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the white drew carey

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Everything posted by the white drew carey

  1. Not to further muddy the waters, but I was chatting with my lawyer friend who said something very interesting: (Note, this is an unofficial opinion and in no way represents a complete and final interpretation of the law) On thing which was mentioned was the subject of derivitives. While not having a complete understanding of Japanese law, the possibility was brought up that BigWest has essentially been granted all derivitive rights anyhow, and that no court will say otherwise. Why? Because both BigWest and Tatsunoko have been actively in business, where Macross is concerned, for the past 20 years. If Tatsunoko ever felt that they had any rights to derivitives, they definitely should've said so by now. The recent court rulings which state that Tatsunoko paid a majority of production costs for SDF: Macross was proof enough to give them the copyright to the series. But the simple fact that BigWest has been footing the bill for everything else and has been actively promoting the franchise since then would grant them franchise rights. As stated before, this is broad generalization of events with a basic understanding of Japanese law, but apparently situations similar to this have panned out this way in the states.
  2. Actually, the animation mistake is simply a VF-1A with two small lasers coming off of the side. The YV-1R as interpreted by Tommy Yune and HG is a derivitive because they have taken creative license and made their own version of that mistake. The "mistake" VF-1A and the YF-1R are clearly different heads, albeit on the same theme.
  3. I think that Bandai did buy the design off of Matsuhiro. As to derivitives? IIRC, the memorandum (the first thing ruled upon in the courts) did actually state that Tatsunoko cannot make derivitives. Speculation persists (and makes a good argument) that this is why the RT II: Sentinels characters are look different enough as to not be considered derivitives.
  4. Yeah. I'm pretty sure the sound is, in all likelihood, lumped in with the actual animation... except for, as we all know, the music and songs- Since they are owned by Victor. As to the rights themselves? Tatsunoko may be granted certain rights through their ©, but the memorandum still holds as to the actual distribution of those rights and who actually is entitled to benefit from which rights.
  5. What you should do when pasting on the head is use the transform functions after you paste it in but before you flatten it in order to make the perspective match thatof the underlying image. Click on Edit -> Transform-> Skew, Distort and Perspective.
  6. Definitely the second, but you need to do something about the head, it's really screwing up the perspective. What program are you using?
  7. Arcadia? Never heard of it. Wasn't there a "Warzone in Exile" forum for RT.com'ers called Battlefield? What happened to that?
  8. wrylac and even Ben-Man were notable "banned" persons who seem to be doing quite well here these days. The loophole in Dogmatic law (ie- new forums) allowed them to get back in. The Mods stated they're going to keep a close eye on all who have returned, and won't give them much, if any, leeway. I thought I heard someone mention that BoK knew about this, but decided to be a better person and simply insult us from over at RT.com instead of coming over here...
  9. I gots me a question: What's the difference and/or benefits over using the Slidecard and Swap Magic disk system vs. the Swap Magic disk and No Solder Mod Chip system? Is one basically cheaper than the other?
  10. Max knows that YOU like your men big and buff... just like Gah-bunah Ah-nuld!!!
  11. You never know... they might have added that. Maybe you can even shoot at the viewport and watch it vent hundreds of tiny little ppl screaming at their certain deaths. You're terrible!!!
  12. Would be good if I added the picture, eh?
  13. Just for the halibut, here's a screengrab of my current desktop.
  14. You know what'd be nice? If you can stand on the Prometheus' deck and look into the SDF-1 via that huge "picture window" as seen in the beginning of DYRL.
  15. I cried, but for good reasons! I personally think that directly mixing DYRL with the TV Series is an extreme hit or miss concept. Either it's going to screw everything up and hurt Macross, or it's going to be The Bomb and help. I'm thinking with the obvious inclusion of some of the best that both versions of Space War 1 have to offer that this version could very well be the definitive version of Space War 1. It could also be a shrewd and bold attempt to establish BigWest's control of the Macross franchise outside of Japan. It is believed by some that Tatsunoko's rights only include the physical animation, but not the storyline itself. Hence, BigWest might be keeping the basic storyline intact but using what are obviously DYRL-established designs. Designs which ostensibly cannot be claimed in any way, shape or form by HG or, to a lesser extent, Tatsunoko. If you'll notice, the sequence of Max vs. Millia does include Max in his TV VF-1A colors, but the Valk itself looks to be of the DYRL persuasion.
  16. [Comic Book Guy]"Worst... Catwoman... Costume... Ever."[/Comic Book Guy] Agent One- Elton John and Barney? I love you You love me This song is "Candle in the Wind" version 2003.
  17. Yeah, yeah... I know. "Wrong Forum" I'm tired. I've already got a PM to a Mod to switch it to the Fan Works. BTW- Thanks for the nice comments. I live to please.
  18. What BoK is clearly ignoring (besides the obvious mention that M7-Trash is available in France) is that BigWest hasn't blown their chance to spread into the international market. ...or is he completely forgetting the legitimate releases of MacII and Mac+? Jemstone- On a side note, I think BoK is still technically "banned" here. But I could be wrong.
  19. Here's my new picture, which was planned and created with the thought of making it a wallpaper theme. As you can see, the theme is Macross M3 based. Max was sketched and then inked before being scanned and colored in Photoshop. The VF-9 was sketched and then the lines and color was added using Photoshop as well. I know I should've used Illustrator to accomplish the lines, but I just got it and I'm still learning how to use it!!! Here is a link to the full-sized version (1024x768) at Macross Fan Creations for anyone who would like to partake of the image to use as their wallpaper: Just click on the image and it will load up the full-sized version. Don't forget to vote as well!!! (LINK) And, without any further ado, I bring you: Max Jenius M3
  20. Most (if not all) wall scrolls you'll find are bootlegged products anyway (usually evident by the removed UN Spacy logo). If you find a good image, look around for a printer in your area and do a run or two and sell them yerself. Most, if not all, of the other materials (the tubing and string) can be found at a craft store or something of the like.
  21. Keep in mind this high-quality version of the trailer was just released today, so people are downloading it en masse. Be patient with all of the sites and you shall be rewarded. p.s.- if you have good speakers on your computer, turn them up. The music is definitely an integral part of the trailer (as it is with the movies as well).
  22. At The One Ring you can download from several mirrors the new RotK trailer playing before that new Haley Joel Osment vs. The Old Guys movie. I must say, it is spectacular and carries on the grand tradition of Lord of the Rings trailers making my nipples hard enough to cut glass. I just absolutely love this sequence. Frame by frame does no justice to the actual video:
  23. It would be neat to have one of the hardest difficulty levels being simply a realistic weapons load. Hmmm...
  24. Maybe not the game itself, but it's possible that the specifics of the storyline itself will become THE definitive version of Space War I. Hmmm...
  25. You're right. That's definitely the Prometheus and Daedalus on the DYRL-style Macross. On a side note, this sequence is REALLY nice. Notice the Skull insignia on the tailfin of a TV-style Max VF-1A:
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