Whoever he is, I'd say he has one up on ol' blue eyes... called breathing...
1/55 rulez!!!
Of course the 1/55s rules!
Michael Buble is a Canadian crooner who does nice cover versions of evergreen to current love songs. Currently quite hot in Asia.
Also, I don't mean to be disrespectful of Micheal Buble or Noel, but to pit Michael Buble with the great Frank Sinatra, as a way of differenciating between the 1/55s and the 1/48s... it's more like a scenario where we have the Yamato 1/48s 20 years ago and, we're blessed only now with the Taka/Bandai 1/55s!
And as far as Michael Buble alone is concerned, he's like a better, more competent Toynami than anything else right now.