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Everything posted by DestroidDefender

  1. Thanks again Hurin. I got a copy of the FX edition and was able to make a "backup" with your improved subs. I did have trouble generating the demuxes - I kept gettng a CIRC error - bad disk I guess. I just told the ripper to ignore errors and it seems to have turned out fine. I could not write to the double density DVDr. It may have been the fact I was using Nero or that ASPI was not installed. I installed ASPI and I did it through DVDDecrypter (which used the nero engine anyway IIRC) and I made a perfect copy. What fun. It's almost my favorite animated movie. It's only of the gratuitous decapiation during the modular transformation and extreme violence in the fist Milla scene that make me put it after Nausicaa.
  2. Definititely tempted but it not a case of "double dipping" when you have the HK version, the Robotech version AND the Animeigo version already. Do I want this 4th version of Macross? Sure, but....
  3. I decided to tackle this project, but when I hauled out my DYRL dvd it's made by somebody called Anime Cartoons International. It's not going to work is it? And it's probably an inferior transfer, though much better than Clash of the Bionoids!
  4. I have it on order from HLJ so I hope to hear from them soon!
  5. Everybody has their favorites. I think we all admire the mecha designs in the macross universe. Some of the characters grab one fan or another. Macross Plus seems be most people's fave but I don't find the storyline makes much sense. I think they are dazzled by the animation and don't think to ask "Is losing your job enough motivation to steal a protoype fighter and destroy a city?" I'd place MacII above Macross7 and maybe MacZero in terms of plot and story telling.
  6. No updates on this release? I can't seem to get thru to Amazon Japan, and I don't read Japanese anyway....
  7. Boinger - I was able to connect last week, but now I just timeout. 12:00pm PDT
  8. Nousjadeul-Ger in any scale other than 1/144.
  9. I'm a wargamer and I've been trying to collect all the Macross fighting mecha in 1/200 scale for wargaming purposes. Between the Nichimo plastic kits, the Robotech RPG lead minis, and the latest crop of Gashapon, I have all the UN and Zentaedi mecha now except the Zen male Power Armor Nousjadeul-Ger in 1/200. Anyone seen or know of such a kit coming up? Perhaps in a future Gashapon set?
  10. Okay - when I first saw mac+ years ago on the Space Channel, I thought Isamu flew to Earth in the final chapter to rescue Myung and stop Sharon. Seeing it again lately, Isamu's motivation for stealing the fighter and flying to Earth seem to be purely spite over losing his job. Arriving in time to save Myung appear to be purely coincidental. And he doesn't seem to have any problem trashing Macross City to escape Guld. Am I reading this right? Is this a difference between the "movie" and OAV?
  11. Excuse me for making the comparison to Mac7 and Mac+. I enjoyed the animation and the story of MacII. I don't think the supposed tech level inconsistencies are important. I have a bigger problem with the mecha in MacO looking too advanced than I do with the VFs in MacII not looking advanced enough.
  12. I recently replayed Macross II and I found it very watchable especially compared to Macross 7. Sure it's derivative of SDF but it has it's good point. I think people get dazzled by the animation in Macross+ and don't look to too closely at the story. I guess what I'm saying is I consider Macross II just as worth as Mac+, Mac7 , and Mac0.
  13. We've all seen the models of the mecha from this series - a lot of them were in the original Battletech (along with Macross and Crusher Joe mecha). Has anybody actually seen the series? I think it's on DVD in Japanese but I've never seen it offered in English even as a bootleg.
  14. I'm really tempted to get this one....even though I have not played VF-X and never seen this monster in action! Anyone know a Canadian source?
  15. I voted Valks but really it was the mecha in general - especially the Destroids, Regults and Glaug.
  16. It looks like the Monster is on the deck of ship since you can see the ship's superstructure behind it. As for Apos/hand discussion - it is called perspective, folks. The Hand is closer to the viewer. The Valkyrie is far away.
  17. Thought the Daedalus was described as "semi-submersible".
  18. Well I'm definitely not going to watch the movie again to respond precisely, but Michael Ironsides speach to his class about the responsibility of people to perform public service before getting the vote is lifted almost word for word from the book. The book is not primarlily about fighting bugs while wearing armored suits. If it was, it would not end like it does BEFORE the final battle. It's a political statement about the responsibilities of the individual to the state and vice versa. If you have not read it since your youth, read it again. It's not a juvie space opera about fighting "bugs". It a pretty right wing, some would say fascist, manifesto. Thats what made it into the movie (as satire, but its there).
  19. RE: SST I've seen it (and so had Veerhoven who direct the SST movie). A lot of the teenage 90210 elements in the movie appeared the 80's anime. the high school stuff and the football game are in the anime (not the book). That aside the power suits are really cool - the best artistic interpretation of the suits I've ever seen. The anime bug are dissappointing though. BTW, while I think the movie is poor, it IS an accurate interpretation of the book in many ways. All the patriotic stuff about promoting militarism is in the book. Some of the lines are lifted verbatim. What peaks my interest in the display are the mini space ships. Are these for a wargame?
  20. I've been trying to get the first episode of the original MS Gundam, but he one in the full series bittorrent pack is corrupted. Anybody got ep1 of the orginal MSG to share?
  21. I'm Surrey BC Canada 49° 9' 49" N 122° 50' 39" W
  22. It could be. That would make Macross Zero a prequel to DYRL - not neccessarily a prequeal to SDF:Macross the series. ARGH brain hurts!
  23. I'd like to see something set in or soon after Space War One with the classic mecha animated with cutting edge techniques. My own pet idea inspired by the 7 Samurai: a group of retired/amateur Destroid pilots protect the lone settlement on a remote colony planet from marauders including Zentraedi and various mecha. I can see it making a great OVA. If it has to have music, one of the young amateurs is a promising musician.
  24. Well. I'm flattered. I expect a small percentage. What do you mean it's not for profit? *^%#@!!!
  25. What's the name of the english patch for VO?
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