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the white drew carey

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Everything posted by the white drew carey

  1. My wife and I just watched this film, and boy did it suck. It was awful. Awful. Awful. There are so many things that are glaringly wrong with this film, from story, plot, character development, acting, cinematography, direction... ugh. Methinks that Ridley Scott meant to distance this film from Alien because, in the one time he actually did something right, he decided that purposefully connecting the two would probably infect the original with Prometheus' crappiness. Did I mention this movie was really awful?
  2. Just to let you in on part of what I do, since I'm not really much of a digital painter, is I usually flat (is that the correct term?) my line art using Bpelt's Multifill and Flatten (http://www.bpelt.com/psplugins/download.html]) filters, and then manipulate my colors and shading from there. I find it extremely fast helpful in laying down my base colors. Anyone else use a similar filter or technique?
  3. Thanks guys! I'll try both!
  4. Yeah, I'm not too sure about it either. But I simply don't have the digital painting skills that you guys have. Maybe I use the wrong tool set or something... but I don't know how you do it! I totally see what you are getting at. I'll see if I can incorporate that in... or something similar. Now that you've put that thought into my head, I've come up with something different in mind that may likely play along with the theme of the story as a whole. Hmmm... (Oops, posted too quickly) However, a lot of the comic will be a mix between complete linework, and shading. The shaded parts may actually be very minimal. We only see them in the first coupla pages because it is supposed to be dark in the bedroom, you know. Still toying with it. p.s.- if you have any tips or pointers to digital painting tutorials, I'd love to check them out. Maybe I can get better at it?
  5. BTW- Here are the first two pages of one (of many) of my little side projects I am slowly working on. I'm drawing this comic all on letter-size paper. Not too sure about the shading yet, or if I will go in a different direction... Page 1: Page 2:
  6. Hey, I started it for us to post our stuff. Don't hesitate!
  7. Hey 505th, I don't know if I've asked before, but what size are those marker drawings you've been posting? anime52k8- I can tell you like your ladies skinny... Keep up the good work, both of you!
  8. Happy birthday Macross! Bwak bwak!!!
  9. Yeah, apparently this is supposed to be pretty darn good. I still think JGL looks like Gigolo Joe, though.
  10. This isn't really artwork, but I saw a meme using this image (something about Pope Dracula or whatever), and immediately thought of a newer, geekier caption for it. So I went to http://www.memecreator.org (which is kind of a pain in the ass) and put this together.
  11. A new GAMERGEEKDADDY with Macross references: http://www.asplenia-studios.com/blog/2012/09/04/gamergeekdaddy-13/
  12. Yeah, it didn't grab me either. Maybe because it looked like it has two souls: over-the-top actions scenes stitched together with barely passable fights scenes performed by an aging Arnold.
  13. The Syrian government is saying it was an aircraft malfunction during a training mission.
  14. I sure hope the voice-acting they have in that are just placeholders because, man, are they crap. It sounds like a terrible video game.
  15. OK, cool. If its an initial design, I can see where you can really run with it. And, yeah, getting figures right IS such a hassle.
  16. Not bad! I love how well you color!!! If you don't mind a bit of constructive criticism: -The characters' bodies look kind of wonky. I don't know if it is the legs being too short, or the torsos being too long. Either way, a lot of them look kinda like midgets. -That mecha looks generic. I like the general design, but what you've got right now looks like a throw-away design from Southern Cross. Anyhow, keep up the good work, and I can't wait to see this series you're working on!
  17. Damn you, France! The movie doesn't come out until the 25th here!
  18. The newest strip of my webcomic, GAMERGEEKDADDY. I don't know, is this off-topic or not? (edited to include the actual strip instead of a link but, if you're cool, you'll go check out the red text in my sig... you could win something!)
  19. So... I'm thinking of moving up to a DSLR. I've been stuck in the point and shoot doldrums for years and years and want to get something a bit better out of my photos. Does anyone have an opinion on the Sony SLT-a37? I know it is a beginner model, but the missus is being a bit strict on how much I can spend. Plus, I have four lenses from my dad's old Minolta A-700 SLR (the film kind, yo) that will fit, so I'm already up in that category.
  20. Well actually, I started the O/T Artwork thread MWers to post their own non-Macross artwork (hence, not in the Fanworks section) and not really to discuss artwork that hasn't been created and/or posted here by one of us.
  21. So, basically, it is black. Has the DKR bat symbol on the hood, Batman near the rear wheel wells, and the bright green Mountain Dew plastered everywhere else? Meh... Unless you saw it from the top, it would be hard to tell that it had anything to do with DKR
  22. I've got the 5-disc set. Looks fine to me. Please don't Lucas the hell out of Blade Runner, too.
  23. Follow the link. I started the thread a while ago because I am sure a lot of us have other art we'd like to share, but didn't strictly fall in the 'Macross Fan Works' category. It is technically located in the Anime and Sci Fi section of the MW Forums. Lotsa good stuff in that thread by a lot of great artists! Your work would fit in perfectly!
  24. Good work. I think the eyes are a little off-kilter from the mouth though (or maybe vice-versa... I think angling the mouth up on [her] right would make the whole thing gel better) but, otherwise... Also, I think this should go into the O/T Artwork thread (http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=35718) in the Anime and Science Fiction forum since it is technically not Macross.
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