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Beware of Blast

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Everything posted by Beware of Blast

  1. Guys, here's more incredibly stupid Yamato Syndrome - the metal pin for the shoulder hinge THAT thin should at least be drilled dead center between the ABS plastic for even pressure distribution ... but it's not. That piece there shouldn't even be plastic to begin with. God knows where else we'll discover more stupidity like this on the '19 or any other Yamato's previous valks?
  2. I agree. Purchasing the damn thing is one of them.
  3. Damn. Didn't realised the MP03 is that problematic. I avoided it because I didn't like the color and the hip kibble. As for the MP01, your chrome paint spillover is the first time I hear it. The weak ankles is pretty much a standard... better to pose it in a sideway A- stance. The only problem I had was the MP01 waistjoint is not racheting anymore after numerous transformation. Sorry digressing a bit here.
  4. MP03 SS is currently vying with the VF0A for the worst toy of the year. The complain had been more on the color of the grey (SS should be white and red?) more than its QC problems. Stress marks and spilled chrome paint on the cab right out of the box on the MP01, when was that? AFAIK, only the certain batches of the reissue MP01s had problems where the legs are not glued to the hip sockets. When MP01 first came out three years ago, fans were voting it for TOTY solely based on its pictures in the internet. Most of us only got the toy after the result has been announced. QC has been exceptional, fortunately for us.
  5. The Toynami Voltron is not great but is a vast improvement over their previous efforts on Robotech... so much that ToyboxDX allowed it to be nominated in the running for TOTY 2006 - A first in a website where toys-by-Japanese company only is allowed. That's quite an achievement. No Yamato Syndrome on the Toynami Voltron. Speaking of Yamato Syndrome, ToyboxDX should disqualify toys from Japanese companies that only look good but sucked at build quality and finishing from the TOTY poll.
  6. Yeah that's also the letdown for me. And if you compare GB with Voltes head to head, GB is still A LITTLE shorter.
  7. That was half of the old godaikin Dancougar (at least what it's suppose to be). Looks like a badly made bootleg.
  8. 170 - 175 shipped or lower would be good. Try not to pay more than that.
  9. It is going to be the biggest SOC, surpassing even the Dancouga in term of size and height. If it can look this good as a proto pic, it's goona rock in person. As for the color red, well, there aren't many things that I know is synonymous with that color... Ferrari, London buses, Liverpool, Man-U... Ideon is one of them. It will be released on Mac this year... enough time for you to change your mind.
  10. Go to the toyboxdx invicible bbs. They're talking about it now! http://toyboxst.inwards.com/phorum/read.php?1,159444,page=2
  11. Congrats on your Gunbuster aquisition. The SOC IDEON is the next big thing to look out for.
  12. The problems here to some are major... to some, minor. Wherever, whenever, whatever... it can only be Yamato. There ought to be a name for this... like naming metal disease / cancer - rust. From now on, toys poorly planned, made with subpar materials, manufactured thoughtlessly, that will lead to the toys eventual damage, out of order, kaputting should be considered afflicted with disease. I name the disease, YAMATO SYNDROME.
  13. I find it an insult that we're still subjected to subpar Yamato products that we're paying a premium to get. I do throw insult, cynical statements but never a point black "fcuk u Yamato". As insulting as my posts are, they do contain valid points on my POV as a consumer. Should Yamato deserve better? I see retards learning faster, so no. Most companies have to pay to get their perfprmance feedback, positive or no. Yamato is considered lucky in this respect. If they are going to panhandle for exposure and feedback here but can't accept deserving harsh critisism, maybe they should make baby products. My message has been, STOP SHORTCHANGNG YOURSELVES. But maybe you're right I should stop buying.
  14. There are several things we need to make clear:- 1) Yamato isn't a small company. You're no longer considered small by any standards once they compete with other toy companies selling anything above the USD100 mark imo. 2) Yamato's problem has always been their bad choice of material. Build Quality & Finishing. This led to breakage & stress marks problems with nearly ALL their products. This isn't their first day on the job. After 6 years or so and the learning-on-the-job experiences, it can be considered an MAJOR attitude problem because Yamato not only didn't improve their game, the same "Make 'em, Wait and see then Fix'em later as we Charge 'em" attitude still persist. 3) About the HG / US market blockade, that makes it all the more imperative that Yamato should make damn sure everything they release fit the bill of whatever price we paid - right off the bat. Other toy companies have done so without such excuses. 4) We have always been so patient, we supply this forum with feedback, criticism on Yamato's products. We get nothing but the vague guarantees that fixes will be done. And we have to buy them again because Yamato is only selling the fixes on the new versions. 5) Put yourselves in the position where you are / allowed to / can only afford one new toy release by Yamato. On top of that, you live outside of Japan. When they screw up then make fixes, where does that put you? 6) Why are we so tolerant? Yamato is underperforming and we make excuses for them. If they are just starting out we may find their ineptitude cute; this is more than 6 years later. Yamato spent what - 4 years developing the YF19 - one might expect them to fvck-up on some out of this world transformation process, but NO, they fvcked-up on the stupidest mistakes like the crooked gunpod, non-locking battriod chestplate, limp gerwalk, landing geras that cannot deploy properly, BAD choice build material... etc. On being a hater, we have haters that love the way Yamato's Macross toys look but hate their build quality and finishing, we also have hater that hate Yamato outright because Yamato's design team is pulling all the weight but their production team is doing jackshite and this has never change. Maybe I should just be indifferent because when that's the exact opposite of love. Either way, Yamato wins. I just believe we deserve better. I sincerely do.
  15. No man, back then even without Yamato, we had the Bandai 1/55 reissues to choose over the Toynami 1/55 veritechs. And even then, the Toynami 1/55 veritechs didn't qualify to get bit*ched about.
  16. I love the YF19 design like flesh & blood. My arguement has always been Yamato's questionable build quality and finishing for every release up till the 1/60 YF19 more than the cost. So tell me how do you fix the two grey tabs full of stressmarks and crack? How do I fix the stressmarks on the the tan coloured fuselage? What if it's not fixable? Who's gonna buy my problematic YF19 now? You? Where do I find another perfect transforming YF19 maker without all the Yamato problems? You wanted something for so long and when you finally have it, you get no satisfaction. Kind of worse than someone putting a gun to your head because you asked for this poo, no? You see my "keep pushing this over and over" posts as the problem but not the crap you get from Yamato for your hard-earned money all these years. :Shrugs: Maybe your mileage vary?
  17. Graham, turd or not the toy is bought because I love the YF19. I will not send the '19 to you because the toy itself is innocent. One's own flesh and blood with a hole-in-the-heart condition is still considered a wonderful work of miracle; you don't give it away. What we should address here is Yamato's work culture - They have absolutely NO control / clout / say/ power whatsoever over their manufacturing. It's kinda like the Forbidden City run by a bunch of eunuchs - at least the eunuchs received fewer complains.
  18. This is one good example why we'll never see quality material improvements from Yamato. Sure, they can use the US blockade as an excuse. But for someone like you to make it for them... I couldn't begin to make out if this kind of love for Yamato's product especially at their current sad state is Brand loyalty or blind devotion - the kind that's worse than submission with a gun held to the head, LOL! But you decide for yourself clyde01. It's your right. Same as it is my right to post.
  19. Hmm, I don't see why we should be looking at it from either a lovin' or hatin' angle. You bought one, you have an opinion about it, you post it. You're still being objective if you've not bought one. Why be bothered with the quality of words when Yamato doesn't give a rat's arse? Yamato with whatever experience they have imo, screwed-up so much on the 1/60 YF19, I simply have no proper words for it. And I disagree with likenning Yamato's 1/60 YF19 to a big flying turd, cuz that might offend other big flying turds - I dunno... for the Yamato's 1/60 YF19 to be called a big flying turd seemed like a positive distinction right now. Ya know, I'd like to be more professionally constructive with my criticisms, but this is as good as it gets from me. I don't like to waste time with companies that hold absolutely no regard nor respect to their readily available customers - We even forward product quality-related questions and comments (that Kensei compiled) in a Graham to Yamato questions thread fer Chrissakes! Had it been me I would give a flying fvck about it. 6 years is as good as a glorious decade, Yamofo. Spend the remainder wisely.
  20. Do we get paid for posting these questions? If yes, how much per post? Will the amount per questions be in HKT, Yen or US dollars? Remittance will be in Paypal, Cashier's Cheque or Telegraphic Transfer?
  21. Wow! Thank you Kensei. Let's hope Yamato can answer and consider them as they move the toys along the value chain.
  22. Please tell Yamato to make their VFs secure in all modes. A sturdy fighter that is floppy and loose in gerwalk and battroid is not worth having. Please tell them to enable locking of chestplate for all their Batroids. Yamato wanted to make the 1/60 YF19 very close to anime... But I don't see Isamu's YF19 flipping its chestplate with arms flailing in the air like the toy. Or did I catch the edited Macross Plus?
  23. Dat shure ish a coooool mod... Hik! :drools:
  24. Please do Graham. And about the cracks or stress marks on the 1/60 YF19 and VF0S, it doesn't seem to affect me negatively any more... It's no longer a major problem after copious amount of alcohol. Yamato should pack some hard liquor redemption coupons in their future releases!
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