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the white drew carey

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Everything posted by the white drew carey

  1. Yeah, some studios don't region code their BRs. My Freedom box set, purchased in the USA, runs just fine on my European PS3. Also, sometimes a movie is region-coded depending on where you buy it (example, the Game of Thrones Season 1 box set for France is region locked, but the box set for the UK is region-free.
  2. Yeah, i picked up the BR set when it came out. Watched it over a weekend with the missus who really enjoyed it. My wife asks why more anime can't be like that... sigh.
  3. "Clean those planes! And when you're done, clean the floor as well!" "Yessir!"
  4. The last film kind of turned me off. I'll wait until I can torrent... errr, rent it.
  5. I don't think the nose and mouth are too big. If anything, I think the upper lip is a bit funky. It is missing that 'heart shape' and looks a little flat along the top. But you are totally right. The thumbnail doesn't do it any justice.
  6. I like how the propeller sits in Battroid mode. As opposed to the P-38, this one can still use it for propulsion. Excellent work!
  7. I'm not familiar with the character b/c I haven't seen Southern Cross and I barely watched this part of RT but... pretty cool overall. To everyone viewing, be sure to click for the larger version. You get a much better feel for the illustration!
  8. Thanks for the thoughts. Actually, everything in the Max and Milia is reduced in size from the original. The difference in linework between the characters and the valks was intentional, although for good or bad is up to the viewer. The Dashbots were a lot of fun to create, and there is still more to come with them. I'm glad you picked up the two main sources for Callidus, as they are based on two of my all-time favorite mecha (along with NT-1 Alex and Cruise Chaser Blassty)!
  9. Yeah, it ties in with the previous strip where the dad is taking the photo, and his shirt says Big Daddy. I'm telling ya': this strip is going to be chock full of references.
  10. I promise I won't post every strip of GAMERGEEKDADDY. But I felt this one fits here because there is a lot of sci-fi/geek (and Macross) homage in today's strip. As always, you can see the original post here: http://wp.me/p277FG-nk
  11. Thanks TheELF! Yeah, Millia's valk pose is original and didn't use any references. Because of this, the FASTpacks on the back aren't nearly the right proportions, and the lower right leg looks a little short to me. Max's valk is pulled from someone's CGI build that I pulled off of the net doing an image search. Even still, some of those proportions seemed a bit off to me so I tried to make some adjustments. Yes! Please point me to those star brushes. In fact, almost everything I use in PS CS4 is stock except for a multifill filter, so if you want to share any tools that you prefer, I'm always all ears! Also, as you can all probably see, I used a lot of gradients for Max and Millia, but kept the colors on the valks solid with no gradients. As TheELF said, it creates a "lost animation cel" look, but the more modern coloring for the human characters kind of bring it into the new millennium.
  12. I think it is hilarious (and cool) that you still use that Millia drawing I did as your avatar.
  13. Thanks guys. I did a lot of studying into how Valks were colored back in the DYRL? days in order to get this right. As usual, there is a ton of stuff I'd like to go back and fix, but what's done is done. Of course, I have this saved in a large format, too. So if anyone wants a desktop-sized copy, let me know. There is also a test image done on 14"x17" paper completely in marker, with the most notable differences being the coloring of Millia's hair, more line work on the Valks, and a slightly different pose for Millia's VF-1J. But I'm not sure if I am going to finish that one up (I basically gave it a black background, and have to solidify that which takes up a lot of ink). Maybe I'll post it just to be a completist?
  14. To see a larger version, and read about it, please visit the original post on my website HERE
  15. I may be wrong, but I think that was intentional. I get the feeling that this is like photograph and the photographer says something like, "Hey! Millia!" and then snaps the shot right as she looks up.
  16. Yeah, I got through the first line of opening narration and stopped.
  17. I can't remember who did that design first but, yes, that is the one I was referring to! Keep reading in the future. There will be a lot of subtle references, and many Macross ones, too!
  18. Roz is simply a means by which they can further the plot and/or deepen the main characters by having them confide their deepest secrets or most ardent desires to some random whore.
  19. Seeing all of this recently posted great work by TheELF and Macross Fanboy led me to revisit the project seen in my animated profile pic. Version 0.5 is up and 0.6 is coming soon!
  20. Good ideas. I'm excited to see what you have come up with. You have really caught that anime coloring in a way I can never seem to emulate.
  21. GAMERGEEKDADDY drops today. If you guys could be cool and check it out directly on my site (no viruses, yo) to boost my stats, that's be great! http://www.asplenia-studios.com/gamergeekdaddy-comic-2/
  22. Here is what I would suggest. I hope you don't mind me grabbing it and doing this. It is very rough. I know I may be being over-critical here, but these are some of the first thoughts that came to my mind when I saw this. Something about the lightsourcing didn't rub me right.
  23. Well, I think that with your desire to put her in a saucy pose, you've kind of (haha) painted yourself into a corner. I guess if we had the power and time to go back and make changes, I would angle her arm a little to the left (it does kind of look like they are both pointing at something only a few inches from their fingers (ie- mid-air). I mean, it's not so terrible that you need to worry too much about it. Just keep it in mind for your next great drawing. Yes. It is all me.
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