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Beware of Blast

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Everything posted by Beware of Blast

  1. Good luck to your comic!
  2. Beware of Blast

    Part 2

    Why not use some BLU-TAC on Sara's feet. They are quite sturdy. As for the scale of the cockpit, I had originally thought 1/32... but when you compare this to the 1/48, it 's more closer to 1/24 scale - a standing battroid of it would be roughly about 2' tall.
  3. On a calendar shoot at one time, I asked for a colleague of mine to prepare some cooking oil just in case. She asked, "what for? I took time to choose the chillies and tomatoes, so they're fine as it is". She's right. But sometimes, on camera, they look tastier looking sweaty. Besides, the cooking oil was for the female talent. You can't get suntan lotion in the middle of the night. Good work on the models!
  4. Can you remember which mofo made the comment? You can tell me so I can notify a mod. This crap cannot be tolerated here.
  5. Here are some facts about the camel spider/wind scorpion... Da Straight Dope Arachnid Necrosis however is some serious crap. Roll yer old newpapers and go here.
  6. Beware of Blast

    Part 2

    Roy is good. His face is youngish... but the weathering on this shoulder pads are horrendous! If not for the unneccessary weathering and toning of the clothes, the paint job on this set is still bearable.
  7. Beware of Blast

    Part 2

    Yeah, now that you mention it, the splits on her skirt is not suppose to go all the way up like a Qi pao or Cheong Sam, but that's understandable because of the way her legs assemble. The light green color is suppose to give tone to the clothing; it's too heavily applied imo, and I think they should have used a light grey or tan instead of that green. Maybe you need to push the head in a little harder or sand the stump of his neck a little. My cockpit cover has some light scratches too, but what bothered me more is there is a huge seam where the two halves of the cockpit join. It's either the PVC in the middle is too thick or the female tubes are too far out that they can't be joined nicely. Minmay is my other favorite.
  8. Very cool dude!
  9. It's probably an in thing right now and I very grateful for that. This actually reminds me of the early to mid 90s, where I see a lot of dudes wearing their jeans waaaay low till their underwears show. Ya know da Plummah schtyle? Once in a while you catch one who also likes to be free, if you're unlucky, you can see his crack. ::BARF::
  10. Never give much thoughts.....maybe because my uncle likes to give me pink colored strawberry snacks when i was a kid.... Well, here's something to start you off with... I don't like pink so much, but whenever I think of Milk Ichigo, I find a lupine smile (someone noticed it and told me) slowly growing on my face. Maybe you should make a Miruku Ichigo Valk; instead of a regular pink one.
  11. I missed Simon Bisley's paintings. I also missed Dale Keown's monsters. Sniff!
  12. RC, have you ever given a serious thought, why you love the color pink so much?
  13. Sigh! padawan learner, ya gotta use da force. Not force it! Okay. Pulling stuff from the show... Go to the part where Mylene was kidnapped, where she encourage the rest of the human victims to sing with her. They are making their own Anima Spiritia. Suddenly, they're not so lethargic or sleepy (with renewned Spiritia) anymore. Go to the wards of the afflicted pilots. Kinryu has his Spiritia renewed! Mylene sang to replenish a dead Basara's Spiritia with her own brand of Anima Spiritia! Gamlin sang Fire bomber songs to gain zeal, thus, he fought bettar! Man... you are so boring.
  14. Don't be annoyed wolfx, I didn't pull anything from the show because that would be boring. That would be like taking alot of things literally but missing the point all the same. If you can, trust me. Whatever I have posted for you, it's in the show. Anima spiritia is special, but it's not unachievable. Basara can manifest it better because he has the experience, and most of all, he had the courage, focus, conviction and faith. I'm not BS-ing here because it's been proven in a Discovery channel show (I forgot the show's name though) that scientific tests have been conducted on people while they are, praying, meditating, or doing something that required huge amount of focus - they all show abnormally positive active brain activity and even though they were in an almost trance-like state, they were very conscious of their immediate surroundings at the same time. Also, they all exhibit surprisingly normal heart beat rates, and calm breathing. People who attend live concerts have been known to produce more endorphins and adrenalin than just sitting next to a great song from nice set of speakers connected superb player. Kawamori is known to favor pulling ideas like these (from real world scientific findings) and put them into his anime - especially Macross. Why I say Anima Spiritia is special but yet the idea is not far-fetched, is because medical doctors often recommend loved ones of comatose patients to talk, touch and just be there with them - like generating Anima Spiritia. By doing so, the patients' Spiritia can be nurtured and heal on it's own. Sound familiar to a show now? Another example would be to find entertainment, or positive brain stimulants (Anima Spiritia) to fullfill one's emotional needs (Spiritia). I hope my answer is satisfactory.
  15. wolfx, after reading your post, I gotta say this to you - We're talking about Macross 7. Not Dragonball Z, not Akira. I'm done man. As long as you enjoy M7, that's okay by me.
  16. From your current post, I don't think you understand the difference between Spiritia and Anima Spiritia at all. And dude, you made Basara and gang sound god-like; this is something Macross characters are not all about. They are abnomalies yes, but never god-like. And the ones who are abnomalies ie:- Max Jenius, is severely lacking in other aspects of his live. Anima Spiritia is more or less like, and nothing more than a PR or streetsmart skills that made a better salesman - something that can be attained and improve upon with practice and experience. All the members of the Jaming birds, have what Basara had. They just lack experience. Had Basara not chosen to sing, the protodevlin uprising can still be quelled by ANY other group of special people (and an individual), who had Anima Spiritia. It could even be Bobby. Had he worked harder and was not so concerned with getting his poon, tanged.
  17. It's not only unique to Basara. His band mates have it as well. So do other people. The translation points to Anima Spiritia but didn't say it was Basara's. But because he was simply the most powerful with it in City 7, we were led to believe it's him. It's also that because of his ability to make positive and inspiring music, that he and SoundForce became the right counter offensive to the Macross 7 crisis.
  18. Mac + is canon. Mac 2 is not because they have taken Kawamori's baby and done stuff to it. Anyone who is passionate when doing something generates Anima Spiritia. Basara just stood out the most. His spiritia level is probably the same as anybody else in City 7, that's why he wasn't specifically targetted for it.
  19. I'd like to add that the Zentradi and the Protodevlins aren't stupid creatures. They're just not used to the concept of peace, or it's better to nurture Spiritia with Anima Spiritia than taking it by force. Culture shocks that are used merely to shock will not work effectively ie:- porn or the Ms Macross beauty contest. It has to also have the concept of peace, love and co-existance in those culture shocks that enemy can relate and adapt to - this has been evident throughout the Macross stories. Same goes for all the songs and their meanings in shows. William Hung's SHE BANG, might work for a while but the enemy will not understand. The humans never won any war in SDF Macross, Mac 2 or M7; the enemy stopped fighting because it's a great idea. Macross Plus is the only expection - maybe that's why it's not canon.
  20. So fearsome is Roger, no one dared to ask for an intro huh? Poor Agent ONE.
  21. Now can this be anything, positive or negative, as long are their really passionate about it? Wow, if thats the case, I produce Anima Spiritia energy when I piss on M7... HAHAHAHA, the Irony gives me an erection. ::Sends Roger after Agent ONE:: Muhuhahahahaa!!!
  22. Ah yes, I was thinking Crisis on Infinate Earths, but didn't remember the name just now. EXO, 1989 to 92 were the best Jim Lee years.
  23. I too like George Perez's Supes style better. But I like his Wonder Womahn bettar! IMHO, Jim Lee's art has somewhat gone down a few notches. I used to like his X-men and the early WildCATS comics... maybe his pencils is just ordinary without Scott Williams' precious inks... I dunno... but those were the good times.
  24. Nope. Gigil's Spiritia level was all time high when it comes to Sivil. He'd be bursting at the seams if she gave him the time of day. Sivil (generates a form of Anima Spiritia) = Gigil (motto Spiritia!!!!!)
  25. As perfect (imho) as M7 is, I think there is one very strange plot hole though... since Gigil can generate ALOT of Spiritia with Sivil's presence, I wonder why the Protodevlins had to go thru the trouble to wage war on the humans; but not survive on him instead.
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