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Everything posted by TyrValein

  1. TyrValein

    Macross 30

    Damn it, you beat me to it! Its nice to hear a little bit more of Planet Cradle than what we've been hearing all the time and I'm still very much liking what I hear. That VF-25A spin-transforming really shows how many little touches they've put into the game for us fans. Is anyone here getting Haruka's album?
  2. TyrValein

    Macross 30

    Well, my AmiAmi hasn't charged or changed in any way yet. The grand total still says To Be Determined...Did I do something wrong or do they just wait until the last second to update? Oh, and Tochiro and Renato, will you guys be doing an unboxing or any recording? It would go miles to hold over those of us who could be waiting a week or more for their copy to arrive.
  3. Well, considering Armored Core 4 only came out a month after PS3's release and we saw FROM SOFTWARE on their list of developers currently developing PS4 games, I'm hoping for Armored Core 6 in a timely fashion. Maybe a year after release or so. Yes, I know Verdict Day was just announced. I think he means Final Fantasy Versus 13
  4. TyrValein

    Macross 30

    You know, when I was looking through my pic folder I realized that since we HAVE to play as Leon through the first playthrough, we probably won't get most of the other characters' valkyrie variants. In one of the first trailers, it showed most of the custom variants unlocked. In last Tuesday's seminar, it showed almost only the base models unlocked. Since we can use the same parts as the basic ones to build variants we won't have to grind for parts for them and they'll probably be very strong at the start. But we'll still have to get TP for them like in the PSP Frontier games. That's assuming you get the highest possibly ranked parts for your valkyries (they go from 1(I)-5(V)) on your first playthrough. Its also assuming that the drop rate for said parts isn't skyscraper high. To max out your favorite valkyrie(s) could end up taking an awful lot of time. And if you try to max out all of them like me, you'll be at it forever. Just like the PSP Frontier games, I think I'm going to get WELL more than my money's worth on this one.
  5. Another of us, huh?
  6. TyrValein

    Macross 30

    Okay we need to slow down haha because we're getting our responses mixed up! Basically, a couple posts up I was pointing out that the Macross 30 Isamu IS the 2040 AD Isamu, so I agree with you. For the part of what I said that you quoted, I was responding to Renato's theory that they're trying to re-publicize Macross Plus as much as possible for a new audience. I was suggesting that maybe they're getting ready for a new series that will feature Isamu since he's one of the few protagonists to not disappear mysteriously.
  7. TyrValein

    Macross 30

    That's...actually a very sound theory. Since Isamu is one of the few protagonists to not be spirited away and we know for certain he works for SMS and has been active with the development of new valks, I honestly wouldn't be surprised if they were showing us all this love for a new OVA or series (re)starring or featuring Isamu somewhere.
  8. Same here. I just bought mine for Macross 30...Its a bit early to be thinking of a brand new console. However, I will admit that Driveclub sounds neat. Its like they're trying to mix Gran Turismo with Armored Core V's team system. Though I have to wonder how many people are going to be playing it online from day-one. I know we're all in a tizzy about social stuff but I like the idea of being able to check up on our team's stats and plan matches/races for later from my phone if I'm out, especially if we live in different time zones or countries.
  9. TyrValein

    Macross 30

    Well yeah, I knew that but there are rounded covers (that I assume are filled with fuel) over the wing engine intakes that it jettisons inside of the atmosphere. Alto jettisoned his right before re-entering with the Quarter and the game shots of the YF-29 so far show it without it. That's why I'm assuming the part shown in the new PV takes place in space.
  10. TyrValein

    Macross 30

    Interesting that they're showing Isamu so much love. That certainly makes sense though. Though I'd imagine that extra fuel would be needed in space since it shares roughly the same body shape as the YF-24 family...though it certainly doesn't need the extra munitions with the missile pod! There's only one of it in existence though and I'm doubting they leave the planet more than once or twice so perhaps one wasn't necessary. I was hoping for it though since all other valks get to use their packs in atmosphere. Though some, like the YF-29 change their packs (removing the inlet covers) for atmospheric use. Also...something that occurred to me. Considering we have multiple endings (that I hope depend on a variety of choices instead of one choice made at the very end), the gameplay could end up being longer still.
  11. TyrValein

    Macross 30

    Well, I knew that but all the game info up until recently, including the main site lists him as using a YF-19. And we know for a fact that this isn't the current Isamu but the one from Plus brought to the future. But yeah, I agree that Aisha probably made one for him. As a side note, I realize that the while the YF-29 is clearly in space with its Super Pack in the trailer while the YF-30 is being raised to the deck, the YF-30 doesn't have a Super/FAST Pack...which is probably my one and only disappointment with the entire game.
  12. TyrValein

    Macross 30

    From what we've seen so far I think its safe to say that Isamu's YF-19 gets trashed somewhere since he has a YF-29 in most of the animation we've seen so far. Also, there's a scene in space since the YF-29 has its intakes covered with the Super Pack for once. His scene with Sharon looks like she reinvigorates him enough to get him going. But overall, that was an amazing PV. We'll have a hell of a lot of animation it seems. Even more than I thought there was. I'm really really hyped...ha..ha...hyperventilating...
  13. I think that's what appealed to all of us. I hope we actually get to fly them and customize them as opposed to just looking at them. I reckon there'll be an alot of VF-1 colored ones from here.
  14. TyrValein

    Macross 30

    That's a decent amount of game time. Though we have to remember that campaign completion doesn't necessarily imply you've unlocked all valkyries (or at least I hope not), all variations, all super packs and the best parts required to build the best possible versions of them: something I imagine many of us here will be doing. The positives are all great things to know in advance, but the negatives strike me as a little odd. I doubt the complexity of controls will be a problem for most of us, having played the PSP and Hybrid pack games (with the noted exception of the language barrier). Ugh, don't remind me. Its two weeks to go for those of us in America...and that's IF its comes on schedule.
  15. While (like others have said) the idea of little to no story doesn't really appeal to me, I do like the idea of being immersed in a game full-time. Sure there's not much they can do besides maybe an app or two for your phone, but I haven't played a game like this with "raids" for consoles with my friends since PSU. I'm going to be giving it a try.
  16. TyrValein

    Macross 30

    Sounds like you had a good time even though you were waiting outside in the cold! That portrait of Leon, Aisha, and Mina is great, I wish I had one for my room. Oh and that reminds me, did you catch what Basara was saying to Sharon in yesterday's seminar? Not the worst rating in the world. You can tell they did like it, but I wonder what they didn't like about it?
  17. TyrValein

    Macross 30

    Damn, you ninja'd me... I guess that's the AFOS explosion you guys were talking about....also I spot a VF-25A!
  18. TyrValein

    Macross 30

    Ah, a shame it got pushed off the top 30. But hey, its great that it was even there in the first place, huh? Hmmm, we're getting more Famitsu stuff? I wonder if its going to be another two page spread?
  19. So we have more editions this time around than last time, right? Think they'll ever fill in the missing portions for the YF-29? Or will they just leave it barebones? And I'm guessing they're not going to put an entire spreadsheet worth of statistics for the YF-30 in Macross 30's game booklet, so if they don't put information in the extra Chronicle issues where the heck are we supposed to get them from?
  20. TyrValein

    Macross 30

    I tell him that every time I see him, haha. I'm rushing to get my katakana down now before release day! http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=Ofehj53VXEQ Next Super Dimensional Seminar is up too! With all the hubbub from the Bamco live stream, I almost forgot about it!
  21. TyrValein

    Macross 30

    My younger brother actually learned katakana just to play the Japanese servers of PSU. He put me to shame as his older brother (I'm so proud of him.) But yeah, we can see that Real Flight mode is still here and that we have some sensitivity controls, normal and reverse flying controls...and the most important part: Custom soundtrackkkkkk!!!
  22. TyrValein

    Macross 30

    I tried recording this morning, but for some reason Snapz didn't save it. I'm kind of upset about that, but at least I got to see it at all. I thought it was funny how they couldn't get last marker before the finish line in the race until the third try. Didn't Kawamori specifically state that you can switch the weapon bay out in different configurations? He only mentioned the beam cannon, but I don't think he specifically mentioned any others. If there even are any others besides the missiles and beam cannon. I really wanted to see the beam gun though...its a shame we didn't get to see it, though the valkyrie races were cool. I meant in fighter mode. It doesn't fold its fins in flight, but yeah, the potential is there. Could be it.
  23. TyrValein

    Macross 30

    Yes, but my point was that they have the same kind of rotating pylons that the YF-30 does. AFAIK they never showed the VF-25's ability to lay its tailfins flat ever, but the masterfile shows the capability is there. I don't know about perfectly intermeshed. They only moved downwards, and there appears to be a small triangle of open space (the back of the wing) still. Its hard to tell with the video though.
  24. TyrValein

    Macross 30

    I dunno, those rectangular sections on the shins look curiously like bay doors to me. Well, yeah, we knew that. I think we mentioned it earlier (way earlier). You can see where the tailfins meet the body, that its on some kind of rotating pylon. Kawamori used the same design for the VF-25's tailfins (more apparent in the masterfile in the tailfin section) and you can see the same kind of pylon (only bigger) on the Shinden II he designed for Ace Combat: Assault Horizon.
  25. TyrValein

    Macross 30

    Yeah, looks like it. I'm still going to stay up to see if I can catch the valkyrie race though. Well, the legs do look like they have internal launchers for missiles.
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