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Beware of Blast

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Everything posted by Beware of Blast

  1. Ya, the base is kinda rare now. IIRC, back in the day, everyone grabbed multiples of the first run and it was never reissued. I should know, I'm looking for one myself!
  2. Very sweet! I really like the second one. More please.
  3. I don't have the links with me, but I'm very sure the toys you mentioned are all Bandai Soul of Chogokin products. Do a google search and you get your answers I'm sure.
  4. Thanks BoB!! You have yourself a good time buddy.
  5. Not as far as Yoshinol is concerned. There is no alcohol.
  6. Me and my wife shopping for laser heads in Singapore.
  7. I'm 29 now, gonna be 30 next month. Anyways, Happy Boffday in advance, to those of you who will turn a year older soon. Best wishes and many happy returns.
  8. Take good care of yourself kanata67. May everyone directly involved, get good closure to this unfortunate life episode.
  9. Your lines are rough. But I like that distinctive style - very confident, very bold. If you did those two as still drawings of your toys, not tracing, then you've got some skills there. Please keep it up!
  10. Awesome! Please do more.
  11. 91WhiskeyM6, please do not make negative comments like that - Not when people are just posting their pictures for fun. Please edit them before this thread turn ugly.
  12. That was EXO's work UN Spacy.
  13. Yup, Beyonce' Knowles is way hotter.
  14. Hello twich, The cookies that you've deleted, does contain the password your windows remembered from your previous visits. Once deleted, you will have to key in your username and password again. Did you make sure all upper and lower caps of your username and password are in correct order? Give the mods some time. It's the weekends so I'm sure they will get to it once they receive your PM. Have a good weekend larry.
  15. Ye Gods! Smite dis villain!!! Snap his twig! Break his eggs!! Set his nest on Fiyaa!!! Hehehe! Welcome back RC. Put that in a link before a mod smacks you.
  16. One advice for those of you who own multiples of the same valk... DON'T listen to classical music when you browse the online shops. It will make you feel sophisticated and cultured enough to shell out even more big bucks than you are already doing now. That is actually a true case study as many upmarket restaurant managers will be quite reluctant to admit - It's because they have REALLY sold more expensive wines and other luxuries like civets' poo coffees, everytime, when they play classicals from Bach or Mozart, than music from other genre. Take heed if you want to make it thru each month unscathe!
  17. 1/48 = 2 pcs. 1/60 = 5 pcs.
  18. Whoever he is, I'd say he has one up on ol' blue eyes... called breathing... 1/55 rulez!!! Of course the 1/55s rules! Michael Buble is a Canadian crooner who does nice cover versions of evergreen to current love songs. Currently quite hot in Asia. Also, I don't mean to be disrespectful of Micheal Buble or Noel, but to pit Michael Buble with the great Frank Sinatra, as a way of differenciating between the 1/55s and the 1/48s... it's more like a scenario where we have the Yamato 1/48s 20 years ago and, we're blessed only now with the Taka/Bandai 1/55s! And as far as Michael Buble alone is concerned, he's like a better, more competent Toynami than anything else right now.
  19. Wha? Heretic! Michael Buble is nothing compared to the great Frank Sinatra.
  20. Well, as I've told you before, I'm an old fashioned guy. I do have several 1/60 Yammies and like them, but I prefer the 1/55s to it. BoB is also sometimes, a kinky guy. So he also likes to play with the 1/48s as well... but not on himself though.
  21. The 1/60 Yamatos are nice, but like clitoral climax, the euphoria of having it dies down sooner that owning a 1/55 Taka/Bandai - which gives you that old-fashioned, but solid and wholesome vaginal orgasm as well. Many have had both the Yammie 1/60s and 1/55 Taka/Bandais. Then, they take it to the next higher level - the 1/48 Yamato. It's the PLEASURE BEADS of the VF1 toys. It gives you another fantastic sensation on top of what the other two can do - All-consuming anal pleasure!
  22. Err... how do you know he has done that already, and is simply taking on new things? Someone once told me that there is a poet in every artist... then, out of ten, you get one who is also a murderer.
  23. I can't say I agree with the hentai direction Shirow has taken, but I'm not against it either. As always, his work will sell no matter what topic he chooses to draw. However, I'm somewhat convinced that his phase as a good storyteller has pass. Or maybe he simply chooses to kickback and just draw with minimal direction... who know? Imo, his hentai ideas are nothing new, but I do welcome his art - It's like seeing the old Sempai again. I'm just glad he chose to put his sick side on paper than say... going out at nights commiting heinous crimes.
  24. Hey guys, I'm glad you all like it. One of these days, I'd like to do another Kawamori doing Isamu's "flying hand". Thanks for the help enlarging the small preview pic WDC. This piece was coloured with markers. Very unforgiving media. But fun at the same time!
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