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Everything posted by aaajin

  1. SAL @ $40 and EMS @ $50 are pretty high..
  2. is the problem with yours (1) the tailfin does not have the circular tab, or (2) the hinge on the leg does not have a hole for the tab on the tailfin? either way, should be an easy fix. I'd take the 20% off.
  3. aaajin

    Hi-Metal R

    Destroids!! All four in one packaging (minus the mon-su-taa)
  4. Yamato destroids are really well sculptured and look great! Wished they had proceeded with the phalanx. Congrats on your purchases!
  5. making the shield wider at the base chould have eliminated the gaps, but Bandai decided not to change it since day 1, when they showed us the prototype.
  6. Can the arms reach the handlebar? Arcadia's pilot arms can be rotated... Edited. Cant remember whether its the arms or the head or both is/are moveable...
  7. cant wait for your review jenius. kipidap!
  8. not everyone was able to jump on that deal and right after they ran out of stock, everywhere else the price was inflated to $200+ before shipping. EMS was more like $25-ish on HLJ, and there is also foreign transaction fee of about $5 from paypal (just checked with my bank).
  9. aaajin

    Hi-Metal R

    *cricket sound* (everyone passed out from the early morning preorders)
  10. cant wait to see how it will turn out.
  11. aaajin

    Hi-Metal R

    How much did they charge at hlj?
  12. aaajin

    Hi-Metal R

    what's up with that? are they "punishing" us for abusing their secured link during the VF-19 preorder?
  13. aaajin

    Hi-Metal R

    Not sure to call them scalpers or not, but for sure they arent much marked up than MSRP + shipping from Japan. Prolly $18-$20 higher than what we all scored here. For those who appreciate sleep time (not mine) : http://www.ebay.com/itm/BANDAI-HI-METAL-R-VF-1S-Strike-Valkyrie-Ichijyo-Hikaru-Custom-Action-Figure-/311393113009?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item488079d3b1
  14. aaajin

    Hi-Metal R

    wasnt able to order the first time Ami2 had it up, then crashed, F5-spam, checked MW, someone posted its back on, went to site, F5 spam, got one, log-in was slow, finally logged in and placed the order.
  15. aaajin

    Hi-Metal R

    naw..one is aplenty for me. trying to get hlj's link for a friend...anybody? no, I mean really...for a friend...an imaginary one... no seriously a real friend.
  16. aaajin

    Hi-Metal R

    the last one? or two...who knows...*evil laugh* seriously, I only PO'd one. I suwwearr...
  17. aaajin

    Hi-Metal R

    snagged one @ Amiami. Oh well..
  18. aaajin

    Hi-Metal R

    I wonder if amiami would follow suit..
  19. aaajin

    Hi-Metal R

    +1 while finishing my long overdue paper...
  20. Well, you dont actually need the bars to fold the wings into battroid "kibbles", like on the Yamato's version. But it is understandable that this "Advanced" version has to do what its predecessor can do...oh well...
  21. Gimmicks like the (1) high speed mode and (2) inner head details were not shown in Macross Frontier, but were still incorporated in Bandai's 19. Arcadia added those gimmicks because they were shown in Macross Plus.
  22. +1. Prefer the Arcadia because of (1) curvy-er fighter mode and (2) bulkier battroid (closer to lineart) Although Im a little irked by the fact that Bandai copied Arcadia, it does little influence on my judgement. Initially had both Arcadia's/Yamato's and Bandai's in my collection, but eventually sold the Bandai's. Not that I hated Bandai, I do welcome them in this niche of a market, since it benefits us fans of the show and Bandai did pulled off a winner on the 25 IMHO. However, I just cant stand the shiny plastic and the overly futuristic designs in MacF, making them look more toy-ish compared to Kawamori's older designs - well, except M7 of course. I also think Arcadia's/Yamato's designs are the results of "labor of love" while Bandai is just here to make money, but were forced to up their game to meet the demands for high quality toys. Prior to the 19, Bandai were less concerned about adding gimmicks or details (unpainted landing gears & turbine on the 25). Arcadia on the other hand not only design their valks to look *almost* perfect on every mode, but also tried to add as much gimmicks as possible, despite being the only company to produce high-end Macross toys at that time.
  23. VF-1D VT-1 VE-1 Listed in the order of importance (hi to lo). If priced sub $200, or better yet $150-ish. Not a fan of the M&M's tho..
  24. Nice shot. But doesnt the neck looks a bit longer than in the other photos? or was it just a a mistransformation? Sorry, couldnt resist :
  25. they are removable : http://blog.livedoor.jp/hacchaka/archives/51952497.html
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