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redsilk's Achievements

Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. It is built as an advance trainer with no offensive capabilities or weapon packs so naturally the only way is to out run rather than to engage its adversaries and OSTRICH is nothing more befitting than it of course!
  2. redsilk


    I see ..... because it is rather hard to find the re-issue is the original version worth the buy price ?
  3. redsilk


    So which one is better then? The original DX release or the re-issue version ? Saw this DX version going at $45 can anyone give any opinion on its value ? How does it compare to the re-issue version in term of quality?
  4. Thought with its bulk sure to follow must have to be the wallet crushing price now can't wait to get my hands on one Yipeeeeeeeeeee !!!!
  5. Well will be getting mine next week been waiting since its projected release in may dunno wats been causing the hold up.......
  6. That is one sweet candy for the eyes !
  7. Congrats !
  8. Well its definitely a good buy for me specially with the monster as a bonus item
  9. Geez...... after all the anticipation and crossed fingers for a decent release yes only the nose cone swapping is acceptable but nooooooooo with all the loose body parts to get it from one mode to another i rather they have it sold in 2 fixed mode ..... And personally i would not mind paying double for it if its in perfect variable !
  10. Wow and double WOW How long it took you for a custom job like that?
  11. THIS is the ONE that is worth the price to pay for great work !! If only Yamato would do a follow up like yours........
  12. Under the Max Q- rau i noticed the support/display stand is that the upcoming Yamato display stand ??
  13. 2 Low Vis ??!!! How much have u fork out for them ?
  14. Wow way too real man ....... too real.......
  15. Yes a Low Vis paint scheme on the 1J would put alot of fans over the moon specially for so many of us who missed the first one or were put off by the rocketing price it now commands .
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