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the white drew carey

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Everything posted by the white drew carey

  1. I've tried to clean up the VF-11 blank. Go HERE and click on the picture to see the full-sized (1500 pixels across) version.
  2. Start referring them to the older threads or something. This thread needs to start progressing. It's been the same thing over and over for the last 10 pages. It's frustrating to moderate, since I have to read the whole damn thing. I keep reading the same crap. I'll volunteer to moderate it. All of Wrylac's posts will suddenly disappear!!! Just kidding. If I make his posts go away, I'll simply be right all the time (as usual), but no one will know who was wrong!!! Goodness... I kill me!!! One thing I'm curious about (and also a reason I don't think BigWest was only granted Moral Rights and barred from the ability to create derivaties): So, If BigWest/Studio Nue were granted copyright of the design elements but, as Wrylac states, not derivative rights, what the hell good are they then? The design elements are all fine and dandy if you have the copyright. But if your allowed to make derivative designs (DYRL Valk, anyone... it IS a derivative), but not allowed to create a story with those designs included, it doesn't really matter at all? In order to use those derivative designs, you'd have to create a whole 'nother story that isn't set in the Macross universe (remember, this is assuming that Tatsunoko owns the story as well). At that point, they wouldn't be derivatives, now would they? But, here's another interesting point: The affirmation of Tatsunoko's copyright, as well as HG's sudden realisation of their ownership of Macross, means that they can enforce their rights, correct? Then I would think that neither HG, nor Tatsunoko, can ever use the Legioss/Alpha design or the design for that tank-thing in Southern Cross. Why? Because those designs are obviously derived from the Valkyrie design which is owned and copyrighted by BigWest/Studio Nue. The each have a regular vehicle mode, a GERWALK mode (an idea directly stolen from Kawamori, to say otherwise would be lies) and a Robot mode. I think a strong enough case could be made that Tatsunoko has created derivatives based on the copyrighted designs by Kawamori. Now, I'm sure the courts wouldn't aloow them to do anything about past infractions, but if Tatsunoko/HG continues to infringe on BigWest/Studio Nue's rights by using designs so clearly based on Kawamori's, I'd think that they'd have to be stopped. Hmmm?
  3. No, what I was referring to is the fact that I'm still not convinced that BigWest was only granted moral rights and Tatsunoko was granted everything else. Your explanation for this seems, to me, to be lacking. The translation you received did not say that, although you claim that it actually does and that your translator was in error. And then your proof of this is a connect-the-dots theory based on, of all things, a Babelfish translation. I know the CHARTS (no need to yell) don't lie. I wasn't arguing that at all. It's just that I don't believe your theory that BigWest was only granted moral rights and nothing else. Hence, I find any theory you base upon that evidence as faulty.
  4. It seems that you're trying to emulate me by making one of those wild "leaps." Tatsunoko has never said, or done anything to give anyone the idea, that they planning on enforcing what you claim is their copyright*. For you to say so in such a definite manner leaves much more to be desired than my self-proclaimed personally held theories and conclusions. In the long run, I highly doubt that Tatsunoko will ever try to stop BigWest from releasing Macross derivatives. I also doubt that they'll do anything if BigWest licenses further Macross products outside of Japan. I do, however, think that HG will always try to make a stink if BigWest tries to license further Macross products in North America. But only for North America. *(I say this because you still haven't provided evidence supporting your "moral rights/exculsive rights" assertion)
  5. HERE is some goofy stuff.
  6. As of yet, no challenge or ruling has been made regarding any derivative Macross project.
  7. I think he know how rabid Macross fans can be. I think he also knew the fervor and speculation that such a statement would make. Kawamori's a merry prankster.
  8. Fox Force Five?
  9. Draykov- 1) Thanks for the info. 2) In the future, could you resize your pics to 600-700 pixels wide? This is a little unofficial rule to keep the size down, and also show the whole picture on screen without having to scroll side to side.
  10. At least be kind enough to post a blank or provide a link to the blank so's we can join in.
  11. BigWest and Studio Nue together in this.
  12. The link for the fliptop is in the middle of one of Big 'O's rebuttles in the piracy argument. So, for those who don't want to bother: Here's the link to the Fliptop cover. $20 for the cover only, $35 for the cover and the bootdisk. S&H are extra.
  13. Hip, Hip- HOORAY!!!
  14. It reminds me more of Warhammer40K... I've never gotten into Spawn, though.
  15. Personal opinion: I wouldn't read too much into the fact that Tatsunoko credited Studio Nue in such a way. It's probably not very Earth-shattering. But, to make note of Wrylac's statement, I was of the understanding that the additional episodes added after the series was trimmed down were culled from Kawamori's material. That's possibly why it specifically credits Studio Nue with the "Original Story." Now, that being the case, I'm curious whether or not it means anything that it credits "Original Story", and not something along the lines of "Based on an Original Story". But until we get Mr. Owl in here, the world may never know...
  16. Can someone copy and post the pics. The website doesn't seem to be working correctly for me.
  17. It's the flightsuit design from the Macross M3 game. I took a couple of liberties with this, as well as the previous Max wallpaper. Mainly in making the metallic parts of the flightsuit a tad darker than they are portrayed in the game.
  18. Wow, wrylkac. I'll admit it: you've really got me with the "varying and inconsistent" fiasco. I'll agree with you that BigWest's statement that they took Tatsunoko to court affirm (BigWest's) copyright to SDF:Macross isn't correct, but the statement, as a whole, isn't inconsistent or varying. This letter being, to my knowledge, the only offical statement from BigWest regarding this matter, it cannot, by it's singular nature, contradict anything else. There is nothing else to vary from or set a basis of consistency, you see. So, what you're trying to tell us is that BigWest is lying. But since HG never seems to lie*, I guess you've got us all stumped. *Except for the plethora of facts and information that proves that HG has lied and distorted base facts into a PR campaign on a regular basis. But it's pointless to argue that point because you, in general, believe they're statements, while I, in general, don't. But you know, at least we agree on something...
  19. You have the option to pilot one when you play as her in Macross M3 for the Dreamcast.
  20. Remember this: Max Jenius M3 wallpaper? Well, now there's a Millia one. Same theme as before. First off, I must apologize to Dangard Ace. I said I would draw a Kakazaki for him, but I'm having a big brainfart on that one and needed to whip something out to placate myself that I've still got it... Secondly, I think Lightning 06 should be quite happy here, since he suggested something along these lines in the Max Jenius M3 thread. As always, this picture is also posted up at Yellowlightman's Macross Fan Creations site at normal wallpaper size (for those who'd like to partake). Simply follow this link: Millia Jenius M3 wallpaper, click on the picture itself to load up the full-sized version and then download to disk. It's as simple as that!!! Anyhow, here's the MW-sized version... enjoy:
  21. I got into BGC via a friend who had a copy of the music videos. That was it. But damn was it good enough for me!!! Certain scenes of the animation failed to work at all, which kind of stinks. But I agree that one of the best animated mecha sequences was DD... the whole juxtaposition of that things walking worked so damned well.
  22. It's not even one. I just used the paintbrush and the color orange to make a general idea of the symbol.
  23. Scratch that... I think they were called Motoslaves. You might be thinking of Bubblegum Crisis 2040. You should check out the first series. Much better, in my opinion. Here's a pic from the first series of the motoslave transformed around Priss.
  24. Alot of stuff after Z Gundam has transformable MS (notably anything labeled VMsAWRrs- Variable Mobile Suit and Wave Rider System). Dorvack and Escafolwne. Bubblegum Crisis had those motorcylce/powersuits (Motoriders or something like that)...
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