point still stands that backwards compatibility in not in the Slim's repertoire, hence- it doesn't do everything. I'm just glad I got one of the last backwards compatible systems. Upon moving to France, it would've been a pain to lug my PS2 (which was pretty old and beat up anyway) along as well.
  17. New Jersey REPRESENT!!! (under the left shoulder intake)
  18. "the slim version that only does everything" Except backwards compatibility?
  19. That totally belongs to be preserved somewhere in a museum.
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