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Everything posted by MSW

  1. Here is another one of my pics...done about 3 years ago, IIRC....a steampunk underwater mecha/huge powersuit thingy for a story I've been developing that is sort of a mix between Blue Submarine No.6 and the old Garry Anderson Stingray show CG coloring with a mouse in Corel Photopaint (I don't have Photoshop)...not exactly my best work but something about this is still appealing to me... For characters my main influences are Peter Chung (Aeon Flux fame), Don Bluth (Dragons Lair, Space Ace, etc), Masami Obarii (Fatal Fury, etc..) and Nagano (L-Gaim, Five Star Stories)...for mecha it's again Nagano and Obarii, with a huge dose of Kazami Fujita (the "hyper" Zeta Gundam, the mecha for the PSX game QUOVADIS, etc..) Haven't tried an airbrush with my Watcom...still trying to master that "hand eye cordination" to draw on the tablet while watching the screen, it does work tons better and faster then a mouse...but still doesn't feel natural yet
  2. AWSOME work LSB! :thumbsup: I too am an aspireing artist ... some of my stuff: http://www.picturetrail.com/gallery/view?p...6566&uid=549075 Last week I finaly purchased a Watcom graphics tablet...It's not quite as easy to use as I had hoped ... but at somepoint I hope to draw as well with it as I can on paper
  3. thanks for the AWSOME images JA Dare I've had a little time to doodle up some rough motoslave parts breakdowns starting with the Typhoon II with the idea of makeing it look closer to the image below (the offical lineart differs a bit, especialy in the shape of the lower legs)...and I'll prolly model up somthing of a combination of the various motoslave versions (if I don't go crazy first from all the various joints and parts involved ) The Typhoon II, according to the lineart JA Dare sent me does transform into a fairly big bike...and it's rather angular design makes it easyer to model (plus in bot mode it just looks cool to me...prolly my favorite motoslave version ) ... but I'll likely have to change around some details to make it work ... according to the lineart sent to me, Priss isn't to scale exactly in this image...altho the motoslave is larger then previous versions..
  4. CRUISE CHASER BLASSTY! ...Oh wait, there arn't any toys of it GALVION! ...Oh wait, there are only a few gashapen figures of the bots (sold as part of the Convertors toy line) and an ultra rare larger figure of the title bot PERFECT GRADE GGG ENRYU & HIRYU ...Oh wait, Bandai hasn't made them yet YAMAHA YZF-R6! ...Oh wait, it's not really a toy ...but it's the only one I have so far
  5. Now this is pretty cool.... Gaiking has always been a pretty cool super robot...but I think this would make for a better show: http://www.ne.jp/asahi/mecha/keida/kanzen-...yoryumecha.html Now if they just redo Daimos and Raideen
  6. Whoah, cool stuff EXO .... J A Dare, PM sent I've always loved BGC, one of my all time favorite anime Always wondered why no toys, or even Bandai like kits from this series were produced...even some microman like figures of the powersuits would have been nice ... guess we gotta make our own
  7. Does anyone know of any books, scans, models, or other images of the Motoslave from the original OVA series? Detail type stuff like how it transforms, etc...I'm looking to possably attempt a scratch build.
  8. That's actually what I was thinking of when I saw the thread title. Same here. Hmm...If Enryu is real...then you know what that means? Swan White must be real too! :drool:
  9. Maybe Mr George Lucus would call that a script...But you can be damn sure George Lucas wouldn't... And please, none of the posted "scripts" are actually scripts...a plot summery, a story treatment, and a timeline break down are NOT scripts!
  10. MSZ-008 ZII and the MSA-005 Methuss ... Hell, I'd settle for just a MG, or even a HGUC kit of these...Even if all Bandai does is produce a MSIA figure of the Methuss, I would be most happy
  11. Been a while sense I seen one...these were out in America some time ago (about 4 years ago IIRC)...I still remember seeing them (and the simular sized version of the CG Voltron...Shadow Voltron? damn goofy looking, whatever it was called ) stacked up on the shelves at my local TRU ... course at the time I couldn't afford the price they were selling for ($50 IIRC), and by the time I could they were gone (only the fugly shadow remained ) ToyboxDX did a ramble on it, IIRC...and I also recall seeing a web site documenting the custom changes done inorder to make it look more correct (it does have a kinda short and husky deformed look compared to the smaller original toy)...also heard about an supposedly oversized, twice as large, bootleg of the toy
  12. So I take it that: is a missprint?
  13. Haveing read the original H.G.Wells book...well it COULD be a cool flick, they would have to change a few things..mainly flesh out the characters, give them motives, personnality, and story archs...even then it should still be possable to follow the situations in the book fairly accuritely (there is some damn spooky stuff in it...stuff that was way ahead of the time it was written (1886, IIRC))... For those that have not read it, the book is basicly a first person narritive compolation for two characters (main character who lives in a small English town...and his brother resideing in London)...in the book us Earthlings fare piss poor against the invadeing martians...only one war machine is destroyed...and although the martians are featured prominately, much of the telling is more suited to a scary film then all out war flick (not a lot of action). M.Night Shymalan (or however it's spelled) has about the same quit intense creepy style as the book uses...set the film in the 1890's and use some real English locations and near unknown actors (altho the guy that played Jeckle/Hyde in League of Extrodinary Gentalmen would be about perfect for the lead character)...stick as close to the book as possable...and let Nagano (of Five Star Story fame) design the martian war machines (in the book they are more surreal then victorian in description )...Now that could make for a great WotW flick Then again the film Signs basicly was WotW...and in spirit much closer then Speilburg and Cruise will ever get
  14. I love Orguss...it's a great classic series (and the title mech design is mucho cool...one of my all time faves...anyone else notice how the VF-19, with the wings on the hips, bares a simularity...almost a tribute to the Orguss...or maybe I'm just seeing things ) The story does move a bit slow, but there are some nice plot twists (not completely unsupriseing though)...so it does get more interesting...If it had tighter plotting it may have fared a bit better with fewer episodes...but at least it isn't a huge Gundam like epic of 50+ episodes (did Gundam Wing actually need that many episodes to tell it's story?...didn't think so )
  15. Loved that show too ... Got a DVD off ebay containing several of the episodes (this is a home made DVD, quality is pretty decent, but it's obvious they burned it from VHS tapes)...the animation, especialy in the pilot episode is at least OVA quality not bad at all for a cartoon from 1984 One of my comic book ideas is sorta a reimagined retelling of Rob and the orbots
  16. I have that exact kit of the Zeta Plus...it was made back when Bandai was switching over to snap together kits, It was made back when Bandai released other Setinal kits like the old 1/144 S/ExS Gundams.... and for the most part the kit IS largely snap together...it IS also mostly molded in color... A review of the kit (mind the pop-ups): http://amurosmobilesuitgarage.150m.com/Zeta-Plus-Review.htm
  17. I never saw Ulysses 31, never aired in my area ... but I remember hearing about it through the snail mail anime clubs of the time My little sister (now 25) used to love Jem...that and She-Ra Now, that is just evil! (Dead Milkmen's "Punk Rock Girl" is playing on my stereo right now)
  18. Picked him from Walmart last night for $63 and some change..at least a dozen left (mine has no poster )..now all I want besides the binaltech figures (I got smoke screan and side swipe, awaiting the jeep and corvette). and I want the little energon bird toy damn is Prime secured tightly in the packageing...so much so that I missed the ankle tie downs and when retrieveing him from his vacformed plasic bedding...both feet poped off! But they poped back on again no problem, though the ankle joints are a bit loose...but Prime sill stands without problems Overall he is pretty cool...nice bot mode...but truck mode needs a little work...the legs while great for bot mode, seem to look out of proportion in truck mode (a bit to long IMHO)...also the cab doesn't "lock" together very well (unlike the legs)..the flaps with te headlights keep poping out of place (they don't lock onto the arms very well) and the little battery box for the matrix seems to get in the way a bit...also the slope of the front windows/chest seems a bit to much....but overall a very nice hefty toy My biggest gripe with it is the numerious little hydrolic pistons ... a cool feature...but for some reason to me they seem a little out of place for such a cool toy...
  19. Ahh...I think I remember hearing about that now I was about 14 when the Transformers first appeared here in the states...they were okay...Gobots were simple but harkened back to the earlyer Shogun Warriors in basic design, which was pretty cool... But the toys I purchased a lot of back then were Convertors...which were the cheapy little candy machine toys from Orguss, Macross, Dorvack, Beetra, Galvion and other anime designs...often recolored and repackaged for US consumption...not great toys by any means...but I was a poor kid who knew from which the designs came, which made them even more desireable As this thread has gotten diverted from the subject at hand...got a question... Back around 1986, IIRC there was a short lived cartoon titled something along the lines of "Saber Rider and the Star Sheriffs"...course this was an anime "Bismark" which featured western-ish styled powersuits (like those of Bubble Gum Chrisis), robotic horses, and a big shuttle like ship that transformed into a cowboy-ish robot (basicly the body of the shuttle folded into some sort of cape)...I don't think any toys of this appeared here in the states, and the show wasn't on long...but it was kinda cool (I liked it more then Mask at the time)...just wondering if anyone remembers it?
  20. Are you talking about the mid 1970's attempt which was slated to feature Pink floyd doing the music, Harkkoned (spellt wrong, I know) production design by H.R.Giger (of alien. Species fame), and the emporer was to be played by surrealist Salvidor Dali (supposedly was to have the highest acting paycheck of the time...something to the tune of $10,000 per hour, not to mention what Dali wanted to do with the emporers thrown)..I remember this version got a lot of press back then...was to be directed by some French guy, IIRC.
  21. Machine Robo was designed by school kids!?
  22. Same thing will happen if you go into that gay bar, stand in the corner and repeatedly scream "ROSEBUD!" at the top of your lungs over and over again until the cops are called...course anytime you act in devient ways that is likely to happen. Words are words...just sounds carried through the air...it's the ideas and meanings the you associate with them that gives them such power...without that association words are meaningless Why do you think homosexuals call each other "gay" and "queer"...why do you think blacks call each other "nigger"? Those words were used as taunts against them, but one day they wisened up and adopted the words, took them as a badge of honor inorder to defuse the painfull associations they carried. Some kid taunts you, calls you all sorts of things...those taunts, those words are ment to get you to do something...the kid wants you to fight back, the kid wants you to get upset, the kid wants you to say something to the effect of "No I'm not!" when he calls you a "pussy!"...When the kid can get you mad, can get you to fight back, can get you upset with mere words...that kid then knows how to control you like a trained pet...that kid has power over you through words alone simply because you associate his taunts with pain...he knows how to rub salt on your insecurities because they reflect his own. But you don't have to let him have that power over you...it's all in how you let his words effect you... Most people realise this at some point, usually long after all the overated "drama" of highschool is over...and at this point the whole "words will never hurt me" concept is self evident...and thus they want to blame video games, movies, music, and TV shows for the troubles youth get into...just like thier parents did, and thiers before them... Then again you arn't suppost to trust anyone over thirty...which is about the age you reach when you realise that everything your parents tried to tell you is true.
  23. words can ONLY hurt you if YOU let them...until you realise that, until you understand how "queer", "gay", even "nigger" lost thier sharp hurtfull edge over the years...until you comprehend this, then yes...you whiny little bitch, you deserve every bit of it "I'm a loser baby, so why don't you kill me."
  24. Except its not true. i've been more deeply hurt by words than any kind of "beating" i've taken, and i've been in a number of fights. idiots
  25. And it's nothing new...been going on sense the dawn of man There is much truth to the old, old rhyme "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me"
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