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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. Hey! As the title implies, I'm looking for some referance pics (preferable 3-view top, side, front ones) of the VF-1 that I can use for modeling. They're probably already posted somewhere I'm guessing, but I couldn't find them... Thanks!
  2. This is very true. I take Star Wars as an example. "Fans" hated episode 1 & 2 because they wanted the original triology and the feelings it evoked. Eps 1& 2 failed utterly on this. I wouldn't think Episode 1 & 2 are bad if I've never seen Star Wars in my entire life. Um, actually SW1 and SW2 (sw1 moreso) would have been even WORSE if it weren't for the fact that it was at least Starwars related in some way. Think about it - would you have even gone to the second one after seeing the first otherwise? They were horrible, horrible movies You don't understand M7's concept then, since you've only seen some of it. Its not about people fighting by screaming at each other. Its about spiritual energy. The power of belief and faith. Singing is just a medium to express that energy. Don't know much about it, but we'll probably learn more from Macross Zero (hopefully) what's the deal with singing and powers. I'm not goint to argue that faith and belief in a cause doesn't help you fight (or do just about anything) better, but somebody's expression of belief in their own cause in the form of singing cannot cause you to go crazy w/ convulsions and lose your own fighting edge. If they're going to get so crazy with the deviations for normalcy, they should pull a gundam and whip out another timeline for it.
  3. macross 7, eh, I've watched some of it, and I just rlly, don't like it. It's not even that I don't like JPOP, I actually do like the music.. but I mean... the concept is a little over the top. Macross 7 is to Macross Series as G-Gundam is to Gundam. But at least G-Gundam was an alternate universe. People fighting each other by screaming songs is a little bit ridiculous if you ask me...
  4. Eh, okay - I downloaded a media player called VLC.. now it SORT of works but the video is sort of squished (weird aspect ratio)
  5. nah, it's definately finished, just checked
  6. I've been trying to make it work for days now, and I've finally caved and am asking the question here ; I downloaded Macross Plus (Movie Edition) from Imacross4, but I CANNOT make it work... It SAYS it uses xvid mpeg-4 codec... but I've installed it many, many times, trying just about every version I can think of, and it still won't work. In windows media player it simply does not run, but plays the audio after lagging for a long time. In DivX it plays right away, but with VERY scrambled video.. helllp
  7. Hm, thanks, I'll try watching ep 1 again
  8. The dubbed version of Macross Plus is fine, actually (IMO)! They both have good points. The OVAs are longer than the movie (it's always good to have as much Macross Plus as possible ), but I like the movie's ending better, personally. They're both great, though
  9. Ah, thanks! I get the legs now. But the upper body always weirded me out a little bit. It sort of folds in half basically, but like, part of it also manages to cover up the cockpit, right?
  10. Oh god - I've already read 3 pages or so of the licensing debate.. and then I couldn't take anymore
  11. .... well it IS 25 pages long, you know. I looked at the first and last five and saw nothing but questions about story details.... ;; sorry for being a nuisance
  12. This question seemed slightly beyond the n00bness of the n00b question thread, so I decided to make my own thread for this question. The question is, how exactly does it work? Does anybody have detailed transformation step by step pictures, or some sort of informative video or information that details exactly what's going on? Or do you know well enough that you can explain it to me in words? I want to know because A) I'm curious B) I want to make a transforming fighter in legoCAD Thanks!
  13. Mechmaster - Wow. That's amazing O_O
  14. Well - by "picked up", I meant "downloaded from imacross4", and there's a self extracting exe w/ some setup stuff and then a bunch of MP3's too. My prob is that i dunno where to put the mp3s o.o
  15. Another ? to add to the newbness.. How do I get the music to work? A special place to put it?
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