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Everything posted by TyrValein

  1. TyrValein

    Macross 30

    Doh, I meant that we were behind! Thanks for catching this! It DOES have a lot of missiles.
  2. TyrValein

    Macross 30

    Well, any new footage is welcome. I'll be up early tomorrow so I can record it this time. I'll upload it to youtube (or at least try to) for those that haven't seen it.
  3. TyrValein

    Macross 30

    Yikes, that might have been my fault. For some reason I thought Japan was 13 hours behind EST instead of 14. It was largely irrelevant however, as I just woke up anyhow. I haven't heard anything yet. Still waiting. How was it, Tochiro? Was the missile firing part actual gameplay or cutscenes? Did they even show any gameplay? To be honest, I just really want to see the YF-30's beam cannon now.
  4. TyrValein

    Macross 30

    Just a quick reminder to you guys, Bamco is streaming an hour of Macross 30-related stuff LIVE tomorrow. I'm currently trying to find a link directly to it, it'll be at 9 AM (EST) (Only half sure this is the link: http://live.b-ch.com/b-bng)
  5. TyrValein

    Macross 30

    The pause menu is in English too, but there's usually snippets of English in Japanese games at any rate. As for spoken Japanese being easier than written, I second this. I'm hoping that the cutscenes have subtitles or a subtitle option, but I'm going to be spending most of my time doing translations for shops, since they're in katakana and pretty much anyone can do it
  6. TyrValein

    Macross 30

    Next Super Dimensional Seminar is up.
  7. I can run MUSHclient thru Wine on my Mac perfectly fine, so you might want to try that.
  8. Alright. Thanks for the information. I'm going through all your material now and it seems kinda complicated (coming from a person who's never played a MUSH before). I have both university and work at the moment, so I'm a little busy, but I'm definitely interested. I'll see what I can do to try and learn how to play.
  9. Okay, cool. I think the YF-36 especially looks pretty especially. And EX-Gear upgraded variants of old variable fighters is always a welcome sight. Quick question though: while the YF-24 family wouldn't have been created yet chronologically, would the YF-24 itself be an acceptable prototype tier valkyrie considering that at least the prototype would be operational by 2054 (it would probably have that ugly dorsal bulge because of its inefficient ISC, but whatever)? Especially since its what helped perfect EX-Gear and ISC. Last, I know its kind of a crass question for a newly starting MUSH, but how many players do you have so far?
  10. TyrValein

    Macross 30

    Oh, no, that was the original trailer back in december. We know all about that one. Since Tochiro says it debuted today and it clearly has some content we haven't seen before, I'm assuming its brand new. EDIT: Guess we'll have to wait until someone uploads it or it hits the internet officially...How long was the trailer, Tochiro? Do you remember anything else from it? I hope this doesn't mean Leon is going to disappear like most of the protagonists...
  11. TyrValein

    Macross 30

    I guess I'm just slow this morning. I haven't seen it anywhere, and I usually check my google alerts first thing in the morning. Was it a tv commercial? And if it wasn't, would you happen to have a link? EDIT: Guess it really is a slow morning...didn't notice Tochiro had said it was shown at Wonderfest...
  12. TyrValein

    Macross 30

  13. This certainly looks interesting. I'll look into it some more when I get home from work. Do you plan on adding more valkyries and their stats?
  14. TyrValein

    Macross 30

    Hmm. Here's to hoping for something more than a rehash of old footage. I see something about a valkyrie race or something in Google's machine translation, are they going to show one? So we don't know what this is? I'm a bit hesitant to get it not knowing what it is, but if its a strategy guide...
  15. Huh, considering how much disappointment I've been hearing with the YF-29 over in the Toys section, I thought it'd be much much lower. However, I'm satisfied with these results. The YF-29 is my favorite valk after all. I know, its blasphemy. I wonder how flame retardant EX-Gear is...
  16. TyrValein

    Macross 30

    While looking at the articles, I see that Bamco plans on streaming something Macross 30 related on the 13th? http://www.famitsu.com/news/201302/08028508.html Is it a full hour of Macross 30 stuff? Or are they just going to give tidbits during an interview or something?
  17. TyrValein

    Macross 30

    I think GlaDos singing "Information High" would be fun. I would find that fun.
  18. TyrValein

    Macross 30

    Yes, I know I have minimal translation skills, but the least I can do is make translations and notes for as many stores and parts as I can, and note what enemies drop what. Anything that anyone contributes helps. That's what a community does, eh? And yes, let's start a new thread a week or so before release. Congratulatons! As a fellow new PS3 owner (relatively), I also recommend Uncharted.
  19. TyrValein

    Macross 30

    Sketchley, Tochiro, you're saying exactly what I've been trying to get across for the last few days...And like I've said over and over, I'll be out there, translating as much as I can (which is to say, not very much) and doing a Let's Play for the people who want to get the most that they can out of the game. Initially hearing that it would be a "flight action RPG" is what really pushed me to get the game (and a PS3 for that matter). Though I have to say, I liked Mass Effect 1 and Dragon Age: Origins (and their respective stories) when they were a niche title made by an independent company (basically before EA came into the equation).
  20. TyrValein

    Macross 30

    Well, there are people like my girlfriend who aren't the biggest fans of the mecha (crazy, I know, we've watched tons of mecha together) but are there for the characters as well and can't play games for their life, but still want the experience (She didn't become good at games until she started playing the ones where she HAD to keep playing for the story, like Dead Space, or Mass Effect). As for the RPG aspect, I think that that's this game's shining quality. I want to fly around and blow up crap in valkyries too, but I feel that getting an RPG with the play mechanics of the PSP games was the best possible answer Macross fans could have gotten. Now if the RPG elements are a problem because we don't read japanese (I know my hiragana and katakana, but that's it), I'd understand, but I'm not sure I understand wanting it to be another rehash of the PSP games with only an updated roster (which is really only an update of 3 valkyries and a super pack. some sports games have had less, but stil...).
  21. TyrValein

    Macross 30

    I was under the impression that that was the prologue of the game, since Leon is in his YF-25 and the enemy unit is tagged as YF-29 - Unidentified or something like that. Makes sense, since the "unidentified aircraft" who shoots him down is obviously Rod in his YF-29B.
  22. TyrValein

    Macross 30

    Quick question...If Kakizaki and Fokker aren't in the game because they died before their series' appearance in the game...why is Michel still in Frontier? Alto clearly talks about defending Sheryl AND the Vajra in the trailer, something that he didn't start to do until AFTER Michel's death and coming to terms with the fact that the Vajra were being controlled against their will. Unless Michel comes from the Frontier movies? I don't get it.
  23. TyrValein

    Macross 30

    To be fair, it was kind of obvious that we'd get some kind of scene like that. Considering there's the same visual effect of that one picture of Sheryl in her swimsuit in the TGS trailer in the first gameplay trailer (and it showed Mina in a swimsuit too). I think everyone's making it a bigger deal than it is. One scene of characters in their swimsuits in a game that'll probably be of decent length? Sounds better than most shows that make a whole episode out of it. And as for hoping that there's not too much focus on character interaction, its an RPG. Why the heck would you want there not to be any focus on the characters? Especially when they've gone so far as to explain the original setting and characters? I understand not having the time, but a lot more of us would like a coherent story and character interaction than another of the PSP games where they were basically just a rehash of what we already knew.
  24. TyrValein

    Macross 30

    You mean the PSP games? Yeah, she was in it. Not news on whether or not Super Pack Klan will be in Macross 30, but the Queadlunn units are in the valkyrie development screen, so we can assume they're in. Its actually just behind the menu, but you can make it out.
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