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Everything posted by VF22Red

  1. Sent a PM to Nanashi, tried to send one to egan but the registry says he doesn't exist. Thanks for the help, I appreciate it. Matthias
  2. ChristopherB asked for this, I'm sorry it took me so long to post it. It is the information that is on the back of both boxes. This is the information from Macross Compendium. I don't know if there is more information available. If there is can someone please point me to it so I can have the correct information on the boxes. Thanks, Matthias
  3. FlyingPika, You have to try. I'm looking forward to seeing your design. I don't think there is a finishing date posted.
  4. Lookin foward to seeing how this Valk progresses. Looking good so far!
  5. I should have a design for the Bumper Sticker/T-Shirt in a day or so. It'll be black and white like the other designs. Matthias
  6. Thanks Melissa, I appreciate it! Matthias
  7. I may work on a third box design but at the moment I am too busy to work on it. I might make a Bumper Sticker Sized Design that can be used for a t-shirt or a sticker if printed out on sticker paper.
  8. tom64ss & Angel's Fury, Thanks alot! Angel's Fury, I think Valkyrie is the judge of the contest since he is doing he recasting of the VB-6 himself.
  9. Just credit me with the design is all. Take a picture of yourself wearing it and post it.
  10. I am proud of both these designs, I am really glad that you guys like them. Its always been a lifelong dream to work on a Macross project contest or not. Thanks for the compliments, I trully appreciate them.
  11. It's just the information offered at Macross Compendium. I couldn't find much more information than that. I'll post it on Monday morning. Matthias
  12. Hey all, it's me again. I spent all day today working on this design, I need some input though and you guys have been extremely helpful so far. Here are a few questions, do you think the silouettes with the logo make the design too busy and do you think that the black sides add or take away from the box design? As always any insight will be helpful and appreciated. Thanks, Matthias
  13. Yeah I agree, this ones done. Got to get started working on my first design now.
  14. Here's the edit:
  15. ChristopherB, Shifting the VB6 isn't a problem at all, I'll have a new version up later today with that edit. Thanks for the imput, I am really happy that so many people have given insight and advise to help improve on the design, I really appreciate it. Again thanks, Matthias
  16. I am glad you all like it, I am having fun working on this. I am going to have the other box design ready Sunday, if all goes well.
  17. Do you want me to send you a UN Spacy Logo? I created mine in Illustrator so it will work fine in your photoshop. PM me you email and I will be happy to send it to you. It is a great start for a first time user of the program! Matthias
  18. I am going to continue further with the other design, you are right though, I am going to move the Destroid over to show more of it. I am going to work on the other design this weekend, hopefully that design will be done on Sunday. Again thanks for the input and advice. I am also looking very forward to seeing other designs by other talented Macrossworld members. Matthias EDIT: As Neova pointed out the box would look better if the Destroid were more shown on the sides so here is what it looks like with that edit...
  19. According to the Macross design works book Konig doesn't have an E, same for the box from Liquid Stone. On the sides I chose to show the Destroid mode because on the front is the Gerwalk and on the back is the Shuttle, the sides have less viewable space and the destroid has the slimist profile. I thought to put the destroid there would make it as prevolent as the other modes. Thank you for the imput, I appreciate it. Matthias
  20. Here is the second box design I was working on, I hope everyone likes it. Any input will be greatly appreciated. Thanks for everyones thoughts and comments so far, Matthias
  21. Angel's Fury, I've placed it there while I was working on it and it gets in the way of the three images, if you like I will show you what it looks like, it wouldn't be that much trouble. I am going to do some work on it tonight and hopefully I have something more to show tommorow. I am going to work on the sides and the back, so most likely by Sunday I will have a complete box to show. Like I have said earlier, I have two designs in the works, I should have this prototype done tonight. Thanks for the input I really appreciate it.
  22. ChristopherB, I can see your point. I may make the line thicker or maybe seperate the pictures alittle to give more distinction. I got the pictures from my copy of Design Works, I just wish there was a larger variety of poses/shots of the Konig so I could try an different variety of angles to make the more distinctive in their respective modes. I'll give it a shot and post it later on. Thanks for the input! Matthias
  23. Yep five more sides, I am going to work on those tonight most likely definately this weekend. Thanks or the compliments Ghadrack & Valkyrie. Anyone have suggestions on changes feel free to let me know. I should have the second box cover tommorow.
  24. I am thinking about raising the 1:100 line on one side and the resin cast information on the other side of the UN Spacy Insignia. I have another cover with just the Gerwalk configuration and the necesary info on it if you like I'll upload that alittle later because I want to tweek it some more. Again Thanks, Matthias
  25. Heres a box cover entry, I have two or three designs, so here is the first, let me know what you think. Thanks, Matthias
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