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About aaajin

  • Birthday 05/05/1983

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    Minneapolis, MN

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New Edwards Test Pilot

New Edwards Test Pilot (9/15)



  1. Just putting this out there, side by side 1/48 1S vs 1D
  2. Got time off from work till early next year (wohoo) & finally have time to unbox my premium finish VE-1. Trying to keep my collection to a select iconic few & all ready for Arcadia PF VT-1 ! (you know its coming!)
  3. Bring it on, the premium VT-1 !
  4. Phew, crisis averted. Sorry to hear about the issue many seem to experience with the toy. This is the sole reason why I don't buy first-release of any new/revised-mold from Arcadia/Yamato, bar the YF-19 (because its cool as hell), or wait till I can comfirm they're issue-free before dropping the greens. On a side note, I did have a bad experience with Yamato's 51 Ivanov...both hips on mine broke due to brittle plastic, hence I'm sitting this one out. Glad I did.
  5. I might take v2 1/60 Roy from you. I'm waiting on another member''s response. If it doesn't go ythrough,  I'll message you back.

  6. Had to...amazon jp price was too tempting to resist
  7. Touchdown! Took 3 days from Japan to the States via DHL (Amazon jp)...and both boxes are intact! *finger crossing* that the rattling sound from inside the boxes are just the option parts moving around, as others had mentioned in the other thread...
  8. Just got mine today too & was surprised with the rattling sound coming from inside of both boxes. Won't have time to check till weekend, but I'm assuming those are just the option-parts moving around .... riiight?
  9. Thanks for the replies! April should be good to go. Haven't preordered anything in ages, but been waiting for either 1/60 v2 VE/VT/VF-1D.
  10. Those who ordered from Amazon.jp, may I know approx when they'll request payment? I ordered two, back when pre-order opened. I know the figure will be released in April, but just want to know when they'll request payment so I can plan ahead. Thanks!
  11. Btw, experten also made a chibi transformable YF-19 kit few years back
  12. Because...why not?! Theyre fun to transform (perfect transformation), lots of details &...fun fun fun. At one point I had like 8-9 of them lying arounfd but now I'm only keeping two (1S Roy & 1A Hikaru). Made a CF/destroid custom myself back then, but sold it on ebay...someone here bought it? I know a few who hoards them like crazy back in the days ... Bobepatt still here? He's a total JM junkie...
  13. Just to put it out there, in case it wasnt clear. To OP, the kit you're building is not perfect transformation. Note the battroid-mode nose cone has the hip joints while fighter-mode doesnt. Basically there are two swappable front fuselate sections, one for fighter/gerwalk, another for battroid. And yeah, Bandai's latest 1/72 VF-1 kit is a mess...but fun to build. Wish they can revisit them, but given that other recent Bandai toy-valks are overly complicated to transform, I dont they have the know-how to simplify the transformation.
  14. If they ever release 2 seater variants KO's (1D, VT, VE), I'll buy them in a heartbeat. But I guess they'll focus on milking the mold for now..oh well, I can wait.
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