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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. It's interesting and refreshing to hear the opinions of others (At least i'm not alone *phew*) I guess i had my own ideas and concepts of what i'd like Macross to evolve to, and even the M+ series showed the type of futur that i would have wanted to see M develop into. Basically i expected a more mature themed series. Take back original Macross, during those days in N America cartoons were relegated to GI Joe's and transformers etc.. Joe taught moral stories to kids etc... Transformers was just a shameless ploy of toys from TV to real world, none of them gave a "realistic" feel. As in no one ever died (if you were a main char) and when someone did die it was a monumental thing. The very first time i watched Robotech (sorry M just wasn't available back then), it was 5am and it showed on the Fox network, i was totally shocked. Here was a series that went much deeper in theme and emotion then anything i ever saw. It dealt with war, love , jealousy , death etc... and though transforming mecha fighthing, min mei singing wasn't realistic, the story development and the 'mood' made it much more real. Fastforward to M7, i watched the first 20 (i plan to finish it all now, since someone said it gets better after 20), my first reaction was "wow wt@#$@ is this", they somehow managed to trivialize everything i liked about Macross. It honestly felt like i was watching one of those Pokemon cartoons etc... Maybe i'm a poor critic, but M7 is definitely not a series i'd recommend to a newcomer to Macross series. I'm quite embarassed about the whole series sigh, and i SINCERLY HOPE i can have some good things to say once i finish watching the other 29 episodes. PS: I'm not trying to stir things up, this was just my honest opinion and i don't mean to offend anyone who enjoys or enjoyed M7 a lot.
  2. Is it just me or M7 does not live up to the original. I just saw the first 20 episodes or so and it's a real pain in the ass. The main guy is beyond annoying where all he does is every 5 sec i'm gonna sing sing sing for the first 20 episodes... the animation is mediocre using lot of "flashback" of the same frames, etc... it's just not "deep" enough like the original, i actually feel like watching a kiddy cartoon. Not to mention the fact they turned max and miriya into comic relief is just too much.... Does it get better cause as of right now i can't seem to finish the other 29 episodes.... Is there people who feel the same way or am i just the only one who finds m7 kinda suxor Sorry, just trying to be honest here..
  3. Thanks opus!
  4. The N american release as "robotech" is confusing the hell out of me, the whole storyline that i remember seems to alien to me when you guys are all using the correct macross terms for it. Is there a link site where i could see the Robotech to Macross conversion of terms? Or is the Robotech storyline screwed up to begin with? Only thing in common i see is SDF, Zentradi andProtoculture What's the equiv of the robotech masters, Zor etc.. the Invids etc.. Thanks to whoever can point me to the right direction
  5. Thx guys, the compedium really helped
  6. Hi, i'm new to this board but have been a long time Macross fan I just need some help, recently i've had a nostalgia of macross and would like to start up my own collection. I have to admit it has been a long time, the only series i saw was the original TV version released here in N America. Whenever i do a web search on it, i get sooo many different release and version i just get totally confused. So if someone could help me with the actual chronological chart of the series so i don't get confused which is what From what i read my guess is Macross Zero is the latest one to come out and is a prequel to the original. Help me out with all these series plz
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