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the white drew carey

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Everything posted by the white drew carey

  1. "Damn you, Calee-foh-niah!!! Why won'tchoo appwoove my budjit plahn!!! Now I muzt go-ahnd appwoove a plahn to bow-whoa 10 bee-llion doll-ahz widdout vot-ah appwooval!!!"
  2. Would that be Keanu Reeves?? Mark Walberg?? Paul Walker?? Lemme know if I'm gettin warm! I understand if yall hate the actors (Can't stand Angelina Jolie, Myself) but to hate a fictional period movie of its inaccuracies is pretty moot in this MacrossWorld board. Especially one that's not claiming to be the most accurate portrayal of Medieval Japan ever caught on film. I'll watch it on DVD. So no one will bother me with their pitiful critiques (Like when I watched Kill Bill). Keep guessing JRock Afleck? The wife and I are going to see it tonight. I'm kind of unsure about it because while I'm able to get past Cruise not being a great actor (he's not as bad as some people try to make out... there are a lot worse who make the big bucks, too), I'm afraid I might get a tad too emotional with the plight of the Samurai... especially when they go up against a modern army.
  3. IIRC, wasn't Shin at AnimeIgo pretty much the driving force behind the SDF: Macross restorations? Didin't he leave AnimeIgo shortly afterwards to do his own thing? While yes, AnimeIgo did do a good job on the SDF: Macross releases, I still feel kind of shafted that myself and everyone paid $250 pre-release for the boxset when AnimeIgo was saying that that the regular version available in stores would be $300, and then once it is available in stores you can get it for significantly less than $250*. I felt AnimeIgo was just trying to be sure it recoups it's losses, but the fact that they didn't even acknowledge or mention that they overcharged people who pre-bought the set kind of irks me. I voted for Pioneer/Geneon simply because I'm hoping that Geneon can provide the same High-Quality subs/Mid-Quality dubs (which is the best we can ever hope to get) that Pioneer was able to offer. Plus, I think Pioneer was also very good at providing great supplemental material. And I, once again, hope that Geneon can do so as well. (*for example, Best Buy is offering each volume for $19.99, basically, that's $180 for the whole set. $70 less than those who pre-ordered the set at the "discount price" and $120 less than those who preordered were told that everyone else whould have to buy it at once it was generally available. AnimeIgo may do good work with the films, but I think they're about as money-grubbing liars as ADV or HG.)
  4. Anime Magic? I don't think it's as much of an issue as we'd like to make it. I mean, check out the following sequence from the M3 intro. It seems that not only are Max and Millia completely fine with the effects of inertia, but they don't even bother to strap in!
  5. Bugger all of those! I want good close-up pics of the Alex!!!
  6. I remember when the Airplane and Naked Gun movies made me want to crack wise and be silly. I mean, I was only trying to have pun!!! The judge gave me 10 years, out in 4 for good behavior.
  7. www.buyhereordie.com P.S- don't sell Robotech stuff. It's concentrated evil!!! ("huh?" Ka-boom!... [insert final cameo by Connery and crappy George Harrison song])
  8. Here's a little critique I did for your VF-3000. Keep in mind that it is constructive criticism. I do think you are doing an incredibly wonderful job and am only trying to help refine your skills.
  9. Nah. What I sometimes do with the ventral fins is a gentle shading from top to bottom, since they are on the underside of the leg and the base of the fin will probably be somewhat shadowed. But unless the wing is unusually large, I don't bother putting the wing shadow in the ventrals.
  10. Excellent work, Mon Capitan!!! Just a little constructive criticism: -I think the wing's shadow should be a tad wider, as it currently looks, it makes the wing look uber-skinny. I have this problem a lot as well, and you just need to keep fiddling with it. But the actual shading and technique is perfect. -You should possibly add a bt of shadow along the underside of the fuselage and legs as well. That'll give a stronger effect of an overhead light source. Doing this, in conjunction with the wing's shadow, will really complete the effect.
  11. Now that's a bad photoshop.
  12. There's no point in not having them. Far more sci-fi robots through out history have had faces than haven't. Doesn't hurt anything, an entirely superficial statement, and like I said, theren'd be no point in progressing past the standard large VF-1A large camera eye by your standards. As opposed to the mroe stylish eye-visor like VF-1S design. Although I absolutely abhor the Power Ranger faces on the VF's, I have to agree with Keef here. There's no reason to paint mouths on fighter planes, yet it has happened, and still does all the time. That said, I still think that two eyes, a nose and a mouth is one of the stupidest things Kawamori has ever incorporated into his VF designs. ...but that's just me.
  13. In the first frame the perspective on that big green spaceship is all screwy.
  14. Once again: I like the coloring and think it's done very well. But (almost) everything else doesn't work. I think it's cartoony looking, and the mecha and spaceships look too "bubbly" for my tastes. The one frame I actually do enjoy is the top-righthand one of Lancer (?).
  15. Hello... is it me you're looking for? Welcome to MacrossWorld, Delta Dart Omega Mu Dragon!!! Just to forewarn you, don't take it too personally if this thread gets locked. As Agent Uno stated, rover-random threads like this don't last long because they take up space and serve a very general purpose. Remember, if you would like to voice any questions on Macross, be sure to check the pinned "Newbie Questions" thread at the top of the Movies and TV Series section. A lot of answers can be found there. Enjoy!!!
  16. As a general rule I tend to ignore any organization that falls under the heading of "Watchdog Group," self-proclaimed or otherwise. I usually 1) disagree with anything they say, and 2) feel that they are a bunch of annoying busybodies who should really mind their own business.
  17. Just another case of people with waaaay too much time on their hands who are seeking some sort of justification for their existence. Bugger them for a lark!
  18. It all depends on what your looking for. Gundam, as a sub-genre in itself, covers most of the bases you could want in an anime. The problem is simply finding the right one. As a rule, you can't go wrong with most of the U.C. stuff. The A.U. stuff can get a little goofy, and Wing just blows chunks. But that's my opinion. I suggest you rent what you can and take it from there. Keep in mind that 0079 is the first. Hence it's really old (25?) and the animation doesn't old a candle to the stuff you see today. But the story is what makes it one of the best.
  19. The original thread is here Mods, please close this one. Heh! If I would've gone back one more page I would've seen it. I just didn't think it was that long ago!
  20. There was a thread about this, but I can't seem to find it now. Hmm...
  21. Golly, I didn't even look at the links!!!
  22. I heard that rumor as well.
  23. Welcome to Macrossworld! 1) Asking RT-related questions tend to be frowned upon around here. RT.com would be a much better place to any RT-related questions dealing with mecha or technical aspects of the show, since true fans of RT tend to hover around RT.com. Whereas Macross fans (a few bitter about RT) normally flock around here. 2) With that all said- It's a made up veritech for use in the Robotech: Battlecry video game, although it is based on an animation mistake* seen in Macross and, presumably, in RT: The Macross Saga. *Even thought the fact of whether or not it is actually a mistake is, and has been, debated as well.
  24. I'd have to disagree. The first Dominion Tank Police had a lot of the slapstick, but I felt the animation was shoddy at best, and (once again) they decided to greatly alter the character designs instead of using Shirow's designs. This is a usual problem in anime adaptations of Shirow's work. New Dominion Tank Police has a lot less slapstick. IMO, though, the animation was much better and the story was more coherent. Also, the character designs were much more faithful to Shirow's work then in the first one.
  25. I agree. Although I hope for a new Macross series, remember that Kawamori and Studio Nue itself has had a hand in a very high portion of anime over the past 20 years. So this announcement could be anything. With that in mind, I want to see more of my VF-9, damnit!!! Show the Cutlass some love you Floating Head!!!
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