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Beware of Blast

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Everything posted by Beware of Blast

  1. Damn! I've never seen a Prime that is so... so flexible!
  2. So, if Chitose Hibiya, the Chobits girls' mother's, intend is to completely lay poor Freya to rest, then what is REALLY the content of the MD that's with the amnesiac Elda (Chii)? Please don't tell me it contains Elda's favorite MP3 files cuz that's nonsense!
  3. More spoilers There is no doubt the MD might contain Chii's previous memory as Elda. But like what Anubis said, the previous incident, was a disaster filled with bad memories when Freya (Chii's sister) fell in love with her father. So, in order to prevent similar disaster from happening, Chitose Hibiya, got rid Elda (Chii) when she realised the dying Freya, had copied herself into her Elda's memory. The following are just my assumptions... The thing is, if that MD REALLY contained Chii's previous memory, isn't kind of pointless for Hibiya to have wiped clean of Elda's memory, then, dump her together with her past memory that is also obviously still tainted with that ominous episode of her sister and their father, not to mention, a back-up of Freya? Also, I believe the Atashi books is a way for Chii to regain her "clean Elda memories" - that is to say, one that's without Freya's ghost. But I believe that in doing so, the Atashi story books, also "woke" Freya as a result as Chii came to remember more of her previous self - I was told that sentient memories are especially difficult to destroy... and Elda might have "hidden" Freya much deeper into her psyche that no mere formatting can destroy.
  4. Chii's other self, not her sister, is also sentient right? If so, is it even possible to extract her previous memories and put them on a disc? I know that persocoms need softwares to quickly learn to do stuff... other than that, they're quite self sufficient by themselves correct? They seem to be able to learn many things even without any direct data input. I have finish the show but nothing is explained at all, even at the very end. IIRC, the manga although more comprehensive as I'm told, is similar to the show.
  5. When BoB has nothing in his mind, he lets TOTALY useless stuff bugger the hell out of him. When Hideki first found Chii and brought her home, he dropped a MD as he carried her. What do you suppose is in it? If you have official info better still. Thanks! Btw, I've never read the Tokyopop's Chobits manga, I've only watched the dvds, but there were no explanations about it at all.
  6. There is no way avatars can be locked. If I can suggest a remedy, treat your eyes to some porn. If those can easily bother you, then you gotta see some lebatars or RC's flash movies or gasp!, Omni Existance and RC's winking Bruno to fully understand and experience the concept of partial erectile disfunction.
  7. Yamato are now trying to make as though every 1/48 VF1 variant they release will be the last. As a result most of us will end up buying every 1/48 VF1 variant they release because of the fear it might happen.
  8. Of course, it doesn't matter who they're screwing as long as they get the job done. But at the same time, there's always a worry that their numbers might get out of control because this will contradict what MOST religiously-influenced governments the world over (who are also funding the army) are trying to do... which is to raise a nation of outstanding individuals that ought to have proper sex with a proper partner, in full accordance to the order of nature. Then we get those properly raised innocent school boys and girls entering their national service years who will definately go...
  9. More pictures... These are the first Chobits gashapon set by Kaiyodo. Very lovely sculpts. They are the same sizes with the Chii figure posted above. There's also a second gashapon set but the sculpts are not as good as the first.
  10. This is the Chii figure we were talking about. The picture is not mine though. If you're interested, think is the link to Ebay. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...6&category=1345 Btw, this picture belong to that seller.
  11. The "magic" you guys are talking about comes from certain shampoos with hormones young girls use. http://www.migraine101.com/shampoo.htm ::Cues music to a new shampoo commercial:: Girl, (guitar strumming) You'll be a woman soon...
  12. Thanks MrDisco. I see the giveaway figurine is the same as the Japanese manga version. Good thing.
  13. LOL, we're going dangerously off topic V7 but I hear ya. Sorry guys!
  14. Alright, I see what you mean but buying those magazines in my country is not worth it - Not because they kid of expensive... For some "reasons" unknown to me, the customs officers see fit to scribble black markers over the sweet spots, even though they are properly covered with bikini attire. Go figure. <_
  15. Look, aside from Chobits, I REALLY don't know what other dingy manga or books Young Magazine publish. I only have volume 7 because I wanna have the figurine. Damnit! You make it sound as though being a HUGE CHOBITS FAN is like I'm in possesion of a HUGE character flaw!
  16. Huh? Actually that's the only manga of Chobits I have. Got it because of the figurine.
  17. Heh? volume 8 Tokyopop MrDisco? Do you have a link to that? The Chobits Manga Box I have was with volume 7 Young Magazine - It was in Japanese not English translated at all.
  18. Roys death in mtv was my favourite kill. It was the most emotional. At the risk of losing his cool he didn't even tell anyone he was bleeding to death - now thats cool...too bad for Claudia though. LOL, I didn't really exactly mean his dying minutes, but more on the way he was hit in MTV. His last minutes kinda made up for that lost though.
  19. B-but... Rei will never be lonely if you put her on the table next to you. I don't know about EVA's previous mangas or such giveaways, but I bought a Chobits issue #7 box set that comes with a beautifully sculpted Chii figurine reclining on a chair. Chii comes well protected within the box that has a clear tray, specially-moulded to protect the figurine. The whole package is a real treat! The quality and size (I'm sure this Rei is the same size as the other EVA Gashapons) are about the same as most high quality Gashapons out there. But that's the only gift thingee from Chobit's manga so far.
  20. I got another favourite kill... DAEDALUS ATTACKUU!!!
  21. I can't tell you much about Macromedia Flash... That would be MW member Joseph's domain. But just look at one of his work attached below. It damn fine if you ask me. Probably works the same as 'Draw as it's a vector animation software. Btw, can any Flash experts help bake_art out? Thanks in advance!
  22. Ist choice - When the Zentradi first invaded and attacked in the TV series, one of Regult caught up with a CF. It's "Eye" got close enough to the CF pilot at the cockpit and opened fire. 2nd choice - When Max pull the poor Regult pilot out to his zero gravity death in DYRL. Most disappointing kill for me - Roy's death in the TV series. He didn't even know who fired the shots.
  23. actually Bob the tutorial was perfect, I didn't know that there was software out there that helps make drawings "easier" to make (photoshop only helps with the touch ups and coloring) it's pretty annoying though that I cant seem to get hold of that program, and the place I'm learning photoshop in doesn't seem to have to have any Corel software installed on their computers Maybe you should get the CorelDRAW WOW book I recommended. The CD that comes with it has version 5 and 8 for you to tryout. You can decide later if 'Draw is right for you once you get to try it hands on. Edit:- Btw, if you really couldn't get hold of any 'Draw software, you can also try Adobe Illustrator or Macromedia Freehand. Being vector type software, I think it can achieve whatever 'Draw does.
  24. bake_art, this is how I usually try to tone and color my stuff to make them look "3D". Just remember... where the light source touches on a surface, that will be the highlight. The midtone comes next, followed by shadow. And lastly the shadow of that object is cast behind it. Let me know if the formula below helps.
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