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Day after Tomorrow was extremely stupid. "Quick! Run! Its the cold cam stalking us!" "Crap! the cold even goes around corners!" This 2012, like the rest of the directors films, looks just as intelligent. As for conspiricy theorists, they seem to have a pecular modus operandi. "Big things require big explanations." The lot of them should be locked up for stealing oxygen from the rest of us while spewing thier concoctions. Scientific laws describe observable phenomenon. Scientific thoeries describe how phenomenon occur. Scientific theories DO NOT grow up to be scientific laws. Scientific theories are not guesses. Scientific theories (like evolution and relativity) can, and have, been proven. If you are looking to replace a scientific theory with one of your own, then it must give the same answers the old theory gives...In other words whatever is proven true with the old scientific theory must also be proven true in your shiny new theory as well.
*Cough ... what you are describeing is not plot but BACKSTORY and entirely unnecissary. Besides pinning down the origins, motives, and rational of zombies in zombie movies is like asking George Lucas to pin down just how long ago, and exactly how far, far away Star Wars took place. NOW PAY ATTENTION --> Somethings are much better left to the imagination <--THIS IS THE FIRST RULE OF HORROR FILMS
LOL, now that is how it should hgave been done found this on some writers blog, pretty much sums up my feelings on the special editions and prequels:
I really doubt the T-Rex had such a short lifespan... for one it takes a whole hell of a lot of food energy to grow that fast and two it takes even more food energy to move a mass that large inorder to hunt for food to begin with! to do that the T-Rex would have to be eating ALL the time, meaning little time for hunting (which means it wouldn't have much time to develop hunting skills inorder to catch and eat enough prey to keep up with its growth rate)... Just look at how much a elephant has to eat per day just to maintian its mass. multiply that by the mass of a T-Rex. subtract the difference in food energy potential of the two different diets. multiply by the T-Rex growth rate. and multiply by the energy used by the T-Rex to hunt compared to the energy used by the elephant to graze. Unless the T-Rex has some sort of internal fusion reactor, or solar power cells in its skin...ain't no way it can have enough energy to grow at that rate in such a short time frame as well as hunt for and eat prey...let alone reproduce...which takes a lot of energy, great way to loose wieght
what is the ship that Obi-Won flies off in after killing that droid general guy? I liked the design of it, retro-ish looked like something out of the old Buck Rodgers and Flash Gordon comics.
"F" for f*q buddy? pics? oh yeah took lots of pics of Pam back in the day...deep down I think she wanted to be a porn star...a real nympho that girl Yes "F" as in f**K buddy...she was fun to hang with and the sex was cool...but there was/is no way I would be her boyfriend.
Thing is that Pam...even without the sex...was a blast to hang around...which is why we invited her over yesterday...and honestly I kinda missed haveing her around this past year because she was so fun to just hang with... But speaking of threesomes (and I don't know why I'm telling you all this...other then I'm feeling real honest right now )...Pam and I had a threesome a year and a half ago...but it was with another guy...now THAT was a wierd experience, the freaky things you do for your friends ...It was a guy her age that I thankfully didn't know named Keven that she worked with, it started off uncomfortable and such...but was okay once things started -um- shakeing...she definetly got that pornstar experience she wanted out of it...certainly not something I'd willingly do again anytime soon... But because I was willing to do my part to fullfill Pams "two guys at once" fantasy...she was willing to fullfill my "two girls at once" fantasy...but our friendship unfortunetly soured before that happened Still my GF has said she would be willing to try a threesome with another girl...just NOT with Pam
Ever seen the film Saveing Silverman...the flick about the woman "player"...I know a girl just like that, and she walked back into my life last night little background story...Meet this chick at work (I'll call her Pam) some three years ago. she is attractive, a big flirt, and about 8 years younger then I...we became good friends at work, eventualy going out with other co-workers and crap...about a year later she quit the job and went to find work elsewhere...the whole time we remained good friends, hangin out on weekends, going out doing stuff, etc...then after my girlfriend at the time and I broke up...Pam and I became something more then friends (erm friends with a capitol "F", friends with bennifets, etc..). Which was cool at the time, although more then a bit wierd in that Pam had an on/off again relationship with another guy...but although we never bacme a couple, niether of us wanted that...she seemed to get extreamly jealous whenever I tried to meet other women...even though she wanted to be free to meet other guys...to make a long drama filled story short...she wanted to be free, but playied games cageing those around her...eventualy I broke our friendship off a little over a year ago, not long before I meet my current girlfriend... Friday Pam calls right out of the blue, hadn't heard from her in nearly a year...she acts like things are just like old times...I tell her I'm involved and tired of her games...Saturday the GF and I run into her when we were out with some friends...and I get the shock of my life...My GF knows her, later admitting under the influence of alcohol that the two of them "experimented" with each other back in thier college days, and just as I had done they broke off thier friendship as Pam plays games....However I got to admit at the time saturday night I was thinking of getting a threesome going, but I kept those thoughts to myself...but invited Pam over for dinner the next day Sunday Pam comes over...we have a little cookout for the three of us, some more booze..but we run out of that pretty quickly, and I'm forced to make a beer run...get back some 20 minutes later...and Pam is gone, and the GF is pissed at me....seems in my absence Pam had made a few moves on my GF, got declined...then out of spite or somesuch Pam told my GF all the dirty little deeds we had done together back when we were friends...and that I invited Pam over specificly to get a threesome going...the GF and I smoothed things over both agreeing that Pam was the problem. But then today I get a call from some guy claiming to be Pams husband, wanting to know where she is... Sometimes I just wish I never even met her
No kidding. I just posted some facts, MSW, without commenting on them one way or the other. No need to get your panties twisted like that. Or should I tell you to look up the word "asshat?" My "emotional bold faced argument" wasn't even with you. I only used your post to point out those facts to Prime, whom seems to have overlooked it...and even then I never once even hinted to calling Mr March and Prime names such as "asshat". So please, for future refence, remember that its only a movie, and by that conclusion there is no need to get so worked up as to insult those with differing opinions on the subject.
Yes Lucas legaly owns the Star Wars property, which allows him to do what he wants with it...but do not think for a minute that Lucas is solely responseable for SW success. Lucas didn't personnaly draw and design the ships, he didn't build the models, set up the blue screen, draw and design the costumes, make the costumes, draw/design/build the sets, he didn't personnaly draw the storyboards, load film into the camera, operate the camera focus, he didn't act each and every character in the films, that wasn't his voice, he didn't come up with the on-set adlibs...Lucas has teams of people, actors, set designers, pre-visual designers and planners, construction crews, camera operators all doing that for him....it has never just been Lucases vision, as all those people have made countless contributions too.
IIRC Imai declared bankruptcy back in the mid 1980's (one of several times they have done so...course they didn't recover from the last time ) But I think those kits were just a line to themselves as I've never found anything indicateing there was an anime that they were basied upon...most likely those kits are just recolor/kitbashed from parts of other Imai kits., then sold as new designs inorder for Imai to pay back thier creditors.....Course the pictured mechs look a bit like the design work of Ohata whom at the time was knee deep in Galvion
Not true. Lucas stated in the August 1977 issue of Rolling Stone that his intention was to make a "trilogy of trilogies." In February 1997 on Entertainment Tonight he states that he was planning on creating three more movies, so that his vision of a 9 movie Star Wars saga would come true. In October 1997 in an interview with Lucas Reuters reports "He also plans a final trio of movies, set long after the first 'Star Wars' films." Finally in August 1998 Steve Sansweet says "He [Lucas] is on the record as saying six films will really tell the main story of the Skywalker family that he wants to tell and whether he'll ever want to do three more films or one more film or anything like that remains to be seen after he's finished the first three...He certainly not ruling them out, but he's certainly not ruling them in." This history can be seen in older versions of the Star Wars FAQ. Mark Hamill has also stated that he was contracted for movies 7-9. By Augest of 1977 Star Wars was a SMASH hit...hell by June of 1977 it was considered as such....I know full well that nine episodes were planned at some point...but our argument concerns what Lucas ORIGINALY intended... yeah at one point he thought there would be nine films...we arn't argueing that...but ORIGINALY that was NOT what Lucas intentended. Now do I have to quote a dictionary to show you guys what "originaly" means?
Incorrect. Creative concessions and the reality of a viable story on film does NOT preclude the fact that Lucas originally planned a 9-part saga. In fact, the very source you quote has Lucas indicating as much and the reasons why he chose episode IV to VI. Lucas has NEVER stated, hinted or even alleged that he started createing Star Wars with the intention of developing a nine part series... Lucas has stated time and time again that he set out to create a single story, and that the story got too big to film...so he took the best filmable parts rolled them into one script and developed SW:ANH as we know it...he shelved the rest with the hope that maybe someday he could film it or include ideas into other projects...SW became a huge hit, and that allowed him to continue with the stories...only problem was he assembled ANH from bits of the overall story and he needed to reevaluate how things were to proceed. He has strongly hinted that in the original story the Deathstar would have been distroyied at the end of what we now know as episode 6 (but at the time it was one big story...never got segmented int episodes untill the film became popular enough to warrent sequels)...and that the wookies took the place of ewoks...there is even pre-production art from 1975 showing this....hell, Lucas even states as much on the documentary how he took the best ideas largely from the middle section and rewrote the pared down script. Lucas did wake up one morning and say "I'm going to develop a sci-fi opera film idea!" Lucas did NOT wake up one morning and say "I'm going to develop a nine part sci-fi opera film idea!"
Looks like a neumatic (air) pressure regulator...could be for tons of stuff...airbag suspension preload, airshifted tranny, airlockable brakes, neumatic operated clutch...could also be a boost control for a turbo/supercharger...most likely though its for the suspension allowing to set different preload conditions for different tracks and such
Star Wars was NOT originaly envisioned as a nine part film series...Lucas wrote the original script, found he had too much stuff in it that wasn't filmable back then...chose the best parts and the result was the 1977 Star Wars film... The subtitle "Episode 4: A New Hope" wasn't on the original release...it was added to the 1980 re-release prier to the release of ESB...for proof look at the documentary on the SW OT DVD set...it even shgows the original opening and discusses all these issues