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Everything posted by buffalobob77

  1. Whoa! My wallet actually just jumped out of my pocket and slapped me in the face. Oh well still won't stop me from picking this up.
  2. Well my VF-0S arrived much to my joy. I took it out of the package very excited that nothing was broken....Then I saw the head. Must have been somebody's smoke break at the Yamato QC line because I've got two right sided head lasers! So now I'm hoping that someone else ended up with two left sided ones so we can trade.
  3. I too am a big fan of Rebellion. Why? Because you had the ability to name the ships in your fleet. Kinda a dumb reason but it all seemed so much more dire when the you had a ship named after your first pet of something. "Oh my god they blew up Mr. Snuggles. NOOOO!" Anyway maybe I'll check this out.
  4. If I had been the one that bought his kidney stone I would have named it KHAN!!!
  5. I might be down for a set of each.
  6. That sucks. The Legends line in one of the best out there and even though hasbro has done some great things with Star Wars they don't seem to put as much effort into their other properties. Oh well I didn't collect Marvel Legends. Just had a lot respect for the line and I'd hate to see it turn into something more kiddy friendly.
  7. Foul language? Where? Anyways Buried treasure?... buried alive by your description MISB is the only way a 1/55 will have some kind of value as it is it's parts are the only 'valuable' thing 345031[/snapback] he said, "sh*tty cameraphone" boo the foul language, boo! 345164[/snapback] Yes poopy would be so much more appropriate.
  8. Awesome collection man! I'm guessing those plain colored figures in the helicopter are microman. Where did you get them?
  9. I used to have that as my avatar then saw that somebody else already had it. Curse you internet for robbing me of all my once thought original ideas!
  10. Don't know who is playing it on the PC but the controls are near impossible to program into my logitech rumblepad. Is it any better on the consuls?
  11. Really nice work! From the looks of things this is going to look way better than the one on the show.
  12. I agree. I'm mostly disappointed because there was so much more they could have done with those characters. Especially Book. I tend to forgot about him but if they played up his mysterious past more I think he would have turned out to be one of the most popular characters.
  13. Lets out big gasp of air. I've been waiting months to talk about this movie. When people would ask how it was all I could say is it's good but be prepared for some surprises. Wash's death being the number one surprise. First off I have to say I don't think it was totally necessary but it was done really well. The build up with the ship battle and then being in mid laugh when he was killed made it really powerful. I guess if they were required to kill off two characters he is the second most disposable. Weakest character for me was Mr. Universe. He is somewhat amusing but seems out of place. Actually I may just dislike him because it felt like they made him a more important character than Wash. As for sequels it might be cool to see them make a movie about them just doing a job instead of something on a epic scale. Anybody read the comics that came before the movie. They are good plus you get to see Book in action one last time.
  14. That is so beautiful. I could cry. Mostly because I can't afford another valk to put it on.
  15. All these pictures of the GBP armor are making me tingle.
  16. I'm totally freaking out!
  17. Wow, I've got so many. Top two have to be Armageddon and Star Trek 2: The Wrath Of Khan!!!!! I can't even type Khan with out thinking of Shatner screaming his name.
  18. I can't wait to hear some more reviews of this thing. I have to be pretty well convinced this thing is worth the price.
  19. I was lucky enough to go to a preview screening the other day and over all I was blown away. Much of the dialog I didn't like in the preview sounded pretty good when you see the full scene. Plus there are a lot of nods to Frank Miller's Batman: Year One. I'm actually quite surprised I liked it so much. I had really lost faith in Warner Brothers to do a decent Batman film. But I have to say, in my opinion they finally got it right.
  20. I agree with nightmareB4macross. I don't think I'd still be buying stuff if the quality wasn't constantly being improved. Also hanging onto a few aspects of childhood isn't so bad. Plus I'm really into scifi ship design. I still question what the real benefit of collecting is. I'll just say since I can't afford my dream of being an international billionaire playboy/spy/rock star I'll just have to stick with collecting Macross stuff to get my kicks.
  21. What set me off was when they started to make Star Wars figures again. It was my senior year in high school(1996) and a friend had bought a Darth Vader figure. I guess at that moment I had to see the rest of them and ended up buying Han Solo the next day. Before this I had no interest in collecting after childhood but I just thought it was so cool there was new Star Wars toys. After that the collection just kept growing. I got into Spawn and some of the earlier Toy Biz comic stuff. Kinda regret that last one. Come to think of it I'm not to happy with the earlier Spawn stuff either. I had a lot of fun looking for toys. Thrill of the hunt and all that. This all started to slow down during college. Mostly because of lack of money and space to keep it in. After college I stopped all together. Actually had to sell quite a bit of it. Then once I finally received employment I got back into it. I'm much more picky now. I mainly just stick to one big purchase a year such as a 1/48 valk or the MP Prime. Funny thing is my girlfriend had me keep all the "comic book bimbo" figures I had so she could use them as a photo project. Now our apartment is not only decorated with those but also artistic black and white photos of them. I've talked to a few other collector my age and it seems that the new Star Wars figures were a big influence. I've longed dropped them but they were defiantly the spark that lit the fire.
  22. I have a group of friends that are going to the 3:45am show tonight. I don't know if I want to call them my friends anymore.
  23. So? My list of revolutionary systems and the reasons is as follows: Odyssey. First home video game. First light gun. Channel F. First programmable game system. It set the paradigm that literally EVERY game system after it has adhered to, although CDs have taken the place of ROMs in the intervening decades. Intellivision. First "next-gen" system, and the beginning of the console wars(Round 1: 2600 VS INTV). Also features the first gamepad which, though it is a somewhat cumbersome device, had 8 switches allowing for 16-direction gameplay instead of the 8-way play of more conventional 4-switch controllers. Perhaps most signifigantly, it had a BIOS ROM with a splash screen and many useful subroutines integrated into it. 5200. Input-wise, this is the most modern pre-N64 system. Analog joysticks. The integration of universal, well-labelled start and pause controls to the controller(also added a reset button to the sticks, though that idea fell flat). 4 controller ports. Vectrex. True 3D graphics through the use of the 3D Imager accessory. Scaling and rotation of objects(thanks to the integrated vector display). 7800. Backwards-compatiblity with the VCS/2600. NES. Created the gamepad as we now know it, as well as having a serial data stream coming from the controllers(by far more signifigant, really). Resurrected the US game market. Genesis. Multiple background layers allowing for parallax effects to create the illusion of depth. SNES. Shoulder buttons. Sample-based audio hardware. 3D effects through graphics mode 7, while not exactly the most robust ever made, are the beginning of a new era of raster-based 3D illusions(but not the first era). PCEngine/TurboGrafX16. CD-ROM games. Playstation. Transition from a focus on sprite/tile to polygon-based graphics, commonly mislabeled as 2D and 3D graphics. Virtual Boy. The first system with true 3D graphics on every game. DS. Touch-screen gaming. You forgot: 1997 Cyberdine systems creates an intelligent gaming machine testing players ability's to fullest and giving them the ultimate gaming experience.
  24. Just got back form the Seattle preview screening of Serenity. Wow! I'm not giving anything else away. Just Wow! Of course I could be a little biased.
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