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    Lonnie Sweet

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Destroid Armour Waxer

Destroid Armour Waxer (3/15)



  1. Looking great, is it possible to order some of the AIM-225's separately (1/72)?
  2. Man, It sure would be a shame if those missile pods accidentally fell into some mold agent I bet anyone selling those could make a nice profit. I know I have need for at least 2 sets!
  3. Awesome work. I love the stand as well, but am relaly liking the flaps. Has anyone thought of doing a resin upgrade set? I think itwould go over well. Sorry to get off topic, definately nice work.
  4. I did not know this..... Still looks very cool!
  5. Cool looking variant TSP. What kind of ordinance will it have? Those wings would look cool with wingtip missiles. Whatever you do it looks mean.
  6. Shh, I had to change my name so as not to be recognized. My Macross knowledge is WAAAY behind my Star Wars repertoire.
  7. The primer opn my VF-11 is drying as we speak. Also on the bench are 2 studio sclae kits. Man are these things massive. The little one is a CC X-wing.
  8. They are defiantely a neat side item and a change from the Valkyries and destriods. I'll be ordering one since I missed the first batch. Thanks GH
  9. +/- $50 what would the price be for a 1/32 YF-19? I'd be interested, but with all the awesome stuff out on SSM, MW and other sites, budget is a big thing. Would there be any chance of a VF-19 conversion?
  10. Once again, the wife, the bank account and the boss say no! Damn.
  11. When the list goes up, put me down for one. Armed if the missiles turn out.
  12. Looking good, is it going to be armed? Any approximate price range?
  13. Aww great, I just drooled on the keyboard. Nice work!
  14. What can I say. I'm a classic underachiever! I'm not counting the 48 inch monstrosity (Lusankya) that I've been working on for almost 2 years. I'll be posting pics on SSM soon, I just finally got the angles perfect.
  15. Hi, my name is Lonnie and I too have modellers ADD! I have at least 8 different models on the go and have only finished 3 this year. But the good folks at VISA and Paypal love me.
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