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Beware of Blast

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Everything posted by Beware of Blast

  1. Damn! I never knew you could draw, SuperO! BoB, you've got some competition! Hey Exo, good work. I love seeing how Macross characters would look in ordinary modern clothing. I really like your style too, it's got an urban flavor to it, or maybe that's just the background. I've will always have competition here! We do have many excellent artists in MW.
  2. There was a thread here about it last year. You're right about the sukebei stuff though I doubt it's just a sample as far as Yoko Kanno's work is concerned.
  3. I agree. You can also use this method to do some light weathering. No more worries when you make mistakes because it can all be diluted then wiped clean away.
  4. Here are my most recent sketches... Misa 1 Misa 2
  5. Hey maybe they didn't after all. Everybody now! ...Sometimes joo kick Sometimes joo get kicked Sometimes joo kick Sometimes joo get kicked...
  6. My bad. I'm not familiar with Paint Shop Pro... but if you like technical drawings, vector softwares like Illustrator, Coreldraw or Freehand are skills worth picking up.
  7. Not bad, hellohikaru. Please keep it up. Since you mentioned that you used Photoshop 7, Illustrator's interface is quite similar, although it's a program meant for vector illustrations.
  8. I understand. Anyway, I've always felt that the pills Guld took was similar to the kind that patients with heart ailments take - usually nearing, or at chronic stages of heart attacks; as oppose to the type of drug that military snipers take to prevent involuntary muscle movements. I agree that the YF21 have never had any incident unlike the YF19... with that note, as the designer of the YF21, Guld couldn't have overlooked the shortcomings that one would have to depend on drugs just to pilot an advanced aircraft - It's just not feasible as far as producing new technologies are concerned. I say this because Macross do give some degree of realism and belivability for a sci-fi anime. Hindsight maybe a beautiful thing to have, but people generally try their best to find a cure but not make any new disease in the process. To put it simply (IMO), The YF21 is already a very taxing plane to fly. I don't think Guld would want to make it worse by allowing future pilots who fly the VF21s to acquire mental problems and be dependent on drugs. Unlike the YF19, the BDI system for the YF21 is actually making it easier for pilots to fly because, the steps that it takes from making decisions to flipping switches, has now been reduced to mere thought. If anyone should take the pills, it should be the YF19 test pilots! So as far as Guld is concerned, even for his proness to Zentran-rage, I really doubt he needs the pills for his job as YF21's test pilot. He only started taking the pills when Isamu showed up. It's because of their dark history, his rage got out of hand. Don't forget, the Supernova project is at stake here as well. It seems to me, he'd rather die than lose this business pitch to Isamu's team. That's why he take the pills. He also took the pills to suppress rage because he KNOWS of the BDI system's inability to respond to rage as a coherrent instruction. It's also because he couldn't pop the pills to his mouth during flight-rage, due to his full-face helmet. Just imagine, had Guld's rage not gotten worse to the extend that he lost total control, the BDI system would be flawless. The only bug the BDI system seem to have is no contingentcy plan or reaction, in case the pilot is stumped. And Guld is not just momentarily stumped... he SIMPLY COULDN'T re-act, nor regain his thoughts as quickly as any pilot should. That's why like patients with heart ailments, he needed the pills. You're nuts. God will NEVER take us as his drinking buddies!
  9. well, i think that's what it was, they stuck a regular pilot in the -21 and he couldnt handle it, but Guld could. just like with the -19, that thing "killed" 7 pilots before Isamu got ahold of it. Notice also how the YF21's General Galaxy team was peforming beautifully in the competition until Isamu showed up. Guld was literally on top of things! He's more sane and mentally able to handle the YF21. It's evident enough that Guld only took the pills later, not prior to being the YF21's test pilot.
  10. Where did you read that? I think so far, the only problem is because the BDI system worked 'too well' but was unable kick-in with a contingentcy reaction - in case the pilot is stumped. Just look at Guld during his rage in a test. His mind only need to blank-out for a moment and the YF21 did the same. After Isamu rescued him, and he regained his thoughts, the YF21 functioned as normal/optimal again. The pills have got nothing to do with the BDI system. If we were to put another easily irritatable human (not Zentran) in Guld's place, the same can happen also. Deaths only happen when there is no contingentcy and the YF21 crashes. Severe brain damage could happen probably because flying a plane like the YF21 with the BDI system is too taxing for any regular pilot's attention - too MANY important decisions to make at the same time.
  11. Yes, that's why when Guld got into one of his rages, the YF21 brain interface & primitive motor function (primitive by the human bodies' more sophisticated standards) lost control when it failed to interpret the rage as a coherrent instruction. That's probably why BoB is also considering not giving General Galaxy his business. He might end up with a white elephant. The brain interface seems to be sophisticated enough to interpret basic "visual" thoughts as commands. Not just specific thought commands - as in thought-voice activation. If not, how can one explain the "downforce" incident? It was simply just Guld's visual thought... because he was at odds with Isamu, and because of that, he imagined that he's in an advantageous position to harm him. And the YF21 pushed Isamu's VF11 down almost immediately afterwards. He wanted to harm Isamu but didn't practically want that thought to really happen. And yet it did because he thought of that action. Like any angry person, when he flew off the handle, there was no "picture" in his thoughts. Hence, the static the brain interface registers visually.
  12. I TELLYOU WOMAAHNNnn!!! IT's da Bomb of a cutting edgetechnology gal! AabrainControl system that respond to every VISUAL thought of the user!!! MEwonders what it can do for BoB when he thinkns of ShhhheCKSHAY Macrossgurls! [Abombz!! ] ECCHI!!![/Abombz!!] <_< B)
  13. Hmm, this is by far the best explanation I've heard so far. Maybe Myung did indeed loved Guld afterall. But not as much as Isamu. And that fire rescue was a test - a 'nudge' if you will, in Guld's favour by Sharon. That's probably why Myung resigned herself of the hopeless romance she was living... hoping that Isamu is the one. But then again, this is how usually most people (not just certain women) react to confusion added by another confusion. Maybe this is why Myung slept with Guld despite the fact that Guld tried to rape her last time. Serious, but forgivable crime + the fact that Myung did loved Guld. Not charity sex. Interesting... Thanks Hurin!
  14. Wait.... weren't them used because the YF21 System was affecting his brain or something? I remember the commanding officer mentioning something about the system affecting Gulds mind. I could be wrong though. I think it's more like the brain control system is working too perfectly, that it even respond to every actionable thought of the pilot. It has got nothing to do with Guld's anti-zentran rage suppressing pills. However, it's Guld's rage and the brain-control system's malfunction, and sudden system response after Guld's rage subsided (resulting in Isamu's 'downforce' incident) that piqued Millard's interest to start an investigation.
  15. Damn it! We have lot's of kickass character artists here (And our numbers are getting bigger!). We should ALL get back to work.
  16. Hey bake_art, al0324 can also draw very nice valkgirls! You guys should get in touch on the subject.
  17. No don't let anything discourage you. It's all about crafting your stuff till you get it right - That, and also because not many people here draw distressed facial expressions much. That's probably why people can't relate to it at first glance. Again, please keep it up.
  18. Right on! Btw, that distressed facial expression is often used for girl-characters only-to show "Jaw-dropping", not licking. If she's meant to be shown licking, her tongue would be drawn slightly bent.
  19. That is not licking fellas! It's not a tongue It's quite an often used style of facial expression (Love Hina comes to mind) when a character is distressed. Good art! I like both. But I like the first one more. Please show more.
  20. Nevermind Googling. It looks like only you, exo and myself are the only meganekko fans here.
  21. Hey guys, sorry, but I made a mistake earlier - I've always had problem telling Marmit apart from Medicom. Earlier I said Medicom, when I should mean Marmit because Medicom's T28s are made of plastic as action figures. Not die-cast metal toy works of art. So it's Soft Garage and Marmit. Marmit and Medicom are also different companies. That little boo boo is now edited. I also have problem mistaking Al Pacino for Robert De Niro all the time.
  22. Well, they are making a new live-action T28 show in Japan now. So, I think Bandai might produce some toys of it although not SOC - I heard from somewhere that Mitsuteru Yokoyama and Go Nagai are not very willing to put their creations under the same toyline. Here's a picture of the live-action T28...
  23. You got lucky! Even the SG and Medicom blue coloured variants, are getting rare nowadays.
  24. Are you talking about Tetsujin 28? If so, there were excellent gokin toys of him, but not really SOC. The more current and nicer looking incarnations of the "fatty" T28, are from Marmit and Soft Garage. They rock even though they're not SOC. Here's a picture of the Soft Garage T28...
  25. Yeah! BREAK HIS EGGS! SNAP HIS TWIG!! SET HIS NEST ON FIYAAA!!! I know how you feel V7. The same thing happened to my car last year.
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