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the white drew carey

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Everything posted by the white drew carey

  1. Remember that Wrylac's example of BigWest being the ones to shut-down the M7 Trash release is speculation. As of yet we've received no explanation, definitive or vague, about why it has been delayed and/or cancelled.
  2. I wouldn't be surprised if the Pruple Helmet is a tie-in with the new Macross game coming out for PS2. Your squadron in that has a purple scheme.
  3. I think these two pictures bode well for fans of the capital ships and carriers from Gundam.
  4. OK... who can read Japanese? | | | | | V
  5. There is a bastardized english dub called Warriors of the Wind, and it blows chunks. There's an excellent comparison between the Nausicaa version and the Warriors version HERE. The thing that gets me is the cover to Warriors of the Wind. The person in charge of this obviously thought that a movie with a girl as the hero wouldn't fly, so Nausicaa (Zandra) is relegated to the top-right with a poor rendition of the Mehve. Meanwhile, the only other thing seen in the movie is the God Soldier (whom is incredibly out of scale). Other than that, the guy holding up the gun, the "robot thing wearing a cloak", the beast they're riding on and (for God's sake) the dude on the flying horse have absolutely nothing to do with the movie. Silly Americans... always taking a perfectly good story and screwing it up (RT, Battle of the Planets, Warriors of the Wind). This, of course, was the prevelant attitude in the 70's and 80's. That American children could not be subjected to, let alone understand, the stories involved and their sometimes mature nature.
  6. King Arthur: "Look everyone, it's the F-16 drone!" Lancelot: "The F-16 Drone!" Galahad: "The F-16 Drone!" Patsy: "It's only a model..." Everyone: "Shhh!"
  7. You spin me right 'round, Macross. Right 'round, like a record, Macross. Right 'round. Round, round.
  8. You saucy tart!!! It's true though. But I've never seen the original... so I can't complain. I just love when Starscream enters the fray. Oh goodness. How I laughed!
  9. I'm just a post-a-holic!!! P.S.- I guess the Mods, and many members, prefer images to be, at the most, 600 pixels across. Just for future reference. P.S.- keep up the good work!!!
  10. Forgot to add: Go to MAQH.net's mecha section and check out the Macross M3 thread for a feel of Max and Millia color schemes (although the VF-4 is pretty weak). Then adapt accordingly to any VF nbot shown. THAT would be really fun.
  11. Sweet. I'd work on the shading, though. The pylons under the wings should be in shadow, as well as most of the body of the missile. Your best bet is to pick a constant light source and work off of that for the whole piece... especially for somehing such as this. The problem with the DYRL style Millia is that it is, basically, a Hikaru DYRL with extremely limited variations.
  12. I don't know what's funnier... Number 1 or Number 2. I've survived heavy drugs... ...But I've also survived Robotech. And all of the advertising that implies!!!
  13. muswp1- No worries anyways. You're a trusted member of MW (at least to me and several others) whose post count is not a reflection of their actual importance. Posts aren't what make the person... Content is.
  14. I'll tell you what I'm sick and tired of: People always pining in saying "If it was in the fan art section you'd rave about it!" A-Face it. In the opinion of many people here, the artwork sucks. The "Veritech" looks like crap and is incredibly ill-proportioned. The Q-Rau has some serious mechanical issues in regards to it's missiles. The only well drawn thing on the page IS the Q-Rau because it's cut and pasted from the original Japanese material. The artist couldn't even take the time to draw the it himself... And that's what he gets paid to do!!! With every cover I've stated that I like the coloring work and this one is no exception. It's the drawings themselves which blow chunks. The problem we have with the paintscheme is their simple inability to follow an extremely easy continuity. Without knowing who's fault it is, we can't really blame anyone specific. But it's still an incredibly bad error. B- Moving on to your statement about the Fan Works- Yes, we rave for the fan works. Why? Not always because they're always good. We give major kudos to the fan art submissions because someone drew it simply for their own personal enjoyment and the love of Macross. We provide constructive criticism which has helped many of our fan artists (including myself) on their next project. And we eagerly anticipate their next work. Not because the do it for pay, and not because they have to. If this picture were done by BoB, Bake-Art, >EXO< or any one of our members, I would comment on the extremely poor quality of the VF. But I wouldn't rip into them because they are not expecting the luxury of money for their work. Meanwhile, these chodes a Udon are supposed to be Professionals and yet can't even get their details straight. Do you now understand why we praise the Fan Art and yet lambast the "professional" work? Right... that's pretty mature.
  15. "Variant Cover" my ass. No, sir! The EDSEL isn't a horrible mistake! It's a Variant Automobile! i think you're misreading it (or i'm misreading you). they're not claiming that the wrong colour scheme is a variant issue. they are saying the second cover (ie. the variant issue; each RT comic has an A and a B cover) was improperly coloured. It looks to me like they're saying the variant cover was never published.
  16. Actually, Tatsunoko can't air SDF: Macross on TV or sell the DVD's in Japan. Regardless of the rights they have they are still bound by the Memorandum which basically puts BigWest in charge of the broadcast of the TV Series in Japan and Tatsunoko in charge of the int'l broadcast rights.
  17. A- I was pointing out that the scenario he presented would prove HG to be the lying company that it is and that evidence already exists that throws severe doubt on HG's claim of a big "Saban Headhunting Expedition" being the reason why previous Macross productions have been licensed outside of Japan without Tatsunoko or HG's inclusion. B- My point, as a whole, is the assertion that Tatsunoko, nor HG, ever did anything in the past because they don't hold those rights. All I'm saying is that the proof is in the pudding. ...BTW- What the heck doesn that mean, anyway?!?
  18. Well, we don't know if it was Kawamori who came up with the character (or do we?)... but that's still pretty neat.
  19. Nah... it's not nitpicking. It's outright criticism of the poor quality of the artwork. Speaking of which, in regards to the Q-Rau on the cover- Do you think the artist had the common decency to at least trace the original, or do you think they used the cheap-o shortcuts they've utilized before and just cut & pasted it the original source material*? *as seen on page 172 of Perfect Memory, as well as other Macross and RT-related materials.
  20. IE- Someone screwed up. "Variant Cover" my ass. No, sir! The EDSEL isn't a horrible mistake! It's a Variant Automobile!
  21. Your rebuttal is very funny. Really. You seem to be saying that it's perfectly OK for a company to completely ignore their rights being trampled and then only start making a beef about it once those rights show an acceptable level of profitability. Sure, a court of law isn't going to tell them how to run their business. But it surely will chastise them for thinking the court is stupid if they try to use this as an excuse. Tatsunoko is a large corporation and I don't think a large corporation like that would allow Macross derivatives to be licensed internationally if, as HG claims, they hold those international rights... regardless of profitability. Well, that's where you and I differ. I don't believe HG's weak excuses and their pathetic claims while you do. If you propose to see the amazing coincidence of HG's "sudden awareness" as simply "Good Business Sense", than I fear for your understanding of how companies and corporations really work. HG's excuse of Mac+ "slipping by" is simply a weak attempt at placating the RT fanbase and not in any way an accurate reflection of the truth. Anyone who knows the facts will see this as a nothing but garbage. Garbage which cannot be held up in court because of it's own contradictory nature.
  22. You can use the same criteria for HG in what they do for RT and licensing it out. I think you understand the point I was getting at in regards to BigWest's handling of the franchise, but you are intentionally being obtuse. Let's try again, shall we? What has been done, internationally, for Macross while under BigWest's control? DYRL. Macross II. Macross Plus. License of Macross Plus toys to Toycom. Attempt to release VF-X2 in North America by Bandai (mind you, this was an actual working GAME, not a failed attempt like Crystal Dreams). Sure, this is only a spattering of the multitude of products released under the Macross license under BigWest's control. True, most of which were never licensed internationally. In case you doubt, go to MW Main and click on Ads, Books, Collectibles, Games, Magazines, Models, Music, Video, Toys or Unreleased. Then try to tell me that BigWest hasn't done a lot for the Macross franchise. Now, why wasn't all of this licensed internationally before? Probably because anime was simply a niche genre outside if Japan, especially here in the U.S. until the late 90's. I wouldn't doubt that the industry here in the states has grown tenfold, if not more, since then. Before that, only the biggest titles received a legitimate release (hmm... MacII and Mac+?). Other than that us fans had to rely on bootlegs and fandubs/subs. But now, even titles 20 years old are being picked up and released officially here in the U.S. Sounds like a perfect chance for Macross to really go international, eh? But right about the time that anime became mainstream (as well as extremely profitable) in the U.S. and Macross started gaining a surge in popularity, HG suddenly chimes in... ...FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER SINCE THEIR INVOLVEMENT WITH MACROSS... ...and suddenly says that they own everything Macross outside of Japan. DYRL, MacII and Mac+ simply "slipped by." Does that sound a little convenient to you? Because it sure does to me.
  23. If the guy's not a good mecha artist, get someone who is and have them collaborate on the covers. Don't send an orangutan to do a chimpanzee's job, and vice-versa. I can understand if Long Vo is more of a figure artist and less of a mecha artist. There's absolutely nothing wrong with that. But then the fact remains that he shouldn't be the person drawing mecha on the cover of a mecha-intensive comic.
  24. I think the issue of the ownership of derivatives is far from settled, and I'm of the opinion that Bigwest will be granted the proverbial franchise license to Macross. Why? There's the obvious reason that, until HG made a stink in 2000 causing BigWest to take legal action, Tatsunoko didn't say or do anything in regards to derivatives (except for direct or indirect involvement with DYRL) or the fact that they were being licensed outside of Japan without their supposed consent. But there is other circumstantial evidence which could possibly lead to a BigWest controlled franchise: A- BigWest has invested enormous amounts of money into the production, marketing, advertisement, etc. of Macross sequels and, essentially, the Macross franchise itself. To have the franchise stripped from them and handed to a company who hasn't cared to do anything about it would, in my opinion be an odd decision for a court to make. B- Tatsunoko's abandonment of Macross could hurt any claim they make regarding ownership of the franchise. Tatsunoko was granted (at the very least) international distribution rights to Macross. When they transferred/sold/shared/licensed (no one really knows) those rights to HG, HG essentially ripped the heart out of the Macross story and used it for one part of the RT saga. Afterwards, Tatsunoko joined with HG in perpetuating RT, instead of Macross, by working with them on RT II: Sentinels. Now they are working with HG again on a new RT series as well. It's obvious that Tatsunoko has no intentions of ever continuing the Macross franchise as envisioned by it's creators. This is another reason why I believe that Bigwest will ultimately be allowed to continue the Macross franchise as they see fit. Given, these are just personal opinions, and in no way reflect any legal precedence. The simple fact is, Tatsunoko chose Robotech over Macross. I say let them have it. edit: poor punquashion
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