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Everything posted by VF22Red

  1. Thanks Angel's Fury!
  2. I want to thank you guys for having this contest. It has been one of my lifes dreams to work on a Macross project!
  3. I'ld be willing to make some wallpapers of my box designs.
  4. Brooklyn New York: Lat: 40° 37' 19" Long: -73° 57' 20"
  5. Isamu, That makes it even more impressive.
  6. Isamu, the box looks cool!
  7. If after this weekend means we get to see your design, than I hope so as well. I'm looking forward to seeing it.
  8. When does the contest end?
  9. Man I say go for it, post them here, that way anone who need more resources can come to the offical forum and find it.
  10. Maxpower, That would be cool.
  11. I personally would love to see a YF-21 in 1/48
  12. Pika, I believe the schematic Valkyrie has given us for the box is as follows: Top and Bottom of the box: 14 1/2" W x 7 1/4" H or vice versa depending to your design Side 1 & 3: 7 1/4" W x 5" H or vice versa depending to your design Side 2 & 4: 14 1/2" W x 5" H or vice versa depending to your design I'm gonna re-design to match the specifications, so I should have something in the next few days. I can make you a bumpersticker if you like, it won't be coated or anything but I can make it and send it to you if you like. I can do a t-shirt but it won't be anything special, just a transfer iron-oned to a tee. PM me and I'll send you a bumpersticker and if you want I can see what I can do about a t-shirt. Matthias
  13. I am not going to be selling t-shirts, just making a design you can download and get transfer paper and print yourself. I never noticed the flaps were backwards, I'll fix that later tonight. I tried showing the other side of the destroid in my intial designs, they just weren't striking enough to show. I altered the destroids pose from the original art so that the head is facing the other way and the arm is positioned in a more defensive stance. Thanks for the input I appreciate it. Matthias
  14. Is anyone else entering?
  15. Everyone helped me out when I first put my designs in, why should I not in turn help anyone else? It's only the right thing to do.
  16. You did a good job, I am glad you entered your design. I'm looking foward to seing the finished design!
  17. I don't know of a deadline right now. On a professional note, why are you working in such a high resolution? Matthias
  18. I tried the three sillouettes, and it was too cluttered. I am going to try a vertical design that features all three in the future. I can however make two additional back pieces with a single sillouette of each mode, that way which ever is your favorite, you can have on the back. If there is something specific you want to see let me know and I can see what I can do. Matthias
  19. Here you go... I was originally thinking about just having the logo, but it didn' seemed right.
  20. Here is a 2C logo design for another front of a t-shirt or bumper sticker...
  21. Here is the B/W T-shirt front, its the same as the 1st box cover with a few items of verbage missing...
  22. Competition is cool, but it's better to know that other people are as enthusiastic about a common project, even if it is a contest. I am real eager to see what other visions everyone else have for the VB-6.
  23. FlyingPika, PM me your email addy and I'll be happy to send it. I am currently working on the t-shirt design and a bumper sticker. They are going to be variations of the box art. I am looking forward to seeing other Macrossworlders entries!
  24. I think possibly that the second link may be some sort of revamped Macross Plus or Macross Plus Game because those are two VF-19s with altered fastpacks and of course Sharon Apple herself.
  25. Thanks alot! I'll have a T-Shirt Design and probably the bumper sticker tommorow. Matthias
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