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Beware of Blast

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Everything posted by Beware of Blast

  1. You ARE making it sound as though you are formulating your opinion in some kind of insensitive social vacuum. Seriously, tell me just how much of personal experience do you really have, that you can use and relate to stuff that happens in anime like Macross Plus? Opinions are really not just personal experience, they encompass so many other things like gathered info via education, hindsights, different ways to tackle problems... etc. Like the stuff that you don't know so you don't make mistakes and look stupid afterwards. That's why people try to plan for their future; not just sit and let things happen - this applies also for a contrived story like Macross Plus.
  2. I didn't say it's never as bad. I have no reason to doubt what Jemstone and the people she's talked to feel. I just don't believe it's always that bad. It's easy to pigeonhole people and say "Myung would never do that" if you're basing it on your own feelings about almost being raped. But no one feels the same way as everyone so we're all basing this on our own personal experience. Jemstone's experience colours what she expects from Myung. That doesn't make it the only way for a person to react. Which is why I'm here on this thread - To find out why Myung did it. Also, I'm not basing my point of view on why Myung did it on just personal opinion but also the opinion of other people - particularly women's. That whole sex incident with Guld after the fire rescue in Macross Plus (to me) just sticks out like a sore thumb. What's more, it just does't make sense at all, for the very reason that Myung is not THAT easy going when it comes to sex as demonstrated by her character, choice of person she loves and emotional standing. I'm looking for a plausible reason why she did it. Like I said for every action or decision made, there ought to be a reason - no matter how ludicrous it might turn out. If you have it tell me let me know.
  3. Ah, the difference in culture is always a blurred fine line on issues like this. But the values do actually come into play - you stated them in your posts. Look into the differences. I understand you Gokumaru. That's why I said previously, if sex happens not for love, it's lust - There is always a catch or purpose to whatever we do. Other than that, it's rape. Don't get me wrong. I said lust because for all it's final intend, it's very self-serving. It's for that want of self-gratification for regardless of whether if the goal is for money or to be intimate the a stranger's physical beauty. As for rape... Believe me, countries like Japan are also trying to shed that image where the prevailing popular idea is that their women are meant to be objectified just like the way you put it. Just because it's "made" legal business, doesn't mean it's not wrong to the women involved. Of course, it is unless I've been misinformed. Given the opportunity and chance to live without fear for retribution, I'm willing to bet those women would do something else for money. That is different. Your Japanese girlfriend and your cousin girlfriend's goal is sex - with whomever they want, plain and simple. And of course, there is always a difference no matter how you look at it - Where girls will have sex with guys they don't want to in order to spare their feelings is still rape by all intend, because the girls are still the one whose exploited. Again, given the opportunity and chance to decline without the fear for retribution, I'm willing to bet those girls would rather do something else. Don't forget, there are more women who are forced into prostitution in the world than the kind of women like your cousin's girlfriend. If that is not rape or exploitation of women, I don't know what else to call it. It's not as simple as just because they are in the business for the money, they have no right to complain. The key is unless both parties agree to do it, it's rape. Whether to what extend the damage is, unless you're the rape victim, you wouldn't know for sure. People often assume the worse out of respect for that victim. Some can clinch and carry on, some cannot. Also, you shouldn't say it is not as bad as the way Jemstone put it, because unless you're the victim, you never know.
  4. What century are you living in exactly? What a crock. Actually, that view should bear no actual era and geographical difference in any civilisation. It's the basic decency code that should be observed by any self-respecting man, in regards to the way they view women - especially in the sexual light. So it's no crock.
  5. Jem, you can't really fault anyone for assuming that the rape did indeed took place. It's cuz that incident was conveyed in a very abstract manner and Kawamori and gang probably wanted us to be bothered enough to assume and discuss the posibilities. That's why I said I hated shows that are made to have sex with my mind. Anyway, as great as Kawamori and gang's ability to create and tell stories, I believe they have failed to put a good continuity or closure when they "allowed" Myung to sleep with Guld later. That is because that "dark shroud" in the trio's past is never resolved... A ) We know that Isamu (aside from Myung) is also the one who really tried to protect Guld after that incident. 1)Isamu ran away... partly because he knows (and it seems) that Guld buddy has the dips for Myung first. So he backed out. And let his buddy have Myung - this would also probably help alleviate Guld's mental problem and tendency to freak out again. 2)in a way, he "volunteered" to shoulder the blame for that attempted rape incident and 3)ultimately, he also neglected Myung who is deeply in love with him. B ) With the causes above, he's created a very dysfunctional group (with Myung following suit - because she also wants to protect Guld but knows not what to do) out of this trio, not to mention, some negative effects:- 1)Guld was left alone to pick-up himself up from the mess he created. Alot can happen when a person like Guld is left alone. 2)With his fragile mind, Guld formed his conclusion about the incident and blames Isamu for what happened cuz Isamu ran away. Isamu's running away also puts a damper on his relationship with Myung. 3)Because Myung was the victim (as much as Guld was) and she can't help Guld much by going into a relationship with him after what happened - She's helpless herself. So she left Guld back then as well. C ) So the future situations that unfolded 7 years later are really where they're picking up where they left off... 1)Guld is very indifferent to Isamu. Blaming him for what happened to their group. 2)Guld's unexpected reunion with Isamu places him in a position where he can punish Isamu for 'his' past actions on Myung. Guld in a way, became the unintentional selfish bastard and villain 3)Myung is also deeply affected because she was 'spurned' by Isamu. And she also blamed him (not Guld) for what happened - which made Guld's wrong resolve stronger. And since it's where the trio are picking things up where they left 7 years ago, I really believe that it's impossible for Myung to want to sleep with Guld! - As per what the ladies I spoke to stressed, "That dark shroud of attempted rape is still there" Sex with Guld can never happen. Not with all the sympathy that Myung can give him. Not for all the change in status for Guld, whether material or character, can ever set him free of his past action on Myung. BoB, is such a loser, he has nothing to do but let himself be bothered by this little blooper.
  6. I'm not from the west. Neither are the women I spoke to. So our views 'can' be considered very eastern.
  7. We all know that Guld love and worships Myung, way too much that he became obssesed with her. That's what drove him to his attempt to rape her, when he discovered that his affections yield nothing to what Myung felt for Isamu. That much is clear. And yet, I STILL don't get why Myung would sleep with Guld later in life. Also, I know nothing about women's complex mentality... So I've discussed with my wife and several female colleagues, about Myung's case and none of them thinks Myung was in her right mind when she sleeps with Guld after that fire rescue. They seem to think that, even though there is a possibility Myung did "love" Guld:- - The feeling is not that of a "lovers" love. Myung felt this with Isamu. They also explain me that they don't really take the "mature" and "security feeling" from men too seriously. It's because to them, men often change after they've had their way with them. - Because Guld tried to rape her. To the women I spoke to, had this incident ever happen to them, they will NEVER consider Guld a friend anymore. So sleeping with that kind of person later in life, no matter how close they used to be, is impossible. - They seem to think that this particular incident in the Macross Plus story, where Myung slept with Guld after the fire rescue is B.S. and badly written. Either that, or Myung is "fraked-up in the head" (two female colleagues seem to repeat that alot) I'm still not convinced by their repliess though... Not because I don't agree with them, it's because to me, Kawamori and gang would never arbitrarily produce something without substance and research. So I really believe I'm missing something here. Can anyone help me? Singin' in rain... Just Singin' in rain
  8. What Myung felt from Isamu is clearly a pent-up infatuation gone awry. So much so that obssesion for him manifested in Sharon. It's that burning fire in her bussom and loins magnified to digital infinite possibilities I tell you!! What Myung felt from Guld is only security. Vague kind of love isn't it? She can get it from her family (if her family's still around) or close friends if not from Guld. That security feeling is also what Myung wants badly from Isamu and it drives her mad and into despair that she couldn't get it from him, but from another man she don't love so much... so much so that this disappointment manifested in Sharon ten-fold, to the point that she'd kill him for it. All while Myung herself would pathetically settles for Guld. Muahahaha! Myung needs Guld = Like a fish needs a bicycle.
  9. That is obviously a different kind of love. Yes, and she'd have to live with that regret like Myung for the rest of her life. It's quite simple if you look at it as a bystander - Why do it if she don't want to? However, there is obviously some over-complicated issue with that girl and that guy, just like Guld and Myung. But, why do it if the inevitable is going to be negative? Well, my ideas are not funny, but they do resonate with most sensible couples. What's funny is, for a moment, it DID occur to me that at the spur of the moment, Myung is all up in arms about her whole, "who to pick?" situation, and simply give in to Guld despite the fact that the feeling is mostly one-sided. Mostly due to the fact that Guld is readily available to her, and Isamu is not. Myung is one confused, not to mention stupid gal. Edit:- Btw, I didn't imply that date rape is always forced. I listed it together with the other offences so you might have misunderstood. Edited again!:- ARGH! I suck! WTF is wrong with me?! If date rape is not forced, why is 'rape' written after 'date'? Isn't it obvious, one party is certainly NOT very willing to participate in the sex!!! No matter how subtle or unclear the rejection is. Hell, if I have to coax my wife into sex (with her 'headache' and all) that's also rape!
  10. That's the thing JsARCLIGHT! Misinterpreting messages sent out by the opposite sex. That's why I still don't get it - why Myung would sleep with him after that fire rescue. Of all people, she's certainly the type with some inhibitions, as demonstrated by her complex and "troubled" character. She couldn't have just move on and then accepts Guld later in live, while still heavily longing for Isamu. To most people, a past misdeed forgiven doesn't mean a past misdeed forgotten.
  11. Huh? Sharon was obsessed with Isamu due to Myung's pent-up feelings for him. Neither she nor Myung had a thing for Guld. Even back in 7 years ago, between Isamu and Myung, that poor bastard was simply tagging along, because no one else but them (Myung and Isamu) would have him as friend. Face it, despite the fact that humans and most of the Zentradi are at peace, the Zentradi and their half breed decendants, are still treated with social stigma. By Myung's impressionable age, Guld could never get pass and ascend beyond that "close friend" relationship with her. If Myung ever loved Guld, that feeling would probably be the kind that a sister would give her brother.
  12. Sticks head next to facehugger pod "TAKE ME NOW!! C'MON! DO IT!!" *pod quivers abit and.........goes back to sleep* "STUPID PIECE OF XENOMORPH TRASH!!" A mod has gone deviant. BREAK HIS EGGS! SNAP HIS TWIG!! SET HIS NEST ON FIYAAA!!!
  13. Hi there darkmarine, I can agree with you. However, you are only half correct. I say this because there are equally many cases of incest, date rape and what not, happening in the world. And the victims DO know their aggressors. But lets not go too in depth into that. My point is, even if it's just sympathy that Myung have for Guld in the end, that does not mean she was doing Guld for charity. What's more, Myung never loved Guld to begin with... So it just doesn't make sense for them to end up making love - a collaborative act between a couple who feels mutually for one another. Even if there is no love, only lust, the feeling MUST be mutual in order for a one night stand to happen. I seriously doubt Myung would have any lust for Guld. Not with what transpired in the past. But I do know what I'm talking about (But that doesn't mean I was subjected to such heinous torture - to which I'm very thankful) when I say - the victims abhor their attackers, to the point of going insane or commiting suicide. I'm still deeply bothered. WHY MYUNG?! WHY?!!
  14. Please! Since this topic is up, be a good Samaritan and answer my question above. I beg of you! I NEED A CLOSURE TO THAT INCIDENT. This is as BAD as my memory of Alex DeLarge kicking the poor bastard as he sings "Singing in the rain".
  15. Gaaah! After reading all your explanations here, I'm still deeply bothered by the fact that MYUNG SLEPT WITH GULD AFTER THE FIRE RESCUE!!! Whether she was indeed raped, or not... the fact that Guld did and, is visually shown, ripping Myung's shirt off back then, would DIFINATELY have mentally scarred/raped Myung! And victims of such aggression will most likely NEVER recover themselves, or perhaps, find closure waaaay years later into their lives! Almost all violence and rape victims will agree to that - They even quiver with fear at the memory, sight, smell and voice of their previous aggressors. So why?! Why in GOD's name did Myung sleep with Guld? Is it the "Stolkholm Syndrome" or it's more sinister brother that is not yet discovered scientifically? PLEASE SOMEONE IN THE KNOW, ANSWER ME!!! I plenty hate shows that are made to have sex with my mind! This Macross Plus dilemma of mine have now grown into a very deep seated mental dichotomy - I'm starting to have repressed memory myself! Hey maybe the tearing of the shirt scene happened Macross 7! Maybe Basara did it! Gaaah!
  16. Interesting. Where did you find that reference? I tried the JEDI but couldn't find anything for Meganekko. Had you not included the meaning, I would have mistaken it for "huge cat". Thank you all again for visiting! If you have anymore comments, please let me know. Will try to keep improving my skills. I shall stop for now till I get another free time to draw more.
  17. I know why I waited Know why I’ve been blue I’ve been waiting each day For someone exactly like you Why should I spend some money On a show or two When nobody sings these love songs Exactly like you You make me feel so grand I wanna give this world to you You make me understand These foolish little dreams I’m dreaming And schemes I’m scheming Now I know why my mama She taught me to be true She knew just around the corner Was somebody like you You make me feel so grand I wanna give this world to you Baby you make me understand These foolish little dreams I’m dreaming And schemes I’m scheming Now I know why my mama She taught me to be true She knew just around the corner Yes she knew just around the corner Was somebody like you
  18. Sting. He sang it for the Leaving Las Vegas movie. You should get the sound track cd man. It's really good.
  19. The very thought of you makes my heart sing Like an April breeze On the wings of spring And you appear in all your splendor My one and only love The shadows fall and spread their mystic charms In the hush of night While you're in my arms I feel your lips so warm and tender My one and only love The touch of your hand is like heaven A heaven that I've never known The blush on your cheek whenever I speak Tells me that you are my own You fill my eager heart with such desire Every kiss you give sets my soul on fire I give myself in sweet surrender My one and only love The blush on your cheek whenever I speak Tells me that you are my own You fill my eager heart with such desire Every kiss you give sets my soul on fire I give myself in sweet surrender My one and only love My one and only love
  20. Hey guys, thanks for all the comments on her proportion. The hover blades? idea, is taken from Macross 7 Trash. I guess if anyone were to use hover blades in the city areas, I'm sure there will be a special lane thats allocated for it. The picture I drew is to show how Kim goes to work. Hope you'll like the next one.
  21. I can't single out any particular toy from my collection - it's because I usually buy according to the anime and cartoon titles that I like. And I love them all. I can however, name a collection base on an anime title. I prize my Tetsujin 28 collection above all. That's the manga and anime title that started it all for me.
  22. I on holiday today. Mongo made me draw this. Please enjoy! Mongo is very sukebe - So is artwork. Please proceed with caution. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/uploads/po...-1061865072.jpg
  23. I don't have the connection to watch the trailer, but I hope Persephone shows up again. She's so cute.
  24. Hello fellas!
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