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Beware of Blast

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Everything posted by Beware of Blast

  1. POSITIVE!?!?! Why they heck do we need more POSITVE entertainment?!? That's right. I'm REALLY wondering what's their defination of "positive" image or entertainment. I grew up looking up to these guys in their movies, and they didn't offered much in terms of "positive" image in their work. What really mattered was the entertainment value of it all.
  2. OMG! So many T28 stuff coming out this year. How to make more money and have time to cope?
  3. Virgin conception is good and all, but how can there be possibly any fun with all the locks around, with no keys to open them?
  4. C&D letters are a common thing in businesses having to do with licences and suspected importation of parellel goods. The point is, a C&D letter is no more than unofficially marking a territory and say it belonged to a party without providing further evidence in black and white - HG had done so but nothing further. It's just a type of letter drafted by law firms. It's not a court case yet. No need to call HG for further info. Small retailers that are in doubt, just because they are the ones that get the letters, but not the bigger players, should just play dumb and ignore it.
  5. Oh, the HG lawyers know this. But they figured that out long time ago - why fight the money? There is a Chinese saying which lawyers are practicing everywhere... "When a shop is burning, expect some looting".
  6. No need to bother asking an average Joe the differences. Chances are, if he haven't seen the show, he won't buy either one. Buying either one as a present for someone whose a fan, will present EQUAL opportunity for the products from both sides. Judges are there for a reason.
  7. Hah, just play a retard and ignore those C&D letters. The chances of any sellers getting detained for a court case over these alleged parallel Japanese Macross merchandise, is as strong as HG coming clean with everyone on how far-reaching their "rights" can go. So sit back and relax retailers, make yer millions, swim thru that Olympic-sized pool of dollar bills and schmoke a cigar! I bet this will go on for a few more of generations without as much as a fart from HG.
  8. Here's Dan with the muted colors. I prefer the first release cuz he looks sleeker.
  9. Yeah, the DYRL Minmay shower scene chase figure would be nice! I hope they stay true to the animation art though, it would suck incredibly if they had to censor her sweet bits by sculpting some soap bubbles.
  10. Sometimes, I grade the best SOC sets by the kind of shrieks I get . Almost everytime in the morning, I would use a different bot, and place it on my sleeping nephew's face. So far, my GX07 Mazinger got the highest score. I should try the bigger bots next time.
  11. Beware of Blast

    Part 2

    I display them strictly by their titles - Macross trading figs with the Yamato 1/48s, 1/60s, Bandai 1/55s and so on... I do so the same with the other stuff I collect. That way, I don't have to be a completist to have a sizeable collection. And the varying mix of characters with the mechas in different sizes, make the display more exciting to look at imo.
  12. Beware of Blast

    Part 2

    For the money being charged, I'd like to think that the Macross trading figures are AT LEAST, painted by factory workers with some degree of training that could be passed for a decent attempt to mimic professional painters' work. Lousy suppliers perhaps? I have collected quite an amount of trading kits from Kaiyodo & Movic, Kaiyodo, Bandai, Yamato and etc... for years, they are all mostly smaller size compared to the CMS Macross trading figs - the smaller, the harder to paint, I'm sure you know. When part 2 is compared to the others, I have to say, CMS current attempt for part 2 is the worse by far. And they are currently the most expensive; but the output DOES NOT reflect it. No I don't owe you crap! I didn't charge you for this little review. But seriously, aside from the shoddy paint job, the sculpts are excellent. They truly captured Mikimoto's linearts to a tee. Enjoy your set man!
  13. Beware of Blast

    Part 2

    I've just got the part 2 set with the secret figure. The overall finishing quality for the basic figures have deteriorated compared to part 1. The side splits on Misa's skirt are not sanded properly. Her red rank stripes are wrong. She's suppose to have 3 stripes like on her sleeves. Her eyes are suppose to be emerald green; they painted them blue. Overall paint job for the rest of the figures are badly done up. The lines are not crisp and clean. Certain paints bleed into other areas for ALL the figures. WTF happened before the CMS' workers sat down and paint the figures? Too much coffee or too little? Was Planet Dance being played on loop in the background? I can understand it's hard to keep a steady hand when several of the workers suddenly grew crabs at the same time. But the Macross trading figures are larger than most average trading and gashapon figures so they have no excuse for such shoody work. The only one which is nicely done up imo, is the cockpit diorama secret figure. But that alone, is not worth USD30 imo. The other good thing about the part 2 set is, they allow certain figures to combine ie:- Mao can be attached to Sara's feet piece, and Mylene to Basara. Of the whole of the part 2 regular figures lot, Basara seems to be the finest made - the likeness, pose, and he has the least paint job hiccup. So the bad paint and finishing problem must have been the coffee. Oh, Basara with Mylene combined, shines the best in the lot with their dynamic poses - put Firebomber music (not Planet Dance) to full blast, and it will be like your personal concert show in the comfort of your home.
  14. That depends, I had sumptuous Thai chilli crabs with fluffy white Jasmine rice. Not sure about you though.
  15. Not as far as Macross is concerned. Ya know, when I worked in Ad agencies, the ultimate goal is to make commercials that people remember. And it doesn't matter if the ad you made receives good or bad reviews, the point is, if people talk about it, then you've created successful ads - because people remember. I used to disagree with this working philosophy cuz the moment there is bad buzz, the chances of a good sale is as good as gone. But if that same philosophy had been applied onto Macross 7, then, I'm glad it bothered dudes like Agent One enough to talk about it. Because Macross 7, had sorta become that constant scorch beneath his loincloth. He just can't stop scratching because the little crabmen refuse to relent and they come back everytime just like Basara can't stop singing. Oh, and Macross 7 IS successful because it's still talked about today.
  16. Oh now feel it comin back again like a rollin' thunder chasing the wind forces pullin' from the center of the Earth again I can feel it
  17. 71.5% otaku corrupt. No I've never lost my job because of anime. Hey, did you all noticed that some questions that precedes a string of "topic" related questions are really insulting? Like naming with anime character names... # Did you name your computer after an anime character? # Did you name a pet after an anime character? # Did you name one of your children after an anime character? # Do you know what a fanboy is?
  18. That is the set that I'm least satisfied with. Of the five figs there, I only like Kotoko and the sleeping Chii. While the others have nice poses, their faces are way off - if you have the book attached below... I dunno, maybe I'm too overly critical but the Gashapons didn't do the original artwork it was based on any justice - especially that Chii in the schoolgirl uniform with the parasol. She looks laughable at best, cross-eyed and stout bodied. And the character designs of the Chobits girls, are one of the most beautifully unique ever to be produced in animedom in a long time. No offense to anyone who like that particular fig though but the drawing in that book is sweeter. The poses of the currently released 3rd series maybe a little stiff, but the sculpts are dead on.
  19. Ya know, this just ain't fair. First, I get laughed at cuz I'm not tall. Then, I get accused of peeking up their pantsu just because I'm born with those eyes. Sorry to have mislead you all, but I'm just in the pictures for signatory purpose. And I may be dirty minded at times, at least the rest of my anatomy are cultured and well-behaved. Heck, I even sent each of the gals back safely to their display cabinets, and walked them ALL the way in and bid them good nite before leaving - and they didn't even offer me coffee.
  20. Long time no see your vector work! Excellent as always garoquel. The coloring is superb. A side view that good can only make me imagine an even better isometric one. One request if it's possible... can you enlarge Ms Marilyn for me?
  21. Candy girl costume Chii.
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