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the white drew carey

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Everything posted by the white drew carey

  1. It is like a little cigarette! Seriously, don't those engines look a little small? Maybe they are, like, really good engines.
  2. Wow. That was a long time ago. Damn, am I old.
  3. It doesn't come out here in France until the 24th. And then I have to find a theater that is showing it in English...
  4. I thought I'd never say this about Karl Urban, but his helmet too big.
  5. Vewwy interestink.
  6. Uh-oh. Iran takes to the water... then the air!
  7. To be honest, I get more of a Gunstar feel from that than I do VF-X-4. Also, why does it have headlights? You'd think headlights on a high-speed fighter are kind of pointless... maybe even detrimental. "I lost him!" "Just look for his headlights!"
  8. We are currently on the train in the French countryside and two fully loaded French Air Force Mirage 2000's just went tearing right over us at about 100 meters off of the ground. Dope!!!
  9. Well, the repair worked, for the time being. Got the game out and will do backups a little more regularly. Million Star- My PS3 started acting up after the 3.20 update. The fan would be running high after about 30 seconds to a minute of use, and it just all around didn't sound good. Then, on Friday, my wife was playing a game for a while earlier and when I came back to turn the system off about an hour later, no joy. Thing wouldn't even boot. Fan revs for about a second, then the YLOD, beep-beep-bee-, and then the dreaded flashing red light.
  10. Well, my 80gb PS3 bricked yesterday. I will be attempting Gilsky's YLOD reflow repair either today or tomorrow. Updates will be forthcoming...
  11. US Aerospace/Antonov out for being '5 minutes late'?!? Wow.
  12. Funny lookin! Oh, wait... that doesn't really work here.
  13. Well, when Nolan puts in an intentionally ambiguous ending like that, he is inviting the audience to participate in the film well after its done. I don't think that there can be overthinking in this case.
  14. That's all nice and boobalicious and everything, but there is not enough of a stylistic representation that immediately makes me say PAK FA. So.... not 'nuff said.
  15. Hey MW friends! I am currently in the beginning stages of a project and need to come up with a title. I have narrowed it down to two choices, but am stuck. Please visit the following link to a poll where you can pick which one you like more. I would like you to just look at the two titles and, without Googling them to see what they mean, pick which one piques your interest the most. This is for a sci-fi comic project, so I think it qualifies as 'on topic'. Poll location Thanks in advance!
  16. Hmmm... if the price is right, I might just have to ignore the wife and buy one. I absolutely adore the FSS mecha designs!
  17. Are we going to be tested on this?
  18. I can't see this because my wife is a geneticist. For the same reason I couldn't go see 10,000 BC because a lot of our friends are anthropologists. Seriously, having scientists for friends (and spouses) can sometimes ruin a movie going experience.
  19. That photo is pretty damn dope.
  20. True, but wrestling is scripted to follow storylines, giving it a sense of fiction. MMA is just pure asskicking. So does this mean I can finally start a Curling appreciation thread!?!
  21. Because I know there are some F-212 lovers out there.
  22. Actually, I completely agree with that sentiment, and almost posted the same thing before deciding to be a bit more tactful.
  23. It may just be me (probably is), but attractiveness in a plane, especially military, is not based on aesthetic qualities, but how well it does it's job.
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