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Everything posted by SaitouSad

  1. And cue Play-Asia finally putting it up on their page http://www.play-asia.com/dx-chogokin-macross-frontier-vf-19-advance-paOS-13-49-en-70-8hdd.html It goes without saying that NOBODY should expect to get any from Play-Asia after what happened with the VF-25S.
  2. Interesting to see so many fathers with daughters here. I have a 9 month old myself, and already I am worried if I should ever expose her to my hobbies. There's no doubt that she will see my collection one day, but it'd be nice to be able to share it with her, since my wife isn't very interested in my collection. On the other hand.. I don't think I would want to subject her to such a slippery slope.. ever....
  3. Oh no worries there. I bought 2 of the Arcadia YF-19 afterall, and they're really fantastic. Im not even after the VF-19 Advance for the super parts, but i do like the looka of its battroid mode. Im just such a sucker for Isamu's ride Btw, did they ever confirm if the VF-19 has any missle pods on its super parts?
  4. this P.O.S. lives up to its name. Not only is it a NIGHTMARE to transform, the NUNS triangle on mine crumbled (YES! Crumbled!) to pieces when I tried transforming it back. It was sitting fine in Battroid mode for over a year, but the moment I wanna pack it up into Fighter mode, it happened.
  5. crap... now that you put it in that context, i feel like i'm over paying with CD Japan's price (granted it's 23000 yen before shipping), it's still pretty close... I guess I could chalk it up to the additional cost of the Super Parts.
  6. B-But if it turns out to be a sucky release, he'd forever remember you as the dude who got him a sucky floppy Valk! But jokes aside, that's some serious dedication. It's a long wait though
  7. Sigh, guess I'll hold onto my CD Japan order for now then.
  8. ergh... guess i'll stick with my full priced and more expensive shipping CD Japan order.
  9. Oh, what the crap?! I got one in, even went all the way to the end, and the order got cancelled!
  10. https://www.nippon-yasan.com/macross/10446-macross-f-dx-chogokin-vf-19-advance.html GO!!! Cheaper than CD Japan too
  11. ^It's always a battle of juggling school / work / meetings and scoring one of these bastards whenever they drop here in S.E.A.
  12. holy crap!.. I've been watching Hobby Search like a hawk, and it slipped right by me
  13. exacty opposite frm you. I was still camping for the VF-19A. But seeing it sell out, I quickly went for the SHFs up today.. and Yoshi I guess... Kinda expected Ironman to sell out, but not Darth Vader and Storm Trooper.
  14. just when I thought the madness was over when I got the 25S Ozma, this crap happens again
  15. I thought CD JApan only makes you pay upfront if you pay via Paypal. Credit Card payments will be charged only when it's ready to ship, right?
  16. Pretty rare occassion where HLJ actually posted it the same time as the other outlets
  17. Saw it after I posted. Thanks! Got 1 in just in case, but will keep my eyes peeled for other outlets, as CD JApan's shipping can be pretty crazy
  18. Dammnit! Got nothing
  19. ahhh thanks for clearing that up. Guess that means the one on my Ozma became a little loose perhaps, because I've honestly never noticed this swivel before.
  20. So now that I got 2 of my 25S, I've discovered something I never quite noticed before. I never realized that the Valk's body had a bit of a swivel, that allowed the upper torso to turn a small angle left and right. Please tell me this is something new and not something I had overlooked all this time, despite owning so many VF-25
  21. SaitouSad

    Hi-Metal R

    The only thing I would hope they could change is to have integrated heat shields. That was probably the only thing that bugged me about the VF-1S Hi-Metal I own. Otherwise, they're a nice scale to mess around with, without worrying about breakage.
  22. Got my cancellation notice from PA too. A shame really, but no biggie as I wasn't very confident with them to begin with. Sorry to hear about all the crap some of you have to deal with them. Used my CC too, so no charges were made (never ever pay upfront for preorders if possible). At least I got my 3 pieces on the way, so I guess it all worked out well.
  23. Amazon JP's prices ain't too shabby at 17,800 yen at the moment. Using a forwarder, this can be pretty competitively priced.
  24. You can't cancel it since the moment you ordered it. They stated it on their item page. Anyway, I emailed Play-Asia asking about when they will be shipping it, and they replied that they are still awaiting stock arrival... so I guess those of us who preordered through PA aren't out of the clear yet. Which is all fine and dandy for me, since it was my last backup plan.
  25. ^ Sentinel actually showed a coloured Anubis recently, so hopefully it will be up for preorders some time early next year? I wonder if it will shelf-warm like Jehuty again. I for one, found the Sentinel Jehuty to be the best version in hand, compared to the kits and definitely miles above the Revoltech.
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