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Cannon Fodder

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  1. Hello, Lestate, Firstly, thanks for the DYRL mod, it was my first mod on the Homeworld license, it helped and inspired me a lot in my first versions of this project, these versions were on homeworld 2, at the time I was using the 3D models of DYRL mod that I was adapting for Homeworld 2 for fun and that allowed me to improve my 3d modeling and texturing techniques. Then a bad idea came to me one Christmas evening to put online, the sketch of this project which was pretty ugly at the time, it must be admitted especially the Zentradi models, but now it looks like something not bad, there is still a lot of work. 1. Fantastic job guys, you got so much further (and more ambitious) than the original team ever did! Looks fantastic! Thank you very much 2. I find your lack of meltrans disturbing. Yes, me too it disturbs me, but do not worry the meltarns are well planned in the program, I have to do the 3D model but for the moment, I focus on balancing, the dynamics of fighting and games, fixing some bugs and I have to decide how to integrate them, a new faction, a reinforcement of the Zentradi, both options have their advantages and disadvantages. 3. Ghost-series needs some more love too ... Yes, there will be other Ghost in the future, maybe a heavy unit based on an ARMD version DYRL specialized in the deployment of drone (Ghost) like the frigate essain. 4. What are the poly counts on these warlocks? Ideal budget? For example the Quimeliquola Queadluun-Rau a model of "Chthonic" the poly count is around 25000 polygons, a QF-3000E Ghost the poly count is 5000 polygons. In fact it depends on the vessels and its complexity, whether to animate it or not, whether there is a transmormation or not, but it's true that I favor aesthetics at the expense of performance, but considering the performance of current machines we can have very sexy models. 5. Are the export tools from maya? Otherwise, what format? As long as I have a model in OBJ, DAE, or even better MAX format, only imperative the unit of measurement must be in centimeters, the export to Homeworld RM this fact with the DAE format so the modeling software does not matter . If you wish, I can give you an ARMD in MAX format with animation, the landing runways, takeoff and modules, to give you an idea of the structure. 6. Does the new HW use normal maps? Yes, we can also have customizable shaders, animate a texture and have a transparent texture, ideal for the canopy of SDF-1, Megaroad and after burner effects on certain units. 7. I'm a busy man making spaceships all day long. : D No promised. No problem. Yo, it's time to go to sleep it's the middle of the night over here and I'm working tomorrow. See you soon
  2. hello, all @Blitzcat I use 3d Max, Quixel and 3Dcoat for modeling. See you soon
  3. Hi, it's good, it's a public update, I changed the FX and the type of weapon for the Zentradi flak for more efficiency so it's normal that you see less laser on the Heavy units Zentradi. See you soon.
  4. Because the defaut map of HomeworldRm are too small, i going to made some more large and i will activate the folding jump for Zentradi and U.N.SPACY.
  5. Hi all,New update Aviable.
  6. Sorry, for my bad English, I wake up.
  7. Hello, I do not know how you have done because the mod is currently diffused restricted to my friends, but you have managed to download a test version not opti and certainly defective, so either a little patient we are in test phase with The version that has to go out and if it's alright it's released today or tomorrow.
  8. Hello, I'm in the realization, music is converted to the right format I'm looking for a script that was randomly playing music.
  9. Hello, all, the Zentradi invasion coming very soon. See You soon.
  10. Hi, Yes we would like to have other mods of game, like a survival mod where all the epochs would be gathered on the same map and even solo missions and solo campaigns reporting the main events of the different series. For now it is not possible because I still have to learn how to do all this. @Focslain, If you are motivated to do solo campaigns and solo missions there are plenty of tutorials on the forums relicnews, forums gearbox and other forums, below a links of the forums gearbox with very good tools and tutorials . https://forums.gearboxsoftware.com/t/modding-tutorials-master-thread/694826 The mechanics of HomeworldRM and Homeworld2 are almost the same but there are some differences so be careful. See you soon
  11. @NZEOD https://www.dropbox.com/s/5rl4vr2kwyits95/macross%20sound%20effect.rar?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/skyjybx0z6msr7h/SFX.rar?dl=0 I think you going to find some interesting sound in this archive. Have fun.
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