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Everything posted by TyrValein

  1. TyrValein

    Macross 30

    It's good to hear that its so popular on Amazon, since that's where I usually get my games myself. Famitsu did a poll for the top 30 games their readers wanted the most and Macross 30 ended up just at number 30. That's...a weird coincidence. I'm honestly surprised it ended up there at all, considering the other things on that list. And it was obviously made before the Pokemon X/Y announcement...which I'm afraid would have pushed Macross right off that list. Ah well, popularity isn't everything.
  2. TyrValein

    Macross 30

    That's a good question. Maybe there will be some sort of in-game music selector like in the PSP games, only we can switch the BGM at any time since the game isn't based on missions anymore. I'm sure we'll get all those iconic songs. I doubt they'd not put Diamond Crevasse in after that music contest. Oh, and you can actually hear Sayonara no Tsubasa playing in the background while Leon fights the Quarter in the Lego trailer.
  3. TyrValein

    Macross 30

    So, uhhh, game box art released? I really hope this isn't the only information this week. http://www.famitsu.c...1/08026979.html Glad the YF-29 made it to the cover!
  4. I'm curious as to why one of its wings is red. Nice report on the exhibition, I really do wish I could have gone.
  5. Am I the only person who actually likes the YF-29 and thinks that its no where near super robot, especially considering its armament and construction?
  6. TyrValein

    Macross 30

    Ahh, that makes sense.
  7. TyrValein

    Macross 30

    That's what I figured. I wish my New Years break was as long...
  8. TyrValein

    Macross 30

    So was there a new Famitsu this week? Or did they skip it because of the New Year? First week in quite a few without any new Macross 30 info... The "committee" on the Macross 30th site has been quiet too, when they usually post once a week. Maybe I'm just jumping the gun...it is only 11am in Japan after all.
  9. TyrValein

    Macross 30

    Nice catch! I'll probably pre-order that too...I find them quite catchy.
  10. Yeah, there are several YF-29's in the game so far: YF-29 (Probably gray. I'm assuming they'll have the non-custom, since they seem to have a default non-custom version of every fighter, even the YF-19 and YF-21) YF-29 Alto Custom (Red, movie color scheme) YF-29 Isamu Custom (same color scheme as the YF-19) YF-29 Ozma Custom (Black with buffalo skull on the back, has a different visor and three eyes) YF-29B Rod Custom (All black, different colored exhaust) Not sure if they're going to make a green YF-25 Prophecy (Leon Sakaki Custom) but if they ever do maybe they'll make a YF-29B Rod Custom too. Probably not good to keep your hopes up though, since they seem to be going right ahead with the YF-30 instead of doing the protagonists' variable fighters...(Though the YF-30 is arguably Leon's fighter too)
  11. Well, considering Super Parts came separately for the VF-171EX...it doesn't hurt to assume that they'll try to get a little extra cash out of us. It would certainly work.
  12. While I suppose you could consider it a FAST Pack, its more of an exchangable weapons bay module. Especially since there's a gaping hole in the fuselage between the engines when you remove it. That said, Kawamori has stated that there will be different configuration of modules to swap with. I hope that they don't forego giving it a Super Pack or FAST Pack because of its swappable modules, but I wouldn't mind if they had one of the modules be a booster engine similar to the VF-0's Ghost Booster. That would make up for it I think. I wonder if the toy will come with different modules or if they'll sell them separately...?
  13. TyrValein

    Macross 30

    Well, I meant either dungeon diving or fighting bosses. You clearly fight the Quarter itself in the trailer. That's a good question. Would be kind of unfortunate to lose your forward momentum in a quest because you forgot to restock beforehand. Then again, the price of ammo is only 100G per box...so I get the feeling it won't ever be a problem on Normal and Easy difficulties. We were also considering that the VF-27/YF-29/YF-30 use beam gunpods and wouldn't have to use ammo (presumably). Also any head beam guns valkyries use. And apparently the YF-25 has a usable laser machinegun...
  14. TyrValein

    Macross 30

    Okay! So I've figured out something today. We no longer have infinite ammo for weapons a la Frontier games. We have to buy clips from the store. Its an interesting change and one I welcome fully. I guess we should be more careful when exploring dungeons and fighting bosses. Would be a shame to run out of ammo and have to fight using melee against the Quarter, huh?
  15. Thanks, but it seems like quite a few people here don't like the YF-24 family. I have to admit, I don't really get it. Though everyone is entitled to their own opinions of course.
  16. TyrValein

    Macross 30

    I only had an Xbox 360 too, but I got a PS3 recently, for Macross 30 obviously, among other things. There's nothing wrong with the super slim PS3 as far as I can tell. I like it. Lastly, PS3 isn't region locked. You won't need to do anything to play Macross 30 on your new PS3. I've also been playing Gundam EXVS on mine, which is a Japanese only game, with no problem. Isn't he personally overseeing the story as well?
  17. I think the PAK-FA belongs in there somewhere as well. I'm kinda disappointed there's so much hate/disappointment with the YF-24 family. Since Macross 30 is supposed to represent the final gate of the Frontier era and thus the end of using the YF-24 as a development platform, I'm sure we'll get new transformations with the next series. I almost feel like I'm alone in liking the YF-24 family...and I'm certainly looking forward to seeing other specifications for the YF-30 aside from the missile pod soon.
  18. TyrValein

    Macross 30

    Its not me obsessing over canon. I think sketchley summed up what I meant quite nicely. If the creator doesn't really want to appreciate a work as part of the official timeline, I'm inclined to consider it as not such, whether or not I agree with it. Which is why it was a little surprising in some senses, but not in others (like the fact that Kawamori likely didn't have much to do with the planning and layout of the exhibition).
  19. TyrValein

    Macross 30

    Thanks for the information. I'd work on a transcript or something, but he speaks quite fast at some parts. I suppose this means that the YF-30 won't have a Super Pack due to its Conformal Modular Weapons Bay (I didn't coin that term, but it certainly is awesome). It'll probably just be able to switch out the module for different types of weapons. I wonder if there are more modules besides just the beam cannon and the missile pod? Maybe some sort of booster module for higher speed? Or maybe a fold booster module? I wonder if we'll see pics of it with different modules soon.
  20. TyrValein

    Macross 30

    You know, when he's messing around with the YF-30's missile pod around 2:07, I think he mentions that it has a beam cannon on one end. I don't see a barrel or a hole or anything...Anyone who understands japanese pick it up?
  21. TyrValein

    Macross 30

    Hmm...it really is the YF-29 Ozma Custom in these pictures.
  22. TyrValein

    Macross 30

    So there's both an MDE Gun and an MDE Cannon? (The cannon is shown in the trailer on a VF-171EX)
  23. TyrValein

    Macross 30

    Nice job! Once again I'm late because I didn't refresh google in time. Maybe I should set an alert. Thank goodness 4gamer has higher resolution screens. Famitsu makes them waaaay to small for my liking. I'll read and get back on what I think.
  24. TyrValein

    Macross 30

    Maybe something on the Dyaus(S), Dyaus(L) and their evolution, the Horn? I'm expecting at least two more trailers or gameplay videos or something. They seem to have been pretty faithful about releasing information every Thursday. Also, Merry Christmas everyone!
  25. TyrValein

    Macross 30

    I agree. Keeping the launcher fixed in line with the spine, with only just more than enough protrusion to clear the missile ports from the airframe would have been much better for all forms. Though I realize it'd still have to stick out a good amount because of how the YF-30's wings would fold. Good to hear that its just a general timeline. Its true that we probably care about canoncity more than Kawamori does, at least when it comes to anything that's not Macross II. Which is what drew my attention more than anything else. The only reason I mentioned them being in different media is because this game has taken a much different approach than the other games have. Almost like a playable OVA of sorts. That said, my hopes weren't that high to begin with.
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