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Everything posted by DestroidDefender

  1. Not everyone would say that's a bad thing. I'd like to see a series using some of our favorite existing mecha designs and without the mystical mumbo-jumbo. So I wouldn't write off a project with no SK. I've always been fond of the Destroids. A side story about Destroid pilots in SW1 could be cool. Or a story on a colony planet during the mac+ era with old Destroids defending a small settlement as in Seven Samurai.... Whatever it is I'm in favor of new Macross!
  2. Awesome. I guess I was looking on the wrong page or expecting it under the mecha heading. Nice to see it written up - it often gets overlooked.
  3. Looks great. Minor nitpick- I don't see the Zentraedi Gnerl Fighter Pod under SDF or DYRL.
  4. Very hard to tell what it all means. I get the feeling there might be a Macross chapter as part of some bigger anthology movie. That's just a guess of course. Looks like is something substantial coming otherwise Graham would be able to burst our bubble. Here is hoping for more news.
  5. We saw Hikaru take infantry training during his boot camp. It seems to me there is no question that there are UN Infantry. I would assume they are part of the UN Army. Whether the infrastructure of the UN Army survived SW1 I can't say. As am aside, I would love to have seen more with the Destroids. Like infantry, their role in the SW 1 story was underused. I would enjoy a good Destroid saga in SW1 period or the colonial era afterwards. I have long imagined a Seven Samurai type adventure with a group of UN Spacy veterans defending a remote colony from Zentraedi "banditos".
  6. If you go back tot he original topic here: Which is the most hated? The answer has to be Mac7. Many people vehemently actually hate it. Whereas many are just indifferent to macII.
  7. Yes Astroboy and Speed Racer and Kimba the White Lion were all shown on US (and Canadian) TV. Battle of the Planets was shown in a seriously dumbed down version. But the first serious science fiction anime show imported that was not completely butchered in the translation was Star Blazers/Space Cruiser Yamato. That is what opened my eyes to Japanese animation and made me receptive to Robotech.
  8. How exactly did they go rouge? Did they start putting it on your checks or paint themselves red all over? Seriously, this is the most annoying spelling error. It's Rogue
  9. That one looks so ridiculous it belongs in the Gundam Universe. Seriously there are so many cool mecha in this series that it should be revived somehow. If the original series isn't up to standard for DVD then a new show should be done using the mecha.
  10. You kids don't know from bad SF movies. Starship Invasions 1977 imDb
  11. Me too! Armored Valk is my fave and I'm a 1/55 man. I'll take ay Least one set.
  12. Gundam fans don't have enough stuff to watch, now they are hijacking the climax of the best mecha moment in Macross. Enough is Enough!
  13. RE: "Cloning" The Zentraedi process we call cloning isn't really what we know as cloning today. It doesn't just grow new tissue from a DNA sample. It's more like the transporter on Star Trek. It dissolves the old body, create a new one, and somehow transmits the consciousness of the individual from the old body to the new one. Assumedly the Zentraedi manufacture new soldiers by creating multiples copies from a single source. Now so such cloning as "copying" the complete adult body and consciousness.
  14. Didn't the good old VF appear in a video game recently?
  15. Yeah I'd be in for Ostrich, Elint and an Armored Set. I like the 1/55's mostly for nostalgic reasons I guess. I have a 1/60 yammie Armored Valk becuase it was the only available and it's my fave. I don't go for the 1/48s becuase I don't what to get into another scale/size.
  16. That's what DYRL says. I'm not sure that's in SDF:M. This is something that should have been clarified in Mac Zero but I don't think it was. That's the Robotech talking. 395141[/snapback] Lets not go there. If not for Robtoech few of us would even know about Macross.
  17. That was the jist of my comment earlier in the thread. The galaxy is really big. Without the Protoculture leadership I think the Zentraedi basically wander in large gangs picking fights rather than systematicly exploring. Given the Earth's special status to the Protoculture as the source of the Human genome it's probably not a coincidence that the ASS-1 landed here. And I don't think the ASS-1 was just any ship - there was something special about it. I suspect that these points were to be explored in Macross Zero, but we'll probably never know. Because of Kawamori's ham-fisted story telling and the series premature truncation they remain mysteries.
  18. I heard Tom Hank was interested in doing Star Trek. I think he'd be a really good Captain Christopher Pike.
  19. I have to make 2 points about the "over 1000 more Zentraedi fleets" mentioned in DYRL. 1) Why has another Zentraedi fleet not found and attacked earth ? It's a big galaxy. None of them found us in the previous 499, 990 years - why should another one show up now? 2) More Zentraedi are encountered and fought in ALL the Macross follow up series (except Macross Zero). In Macross II it clear stated Zentraedi attacks were regular occurances and the they were always defeated by the Minmay Culture Attack. In Macross Plus Izamu is shown fighting Zentraedi. In Macross 7, they encounter a Meltrandi fleet in Fleet of the Strongest Women. So the presence of other Zentraedi fleets has been explored somewhat. I tend to agree with you though. I'd prefer more strories that fill in the Protoculture/Supervision Army/Zentraedi backstory of the Macross universe and less junk with mediocre pop songs.
  20. RE: VF-11B for $50-$75 Yeah but he only accepts US bidder and I'm a Canuck. Darn.
  21. I actually prefer Macross II and MegaZone 23 parts 1 and 2 over the "official" Macross 7 as continuations of the Macross story. But I would never rags on somebody that was enthusiastic for Macross 7. It's all subjective really. I hope we get more new quality Macross that emphasizes character and mecha and, yes, music but has a PLOT. The least you can say is Mac II has a storyline you can follow.
  22. Mac II. Yeah you lot are going to say Macross II is not canon but it's a great example of what we would be expectng the years after SDF:Macross. The Earth has to regularly defend itself from marauding Zentraedi fleets. They have no problem until the Marduk controlled Zentraedi show up, and wackiness ensues! In fact, I don't really have any problem accepting MacII as canon since it takes place years later and half a galaxy away from Mac7.
  23. I too like MacII. I guess i don't believe Kawamori = QUALITY macross. Look. He is a cool mecha designer. But he can't plot a story anymore to save his soul. Escalflowne looked great but made no sense. Macross 7 was all over the map. We're all still scratching our heads over Mac Zero. I's too bad Mac II was truncated and has poor animation/story telling in it's final episodes - but the original TV series really loses it's way in the final season. The last part of Mac Zero seems rushed and incomplete. And I still can't understand the Isamu's justification for blowing up a city at the end of Mac+. The wheels always seem to come off in the final act for Kawamori. So no. I don't think Mac II should be dismissed because Kawamori was not involved.
  24. Ah. I admit I did not sit through the whole thing. I recall the song being used at the beginning. As a matter of fact the VHS tape I had had the end cut off so I could not have heard it during the end credits. In any case, I don't reccommend this version over the ADV version. If you have the Robotech version in English already then, again, I don't see too much to reccommend this one.
  25. I watched the first episode and checked out the "special features". I was not that impressed with the voice acting although it was novel to hear Mari doing Minmei in English. I was disappointed with the extra titled "original english dub" of Macross. I had that on tape when it came out and I wanted to hear the embarassing theme song again for old time sake - " A Super Space Fortress called MACROSS! Dumdiddy-Dum!" Guess what? It's not there. They have used the original voice tracks to reconstruct a facimile of that first version but this is not the full original version released on VHS in 1984. I won't be buying these since I have the ADV restored versions.
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