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Everything posted by SaitouSad

  1. so where can we get those stands?
  2. still waiting on HLJ's payment request and BiJ's shipment notice :\
  3. times like these I'm glad I already paid off my Big in Japan order back last year (was the cheapest too). Only have to worry about whether i should keep my HLJ order You think there's still a market for Macross Valks in Singapore? I've been meaning to sell some of my earlier pieces
  4. yes, exactly what I meant. The old YF-19 wasn't very.. articulate if you ask me...
  5. It would be nice to see Macross return to have more realistic dog fights again, a la Yukikaze and Zero. While the dog fights were pretty nice to watch in Frontier, I felt they lacked the over the top missle spam Macross is known for, nor were they as believable as the kinda fights you see on Zero, DYRL or Plus. But as this will likely be Bandai funded, I guess there's a high chance they will be following the Frontier success formula...
  6. Really love that Battroid is so poseable now.
  7. so does that mean you're keeping all 3 of your preorders? hehehehe
  8. You mean like how Leon used Ranka in the TV series?
  9. won't it be difficult to move these, if you ever move to a new place?
  10. okay, this has probably been covered before, but in case I missed it, please humour me.. Do the wings actually extend like that?! Or did they remove a part to show how the inner mechanism works? That looks fragile and awkward..hope it's at least made of die-cast Also nice hint for the fold booster at the end.
  11. ^ And if Bandai is backing this, they will push very hard for more toy potentials (they tried to do that with Cowboy Bebop, and it definitely shows with shows like Patlabor and Frontier). I was also wondering the same thing, if we would see a repeat of the v1 problems again... The problems of an expensive hobby
  12. Kinda in a dilemma over which to get. I have crappy modelling skills. All I've ever built were some kotobukiya and Gundam kits. (not to mention I've never built a model of a car before, or anything from this manufacturer). Also it seems we're not too sure about whether the human figures will be painted on the pre-assembled kit or not, though so far most description points to a yes. Aside from that, I'm wondering if there are any other differences.
  13. Even though the odds of me selling them are low, I'd still try to keep them, as there's a chance I might pick up whatever better iteration comes out later on. Case in point, the YF-19.... Funny how this quickly builds up eh?
  14. you threw your box away?! Well I guess, they do take up a ton of space.. I've been thinking about which ones to toss...
  15. ^You ARE the master of balance! Ahhh, I see. I mistook the back part of the thighs to be a stand ^^U
  16. I'm definitely getting 1 for my Ingram squad at least.. just not sure which to get, and if I should get a spare.
  17. what's that stand you're using in the last pic? My VF-25F turns into a floppy mess once the Armored pack is on
  18. Amiami just put up the 1/24 Command Vehicles re-release preorders!!!! They're both the plastic model and the pre-painted model. http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?scode=TOY-SCL2-06176-S001&page=top http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=TOY-RBT-3721&page=top Anyone here able to advise what's the difference? The description mentions the figures in the plastic kit are pre-painted as well.
  19. pics were put up in Arcadia's facebook (and presumably Mr. K's twitter)
  20. I love that the box looks much more compact than the insanely huge v1 YF-19s
  21. I wonder about that.. even the VF-1S Roy and Hikaru releases weren't part of their recent Macross sale. The only thing that were on sale however, were stuff they had problems moving, like the 30th Anniversary colour (which wasn't even a limited release), and the Quarter (which was unpopular to begin with). Besides, wasn't it said that the YF-19 were made to order, or something like that?
  22. I don't know about the whole investment thing. I got an extra one just so I could have 1 to display permanently in fighter mode with all the loadout, and the other in Battroid mode, or to transform when I'm in the mood. Still a little iffy about keeping the 2nd one...
  23. Even received the order confirmation. Ah well, I bet they'll notify me later that it was an error
  24. I could only order 1 Ozma. The system limited it for me. Ordering it just in case anyway
  25. oh, these look great!
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