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Everything posted by buffalobob77

  1. If Playmates was making a toy of me I'd want them to hide my face as well.
  2. I know there was a screen shot of the armored Galatica from the web-episodes posted earlier but does anyone have or know where to find some better pictures of the Galatica in her prime?
  3. Good to see Playmates hasn't lost their suck. http://www.toyark.com/news/terminator-toy-...toy-images-482/
  4. Oh man. I really don't want the Sideshow Snake Eyes to be cool or for that matter any Joes made by them. My wallet is already taking a beatin' from the 25th Anniversary stuff.
  5. Well no matter what Rachel Nichols has the two biggest reasons why I'm going to see this film.
  6. Probably old news but I was talking about the Power Armor. http://www.hisstank.com/gi-joe-news/attach...ttachmentid=911
  7. My feelings on the vehicles is a little mixed after I saw the boxed photos. I was hoping they would have gone the same route as they did with the 25th figures and have them in their classic packaging and having to build it and add the stickers on yourself. For me that was one of the best parts of getting them. I have a really fond memory of getting the Defiant as a kid, spending hours putting it together then running outside and re-enacting a crash landing into a snow bank. If I had only knew how much that thing was going to be worth...I probably wouldn't have had so much with it.
  8. My wallet knows I have no control. It blames Hasbro.
  9. Most of those new two packs sound like they will be fairly easy repaints but the Nemesis Enforcer and Iron Grenadier should be interesting.
  10. New comic 2 packs up for pre-order http://www.bigbadtoystore.com/bbts/product...amp;mode=retail All I can say is COBRA-LA-LA-LA-LA-LA!
  11. I guess he was thinking "why use a middle man?"
  12. Still no mention of Crystal Ball or Raptor. I just don't see this film without those characters.
  13. I'm a fan of the movie but I'm not sure another random group of people and their view of the same night is exactly what I wanted to see. I think the film was great in putting you in the place of these normal people going through these extraordinary events. Now that we have seen the story told that way and the monster has been revealed a sequel involving maybe the media and the way they handle it would be really interesting. And I think someone else had this idea but I like the idea of a military documentary going over the events of the disaster as well. Or better yet maybe they can just go all Aliens on it and have hundreds of the monsters tearing apart the rest of the world.
  14. Speaking of Cool Breeze that is a figure I'd like to see in a comic pack.
  15. Looks like I may have spoke to soon if these next waves are what was just listed. I'm kinda confused by Hardball though. I hope he has the same gun. That thing was sweet. Completely agree with Uxi about the 3 packs. If you are going to do army builder sets you should at least include multiples of the same trooper.
  16. Seems a little early for Hasbro to be hitting the repaints so much when there are so many core characters left to do. After seeing this latest wave and the TRU exclusives I guess I just don't think they compare with the previous waves. Not that this is going to stop me from picking up a few... Because I'm a slave to Hasbro and the awesome things they are doing for the 25th Anniversary Joes.
  17. I love the look on his face. He is the best at what he does and the only one that does it. OH YEAH!
  18. Even though I'm pretty sure I see city lights in the background maybe it could be like a dry dock for space with atmosphere inside. Then they could have construction options for both environments.
  19. So it can kick the snot out of all these 25th Anniversary Joes I can't stop buying.
  20. Because it would be fun
  21. I know I'm half tempted to preorder one. $99 is bit steep without seeing a picture though.
  22. Anyone see this? http://www.hasbrotoyshop.com/ProductsByBra...63&ID=21030 Sounds like it could be cool.
  23. Just to add my own two cents on the motion sickness. I got really ill watching Blair Witch but this I was okay. The shaky cam bugged me a lot for the first 15 minutes or so but after that I was fine. Have to say I really liked the movie. I currently live in Brooklyn New York and was happy to see a very real portrayal of New York City rather than a glorified shiny version that we usually see in films. Made the whole thing much more scary for me.
  24. Maybe she can constantly nag Ryu and Ken to tell her their secrets.
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