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the white drew carey

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Everything posted by the white drew carey

  1. I got that, but my point is that the light from the moon is just albedo, and that there is a primary source that is lighting that moon- something that is strong enough to light that moon would also have some effect on the bottom side of that ARMD-07 (but definitely not the topside of the valk), yet you have very strong shadows underneath the ARMD. However, you have two verniers going off on the valk, but there is a strong shadow on that part behind the cockpit that is being created by the vernier to the left, although I would think that the vernier directly behind it would counter that shadow. Don't get me wrong, it is pretty damn awesome. But us artists gotta help each other out!
  2. Agreed, but sometimes we have to play with the light and shading to force the viewer to see something normally. I think also the fact that her arm is almost straight up and down can also lead the viewer to first assume that she is using it to prop herself up, which leads to the midget-arm assumption (this is what I first saw and I thought to myself "TheELF wouldn't make a mistake like that," so I focused more to see what was going on).
  3. I think the shading on her right arm needs to be done up a bit to reinforce that it is only shortened due to perspective. When you look at it quickly, it looks like she has a midget arm.
  4. To begin: That is awesome. Great work! I am, however, a bit curious about the lighting source for the valk and the ARMD. Based on the lighting of the moon/planet object, there is a strong light source coming from the bottom right.
  5. Sukhoi Superjet-100 with 44 on board for a demonstration flight has dropped off of the radars in Jakarta.
  6. There seems to be a track record with this guy. He starts a comic about an American moving to France to teach English (after moving to France where he teaches English), and then decides to start a comic about his everyday life after becoming a father (after becoming a father). What a chump!
  7. The producers are planning for ASOS to be in two seasons, so no worries there. I'm kind of miffed with this whole 10-episode season format. Already ACOK is feeling very truncated. I know they are doing their best to fit in what they can, but would a 12-episode season really have hurt HBO, considering this is their #1 hit show? Some of the vibes I have gotten from my non-ASOIAF reading friends is that this season seems much more rushed. Although the pre-existing fanbase can't be denied, this show has attracted a lot of viewers who haven't read the books. I'd hate for it to lose them in the second season.
  8. Be sure to check out the tattoo on the top of his right forearm...
  9. I'm starting a new semi-regular webcomic that will alternate with We Call Them Freedom Fries​. It launches this Thursday, so be sure to come by and check it out!
  10. My most recent blog post about the robot designs I have been doing for my client OTUS Analytics. http://www.asplenia-studios.com/2012/05/introducing-the-dashbots/
  11. Yeah, the visual effects for that movie were one of its few saving graces.
  12. It can't be very Rob Liefeld. The proportions and muscle tone are somewhat realistic. Plus, the art is good.
  13. Interesting... But why does JGL look like Gigolo Joe?
  14. Oh, Keith... always the alarmist. "The Russians are coming! The Russians are coming!"
  15. I'm not posting artwork at the moment, but just wanted to let people know that I am doing an Asplenia Studios Spring FB Fan Drive. The details can be seen here, and you can win some free t-shirts. Who doesn't love free stuff? https://www.facebook.com/AspleniaStudios
  16. Right now one of the pilots is still in the hospital, the other pilot and five people on the ground have been treated and released. From what I read, there are three tenants of the apartment complex that are unaccounted for, but after two separate searches there have been no bodies found, so the hope is that they are out of town for the holiday weekend.
  17. An F/A-18 from Oceana NAS has crashed. http://www.cnn.com/2012/04/06/us/virginia-plane-crash/index.html?hpt=hp_t1
  18. 1) Was the maneuver necessary? No. 2) Ergo: showboating.
  19. What size do you suggest? Eh, I've gotta make a new one, anyway...
  20. Good work 505th!!! Anime52k8- "doin' some artin'" is going to become my new phrase around the house. Good work! I finished the animation. The sound is kind of wonky because A) this is the first time I have ever done sound, and B) the sounds are all public domain files put together with a free sound editor. The company is still working on the countdown page, but you can see an early live version here: http://www.otusanalytics.com/
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