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the white drew carey

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Everything posted by the white drew carey

  1. That price point is too much for me. Where's my legit A1 Test Type?
  2. (Note- I've received some assistance on this already from other avenues, but the matter is urgent as they need to have the design in for t-shirt printing by the end of the month, so I am imploring our good MWF community for further assistance) I am designing a 80's mecha manga-style t-shirt for a friend who runs a video series called Live! from The Rock Room, where bands come play in his home studio. I was curious what the best way to write that in Japanese (kanji, hirigana, or both)? Live! (as in a live concert) from (as in transmitting from a location) The Rock (rock as in 'rock and roll') Room (uhhh... like a room) If it helps the last part can either be Rock Room (two words), or Rockroom (one word). I've run it through Google Translate (I know, I know) and come up with several different options based on how I separate the words, and even whether or not certain words (The Rock Room) are capitalized). I am also worried that "Rock" may be translated incorrectly: ライブ! から ザ 岩 ルーム ライブ!岩の部屋から (with capitals) ライブ!ロック室から Any help would be greatly appreciated. The video below is of a band playing there, and my friend who runs this web series is also the one on drums (just to give you a feel for what is going on). I drew this band's first t-shirt 25 years ago, so it is kind of a big thing for us to be collaborating again, even though THIS t-shirt design isn't the one for the band itself (that is a different design I am working on at the same time). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dirddS6MEeA
  3. Yeah, I found that when looking up source material for the SD SDP-1 I drew (which is my profile pic). Boo on you no3Ljm!!!
  4. Curious if there are a lot of add-ons for CSP EX? I tried the demo and the extras like halftones, speed/motion lines, word balloons seem to be quite sparse, and I see that Smith Micro also advertizes a bunch of add-on packs for sale when you look at EX. I don't want to buy a stripped down product and then have to pay more for these extras just to make it viable. Especially since I've spent good money on many of Kyle Webster's excellent brush packs for PS.
  5. Thx! Do you have any artwork / samples you'd like to share?
  6. Hello guys, I have a quick question! Clip Paint Studio EX (formerly Manga Studio) is on sale for cheap now, and I am torn whether or not to get it for my digital art / comic needs. So I was looking for advice. For Photoshop CS6 I have a bunch of the Kyle Webster brush packs which help a lot, and I don't do digital inking, only coloring, ziptones/halftones, and text. I was curious if the extra features and streamlining in CSP EX are worth the cost and effort of learning a new program? I'm particularly curious about the halftone tools are better, and if features like speedlines and other such things are available and easy to use? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
  7. As promised, HERE is a link to the social media contest I am running to win a free t-shirt with this design. Please be sure to check it out, and enter!
  8. Just finished a new one, an SD version of my favorite mecha, Cruise Chaser Blassty. You can see a pic below but, as always, clicking this link helps me and my site stats. The purple background is just to help the eye differentiate between the mecha and the background (as Blassty has a lot of white). I'm also going to run a social media contest on Facebook starting later today, and will post the link once it is going.
  9. Got a new one in the pipeline. Here's a sneak peak of the flatting layer:
  10. Finished another one. As usual image is below, but it would be cool if you followed the link to my site to read about it (and give me some traffic)! http://www.asplenia-studios.com/blog/2016/06/19/gundam-0080-cast/
  11. Nice. Maybe add some smoke effects from the gun and in the bullet holes?
  12. Thanks guys! Remember you can buy this on a t-shirt from my shop! Zinjo- mayhap I can get an SD -25 and -31. I like to aim for the more obscure ones though. In fact, I just came up with a new idea in my head of one of my favorite VF designs (besides the SDP-1!)... if you know me well you can probably guess what it is...
  13. WIP of Bernie, using Kyle Webster's Watercolor brush set for Photoshop.
  14. My first drawing with India ink and nibs. Going to color it in digitally though, but with a nifty watercolor tool.
  15. I've started a new semi-regular art project. Follow the linky to check it out (it has a big animated gif and I don't want to clog MW by posting it here).
  16. Hey, it is done! You can see the image below, but it would be *really* sweet of you if you clicked on this link to visit my page... http://www.asplenia-studios.com/blog/2016/06/03/super-deformed-sdp-1-stampede-valkyrie/
  17. New WIP in action.
  18. It is. I don't have one, lost in due to an accident when I was 17.
  19. (Mods - I know that this isn't technically other anime or sci-fi but, considering that is all I ever draw at Asplenia Studios, it would be really kind of you to let this one slide for the moment until I close the poll) HELP NEEDED! Please read below, view the image, and then click the link to vote in the poll. I need your help in choosing a Japanese version of the Asplenia Studios logo. Through the help of a good friend who is Japanese, we've narrowed it down to two acceptable choices. The two options I have are アスプレニア スタジオ / Asupurenia Sutajio, which is the phonetic adaptation of the name (phonetic translations of foreign words is common in Japanese) -or- 無脾症 スタジオ Muhishō Sutajio, which has the direct translation of Asplenia but, because of this, uses two different character sets. He also explained the native Japanese may be put off by using the actual word for Asplenia, as it implies sickness or illness. Once input has been received, I will then redraw the characters so that they better match the font used in the primary Asplenia Studios logo. Click here for the poll, and thank you for all of your help: http://goo.gl/dm6N8w
  20. You can see the image here, but it would still be really cool if you visited my page to read me babble about it and maybe give me an extra page hit or so.
  21. Hey MW! I'm looking for a specific image and am having a helluva time finding it. I'm thinking specifically of the super-deformed version of the popular image of the fully loaded Strike VF-1S in an action pose, pointing its GU-11 directly at you. Anyone know where I can find this?
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