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Beware of Blast

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Everything posted by Beware of Blast

  1. Would that be while Graham's mic is in her mouth or not?
  2. Wow! Just how many times did the 1/48 VF1S Focker version got reissued already? One of these valks would used to sell for more or less $150... and collectors would look out for cheaper than $150 each time Yamato reissues a 1/48 VF1S Focker. So how does a little weathering (which isn't that impressive) and complete tampo printing (something they should already made standard for every valk they churn out long time ago) gonna make an over reissued valk / boring valk scheme more special? I want it but I don't need it. More money for something else until Yamato gets more creative.
  3. If Bandai backs Kawamori's films, then it's Bandai > Kawamori & co. But then again, it's just a Bandai uniform that happens to be of Gundam design and Kawamori was at their office for a meeting. The staff at Bandai probably knew what Kawamori is all about (being one of the top 3 mecha designers in the world and all)... how are they gonna do good work if they are easily intimidated by that fact and not wear what they want or what they are required to wear? It'd be interesting to see when Macross can help Bandai make as much money as Gundam did, when they start wearing bridge bunny suits to a Tomino / Katoki new Gundam toyline briefing.
  4. But the pricing of Gundam Fix is no where as ambitious nor pulling as much overtime pay as Yamato's Macross! Come to think of it, I can't help but notice the similarities between the two - in terms the general QC, choice of materials and the overall initial project enthusiasm that don't quite materialize in the final product. Maybe Yamato shouldn't be too aggressive at work and clock out on time like Bandai, the China factory workers and everybody else... get some rest... come back fresh the next day, y'know it not like Yamato is doing something extra to show for it.
  5. The Macross license don't come cheap for an old, poorly maintained anime. I say poorly maintained because it had a wonderful start (SDF & DYRL) but was followed by forgettable sequels (M7, M+ & M0). Kawamori's mecha designs are the only thing that's keeping this franchise afloat. It's also the only reason why Big West priced the license so. It's not the kind of price tag that any smart toy-making marketing team can plan around without loosing sleep over. Yamato seemed to have the right idea going with the resources as well as balls to gamble at first, but they couldn't keep up the good work of their CAD drawings with better materials choices and product support warranty. You basically have a parasitic license structure maintained by a subpar toymaker, whose products are sustained only by the virtue of great mecha designs and its perpetual adoring fans. The only thing that is possibly keeping Bandai from making Macross VF toys is that it would be in conflict with Bandai's profitable relationship with Sotsu Sunrise - the master license owner of the Gundam franchise. If there is anything out there that would be as comprehensively diverse, suitably appealing and similar in heritage and in the mecha genre - to threaten the Gundam franchise for respectable market share and profits, it would be Macross VFs. There are so MANY more worthy, similar-sized companies to Yamato in Japan, that not only delivered better quality products in their first releases. They just saw wisdom in making something else more profitable with less headache. Big West and Yamato are like dance partners that are passed over and had no choice but to settle for each other, because everybody else in the party met their win-win suitors. They deserve each other.
  6. Voltes V fans might wanna get the all diecast metal sword before it runs out. http://cgi.ebay.com/BANDAI-GX-31-Voltes-V-...VQQcmdZViewItem Superb quality. But Voltes might have some trouble holding it (too heavy) sometimes.
  7. The Ideon is sturdier than Zambot. All the SOC combiners are wobbly to a certain degree, but they are acceptable to me. So far, the least wobbly combiner would be the Bustgunner.
  8. Told you they were fudgepackers.
  9. If moving on as in like going around in a wheelchair, I guess I can agree with you. There are however, many collectors who still have plenty of broken Yamatos sitting around. Most of these collectors have limited budget for expensive toys like these. Even if it's not due to limited budget people just don't want to pay money and get problems like Mr March. It's fine if they don't hit any landmines, but if they did, how do they move on? Pay thru their arse and be magnanimous like you, eugimon or kensei? The problems remain unresolved. There is NO compensation. We MOVE from unresolved problems to new ones.
  10. You would have AT LEAST 1 first issue of both VF0S & A with those fvcked-up arms. And the replacements that you got aren't fixed. You do the math.
  11. Rhetorical my arse. You may have been around the forums but there is a massive doubt that you understand what's going on despite getting reamed nicely yourself by Yamato. With customers like you, you may continue to HOPE for an acceptable conclusion to this issue. But you won't get it. My caustic comments are for Yamato and in general, for people like you - paying good money and getting crap, you still see sense in defending and supporting a company that pays no reverence to its business and customers everytime. I don't just paint everyone here as idiots and fools, just people like you. Enjoy your rides.
  12. I don't know what brought this on, but never in all my complaints have I directed any of Yamato's faults on Graham. Sure he did on some occasion downplay certain problems, but that's obvious for all to see - and yet, I didn't disrespect him for it. Ya know, it's alright if you have difficulty understanding my posts. But if you're going to a bad job at lying to people when I'm not around, I think it's more rewarding that you go fvck yourself - You do spend more time scoring post counts than actually playing with your Yamatos anyway.
  13. Also, what's the deal with HLJ charging for the replacement arms that Yamato didn't know anything about? We were also told that those arms from HLJ are supposedly fixed (with SRS rubber?), then some collectors that got the replacements complained of similar breakages and stressmarks; meaning they weren't fixed... So which is which?
  14. Graham, you did mentioned about the bad reaction between the abs and the pvc several months before. Why did it take Yamato this long to REPEAT what you just posted? Also Yamato had the foresight to use metal ball joints for the hips of the 1/48s, 1/60s, all this time without ANY bad plastic reactions, why not do THAT for the arms? When I looked at the way Yamato made my 1/60 VF0S and YF19 while reading your (and Yamato's) explanation, and to be honest, all I saw was Yamato had absolutely NO IDEA what they were doing. You can't still be fumbling around plastic problems all these years. After the last widespread 1/72 VF11B fragile hip bar problem haven't they learned anything?
  15. Nah, we should forget about the limiter/detachable limbs feature. It's not that it's not doable, it's just that as ambitious as Yamato would like to portray themselves, Yamato seriously lack that all important acquiesce or brain power to use suitable materials for such feature. No use wanting something like that now, then b1tch and moan when the joints break or project undesirable stressmarks from gentle transformation later. As with their previous releases, this will CERTAINLY happen on their 1st release, and it might or might not be resolved with their subsequent reissues; usually not resolved. We would certainly benefit better if we don't throw rocket science problems to Yamato.
  16. Give Graham some time. If Yamato can't learn from numerous past mistakes not to mention repeat them, they sure as hell need ample time to spin something suitably indemnifying or copy check every statement before allowing Graham to post here - heh, if only these retards can be as meticulous with their ACTUAL bread and butter. He he he. But what's the point? Does it vindicate Yamato from where you stand, get your 30 bucks returned, change the fact that your 1st issue Zeros are problem free? If there is just cause for Yamato on why things are so fvcked up with the Zeros' arms, we would have UNDERSTOOD them ourselves YESTERDAY.
  17. You're not in any real pickel. The SOC Gunbuster is practically a wonderful piece of complex transforming diecast metal and plastic jewel. It transforms and poses well. It really feels precious in my hands. I don't know where you're buying one, I just checked Ebay 1 minute ago - there is no SOC Gunbuster listed. If you can get one even if for slightly higher appreciated price than retail, you're concidered lucky some one is willing to let it go. Enjoy!
  18. SOC will definately get reissued if that particular model sold well. However, I just got some retailers' news that they are reissuing the Ideon first, not Gunbuster. And Gunbuster sold VERY well, much better than Ideon, imo. Don't know why they are rereleasing the Ideon first, because SOC Gunbuster predates the Ideon about 6 months in the order of release - If this is any indication, one look the the SOC Gunbuster's detail and you can tell that it's a toy manufacturer's nightmare. So if Gunbuster gets a reissue, it probably won't be anytime soon. Buy it while somebody else is willing to part with it.
  19. Again, Kensei, if what you said is true of your YF19s, great for you. No need to try so hard to convince me because I have them as well. It's a known fact that all Yamato VF toys transforms floppily and certain parts (like the YF19 wing roots) become loose. If you can contend with having to tighten them everytime, then don't let my rant (because I don't like to tighten my toys time and time again) spoil it for you.
  20. I did address the issue of why coin cell are usually provided whereas normal AAA or AA batteries are not - because coin cells don't leak like the normal ones do. The Ideon utilizes no AAA batteries.
  21. I've paid lesser for my SOC Ideon, Tetsujin 28 metal and normal as well as the Black OX, Takara MP 01 Convoy, they all come with cell batteries included. I do agree that 4 bucks in very little. But in Yamato's current track record, I'd rather swallow a nicely made burger than seethe with the fact that I've to pay extra to do these LAZY fvckers' job. You paid 4 bucks? I paid waay less than you and I STILL think Yamato should have supplied the batteries. The nose fuselage of the 1st version 1/60 YF-19 is tight as hell on first transformation, and 2nd version does not show signs that the same problem is fixed. The tightness of the wing roots for both version 1 & 2 will become loose with multiple play and transformation - This is a fact. Other non-MIB collectors, just need to take care when handling one.
  22. The Ideon does have cell batteries included. Go reread Drifand's post. If anything, he summed it up pretty nicely in one posts.
  23. Yes I won't be buying the SV51 1st release. After the whole hullaballoo by me about the 1/60 YF19 (because that's my favorite design) and Yamato's practices, I'm happy to say that I'm strong enough to sit this one out - unless their 1st release this time gets Yamato Syndrome free review.
  24. What's cuter is when you actually spent time to list that just to prove me wrong. For being labeled a troll, you gave too much credit to my arguments. I do accept the fact that some electronic products do come without batteries included. But I am a chogokin & transforming toys collector. If people like Bandai and Takara are supplying batteries for their transformable toys with electronic parts, it's only natural of me to expect (not hope) that Yamato does the same. By not doing it, they're just supplying me with another nail for their coffin; on top of their many trangressions.
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