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Everything posted by DestroidDefender

  1. It sounds like instead of numbers they began giving the fleets letters. Macross "F" aka Frontier and it's neighbor Macross "G" for Galaxy.
  2. I bet the yellow hexagon markings Graham mentioned are the crest for the flight school that will feature in the show. Though it doesn't make sense the school kids would have the most advanced valkyrie does it? Except that always happens in anime doesn't it?!
  3. "Bugs Mr. Rico! Zillions of them!" Okay I had to say that. Still it looks very promising. The best of Macross 7 (colony fleet) Macross Plus (fighter jocks) and the original SDFM (love triangle, idol singer, etc). Too bad HG will kill any chance of it getting seen by the mainstream North American audience.
  4. Ironically that's the usual argument used to dismiss Macross II - it was a corporate made sequel made to cash in on DYRL. But I think there isn't a lot of new ground to cover on Macross 7. If you have not watched then go watch it. It has it's own groove and you either buy in and go for the ride or you don't. None of this should be taken too seriously. We're talking about cartoons with giant robots here!
  5. Looks awesome Marchie! It's sure to be the Macross reference site. Spotted a small typo in General Galaxy YF-21 "Omega One" Says: "For offense, the YF-21 featured a reward firing super-miniature anti-aircraft laser turret," Should that say 'For defense' and "rearward'?
  6. How about "Basara is part of an interesting ensemble of characters in Macross7"? I don't hate or worship Basara. I admire his spirit as an individual and iconoclast. Many people think Macross7 is "lame" - now imagine how much lamer it would be is Basara was a conformist cookie-cutter pop idol. The important question about Macross7 is not whether you hate Basara or even that you agree with him. The question is whether you understand Basara's POV. There was a quite a good discussion thread about that awhile ago. People were arguing whether he was a Christ figure or a Buddha allegory. Not your usual flame war.
  7. People have mentioned that maybe Macross Frontier will have a pilot OAV and followup series like Macross Plus and Macross 7. I think that boat has already sailed. If Macross Zero had been on schedule and a hit we would have seen another Macross TV seres by now. Since it didn't I think the creators behind the show have been casting around for new ideas. Apparently the whole concert and launch hype was a bit premature because they don't seem to have anything concrete yet to show us. It sounds like Macross Frontier will be something like Macross 7. Me? I'd like to see something set during and after SW1 featuring Destroids and some new variants of the classic VF-1. I guess I'm old fashioned but I don't think the classics ever got enough screen time except for the hero Valkyries.
  8. You'd think if they had any real promo footage for Macross F they'd be include it the 25th anniversary dvd sets. Since it is not mentioned I think were talking mid-late 2008 before this series airs on TV. Does the "new tv" season in Japan start in the fall like it does in US/Canada?
  9. You can also find good Fansubs for Macross 7 by download. I'd check the iMacross share thread pinned at the top. The subs on the HK import/bootleg anime are irredeemably awful.
  10. Actually I kind of feel sorry for Tobey because he has to be a fanboy to be interested in Robotech (one of us! one of us!) Most fans have got to agreed the best part of Robotech was Macross. He's done all the legwork and investing time and money to start production on a Robotech movie. Now he discovers the shitstorm that is the Macross international licensing agreement. It's hard to believe the producers would bother licensing the Robotech intellectual property without clear license to include Macross. "Inconceivable!" as Vizzini the Sicilian would say.
  11. Close enough I guess. I know there was a 1/144 kit from Arii (IIRC) but Nichimo never did a 1/200 monster. Or Q-Rau or N-Ger. There is a gashpon Q-Rau now but still no 1/200 N-Ger.
  12. Any developments? Wasn't it almost finished when it was shown a couple months back at the con?
  13. I've got had the Matchbox/Robotech diecast MkII Monster primered and ready for some detailing for about 20 years now. It's part of my long ( really long ) range plan for wargaming Macross in 1/200 scale. I'm not sure of it's exact scale but it was the closest I could get to a 1/200 monster back in the day. I suppose somebody was probably done a garage kit by now.
  14. Update. Using a different cable run I can get to the test connection screen. Now it says connected but shortly after "Connection to DNAS Times Out. Try again later." What's up with that? BTW I don't know what's wrong with the original cable. My tester says all the wire pairs are good....
  15. The Korean licensors of the 1/55 Macross toys had the right to use it in domestic Korean animation. The result was Space Gundam V.
  16. I've tried patch different cables and different router ports. I'm going to run a line to different wall socket next. Then I'm going to try a pc on the line when I have a chance.
  17. PS2 Network Help Okay. I have a new slim model PS2. I've tried all my tech support mojo to get the little bugger online but it's just not working. It won't DHCP. It's won't talk to the router with a static address. The router's firewall is off and the static address is assigned to the DMZ anyway. The router doesn't even show a connected light but my cable tester shows the line is good. I've looked at a bunch of FAQs and the sony support and I'm not seeing anything helpful. WTF is going on? Anybody? I'm beginning to think the LAN adapter in the PS2 is bad.
  18. Okay. I have a new slim model PS2. I've tried all my tech support mojo to get the little bugger online but it's just not working. It won't DHCP. It's won't talk to the router with a static address. The router's firewall is off and the static address is assigned to the DMZ anyway. The router doesn't even show a connected light but my cable tester shows the line is good. I've looked at a bunch of FAQs and the sony support and I'm not seeing anything helpful. WTF is going on? Anybody? I'm beginning to think the LAN adapter in the PS2 is bad.
  19. That's the point I always bring up in Mac+ discussions and I get shouted down - "LOL JUST LOOK AT TEH ANIMATION< DUDE!" Yeah the animation is great in mac+ but the story especially the ending makes little sense. I hadn't seen the first part of the finale until I got the discs last year. I always assumed Isamu went to earth to save Myung/Fight Sharon. I was gobsmacked when I learned that his motivation was losing his job. Well boohoo. You'd think a Tom Cruise like him would be used to getting canned. The fact he arrives in time to save Myung is incidental. WTF? I know Japan is a distinct culture but I've seen enough Japanese film to know they expect their story's to have a beginning, middle and end that hang together. That the characters have motivations. That someone does something decisive at the climax of the story - not that he just happens to be there having a pissing contest with his rival from high school. The fact that it was remade as a movie and still doesn't make narrative sense floors me. This has nothing to do with Macross: Frontier does it?
  20. Or it's even possible because of the large scale cloning that the Max and Millia we saw on Macross 7 are not the originals...but lets not go there!
  21. Re: Cable Cars. A Tram or street car can be powered by many things - electricity, diesel even horses. San Francisco street cars are called Cable cars because there are pulled by clamping onto a moving cable that runs underneath the street. So they are like the gondola lift that Graham pictured but the cable is buried in the ground. Their battloid mode is not as good their gerwalk.
  22. Tentacled Space Monsters™ could be cool. I'm remembering the Delzag in Megazone23. The Space 1999 episode 'Dragon's Domain' had a Tentacled Space Monster™- very Cthulhu Mythos. Bring on the Tentacled Space Monsters™.
  23. The coolest display mecha I ever saw was a 1/1 scale Heavy Gear that Activision brought to GenCon in 1997 - the year they did the Heavy Gear PC game. Pictures are here: Life Size Gear
  24. Future Shop are good if you want the same thing as everybody else. If they can't sell a whole skid of something they don't have it. I'll look next time i'm in there, but they are unlikely to have a specialized PS2 => PC adaptor. I have found a Canadian source for modchips. I think I'm going to go the modded ps2 route. PS2s are relatively cheap as are mod kits. But It's a challenge to sort out the different models. UPDATE: The mod chip I was looking at includes this in it's description: In its factory default state MODCHIP is programmed with the official bios which only supports booting homebrew software, not imports or backups. To enable booting of these you must program your MODCHIP with 3rd party flash content. For more information please see the FAQ’s and Guides forum at... but there's nothing there. Now I'm not modding a PS2 without knowing ahead of time I'll be able use import games. Anybody know a Modchip that for sure plays PS1 and PS2 imports?
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