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Everything posted by SaitouSad

  1. SaitouSad

    Macross 30

    There's another stream available here http://live.nicovideo.jp/watch/lv128186640?ref=ser&zroute=search&keyword=%E3%83%9E%E3%82%AF%E3%83%AD%E3%82%B930 Maybe it is just me, but the map looks a little small (perhaps it explains why the flying speed was reduced). Anyway not an issue, as it looks like i'll be lost flying around anyway hahaha Also, saw him accessing his hangar. Apart from the VF-0A, he seemed to have the DLC YF-29 (Sheryl/Ranka decal ver) available. I guess the DLC codes unlock those for use immediately? Edit: Found another one with pretty good streaming http://www.ustream.tv/channel/gine22
  2. Ahhh.. thanks.. Yeah, I was kinda kinda concerned about the minor fixes and improved tolerances.... Might explain why people are selling the earlier one to begin with.... But since Yamato's future is a little uncertain now.. I might consider it.
  3. SaitouSad

    Macross 30

    New Game + eh? I was under the impression it was (and likely be) some free play mode, with extra missions and etc... Look forward to impressions
  4. Okay, quick question... I'm a little confused, since people have said that the supposed v1 YF-19 is the 1/72 scale (which I unfortunately have.. t'was my very first Macross purchase some more than 10 years back). I came across a place selling this (pictured) 2nd hand (box slightly damaged it seems) 1/60 scale for about $165 (before shipping) . so.. what's the difference between that, and the one below? I know the bottom one is called the renewal package version (newer release).. I'm tempted to get the one above, only because I desperately want a YF-19, and can't find the fold/booster gift set. Is it any good? And are there any known issues with the one above?
  5. if that were the case, then i'd be relieved too.. Here's hoping we get to see the DX YF-30 soon
  6. SaitouSad

    Macross 30

    In the recent VF polls, Roy Fokker's VF-1S topped the charts. I would be the least bit surprised if they released him as a DLC. As for story wise, I see very little issue with this, since he will likely be a free-play mode only character, and by my guess, there will be very little interaction (plot wise or at all) for all of the different timeline characters in free play mode.
  7. Welp, last chance for peeps to order the super parts. Orders closing on March 7th
  8. Oh... so sexy... I'm so jelly...
  9. With the way the game is apparently churning out YF-29s (Isamu gets one, Ozma gets one), I think (hope) we might get to see those coloured variants in toy form.. Especially a YF-19 head for Isamu's YF-29 would be great Also I'd totally buy a YF-30... if only Bandai can increase their damned stocks for online stores, so that we could all get a chance at scoring one! (I want my VF-25S/F Renewals!) What are the odds a transformable YF-30 figure will be put out? I understand the earlier sculpt shown was for a kit
  10. In case folks here are still interested, Flightpose has a new set of preorders going up. Despite fears after seeing what happened here, I decided to take the plunge and pick up 1 set of 3 sizes to use for taking pics .. Probably will avoid long term posing as I'd wanna avoid the problems you guys faced (I would really love me some proper stands for long term posing). Shipment is expected to be in April apparently.
  11. SaitouSad

    Macross 30

    Negative points: -In battle, sometimes hard to know what’s going on. -Controls can be difficult due to switching between 3 modes. -The many possible actions (ie, attacks, etc) for each mode can make gameplay a little complicated. These don't sound too bad... 1. sounds like par for the course of Macross games so far.. as long as it is not overwhelmingly difficult 2. If they are retaining pretty much the same controls as the PSP, this should be fine too 3. this i don't get.. it sounds a little nit picky at this point. Not to sound fanboyish, but these sound like very minor issues. I do hope I'd clock 40 hours out of this though. I need to get my PS3 some mileage. Hokuto no Ken 2 and Castlevania Harmony of Despair is gonna tide me over. Now that I think about it. This game would've been cool if it had a multiplayer option (not a complaint, just suggestions for sequels), since it's pretty much open world, or to include that for the race... but I wouldn't know how that'd work out. That said, I tend not to take Famitsu scores with a pinch of salt, as they seem to mainly give high scores to companies that advertise with them.
  12. ahh, much thanks.. pity it's a tad too pricey for me... I'll have to wait and snoop around...
  13. SaitouSad

    Its Official!

    Same for me. I never had the guts to start a Macross collection. Until I bought the 30th anniversary VF-1S (Roy and Hikaru) at the last HLJ sale last year... now my collection is slowly expanding, as I've been desperately trying to get the Frontier Valks, and a YF-19. I settled for a v1 VF-25S with armour pack 2nd hand and a VF-19 (Kai and P), a VF-1A, a Macross Quarter and the 2 Queadluun-Raus (Max and Milia) -- all through sales, but were expensive nonetheless.. It's a very slippery slope.. All of these only since October 2012.....
  14. SaitouSad

    Macross 30

    well, hopefully, the speed can be improved with upgrades. Races look fast though (based on the trailers)
  15. SaitouSad

    Macross 30

    so anybody wondering why the flying speed is pretty slow in this game? I don't have any of the hybrid packs, so I don't know how they compare, but the drop in speed compared to the PSP games is pretty noticeable.. plus it feels weird for such a high tech plane to be flying so slow... Anybody wondered about it?
  16. man.. i still need a yf-19... 1 that isnt 300 bucks
  17. SaitouSad

    Macross 30

    I was wondering if this was perhaps tied to the end of Sayonara no Tsubasa (Alto's fate was somewhat ambiguous)..?
  18. Still trying to find a YF-19 at a good price.. where did you get yours?
  19. SaitouSad

    Macross 30

    Thanks for the explanation, that was very insightful It sounds par for the course on most special autograph sessions in Japan.
  20. SaitouSad

    Macross 30

    so these character boards.. do they just hand them out for free at these events? Or did you have to buy / order something to get it?
  21. I'd like some new (and preferably affordable) Koenig Monster. Preferably based on the Frontier one.. but that's wishful thinking on my end...
  22. Ahh, HLJ's on-and-off sale. Hopefully the next Yamato sale will have some at awesome prices.
  23. oh wow, I didn't even realized it came with the super pack haahah, glad you found that to be a good offer. i would have gotten that too, but the design's really not my cup of tea.
  24. Got it off Otacute, but it seems the sale is limited to 1 piece only. Just snagged it without thinking really..http://www.otacute.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=1_6&products_id=29951 -- but it's on backorder now (it was stated that it's only 1 piece on sale ) Sorry to get your hopes up But they do have the VF-17D on discount too, if you're looking for that - http://www.otacute.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=28680&utm_source=otacute_specials_list&utm_medium=link&utm_campaign=specials Times like these I wish the Isamu YF-19 would just get a reissue at that price point too.. no way I can stomach paying about $300 for one...
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