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Beware of Blast

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Everything posted by Beware of Blast

  1. That's the whole point of the b*tching and moaning. WE ARE NOT IN CONTROL. If everyone just make a stand for a better quality product, we can still have a win-win situation.
  2. And... I didn't even argue about the USD80 price hike (retailer & Shipping fees) beyond the original price point. Most people that buy collectable items like the YF19 UNDERSTANDS this. The BLAME is still on the Fattest kid in the pool.
  3. Do not Disturb, in regards to your points on the MSRP, I think you gotta get the priorities right. As far as the whole issue is concerned, danth sums it up the best.
  4. That's what I was saying. From the 1st 1/48 Hikaru VF1A released up till the 1/48 Stealth there have been reports ranging from minor rubber seepages (fixable) to major (unfixable) BP8 breaking and hip intake block socket cracking. The damned parts aren't durable at all and that could've been avoided with better materials - same stupid mistakes repeated over and over. Making a totally new design VF doesn't excuse Yamato because other companies (Bandai, Takara, Maxfactory) attempt new toy designs everytime with little or no repeated fvck-ups because they used better materials.
  5. Heh, everybody just loves an easy way out don't we? I LOVE mirages as much as the next Macross fan and his pet dog... but a mirage is still a mirage. Let's not kid ourselves.
  6. Not so much because they ACTUALLY delivered most of their promises. Some of the complaints were the very few BP8 cracking cases due to being forced past their stress point, some double limbs, hip rubber seepage, intake socket block cracking. But back then they were new. We see the little fvck-ups and went, "...Awww, how cute!" But to go from the point of mastering the transforming toy learning curve to being an experienced company creating this VF0A&S and 1/60 YF19 fiasco, REPEATING THE SAME MISTAKES OVER AND OVER, I'd say the b*tching and ranting is warranted.
  7. If this is true the retail (of any kind) business as we know it will implode and the economies dependant on retail sector would collapse. There is such a thing known as a higher "perceived value". That's how the MSRP of all the products that are old out there is generated. It enables the chain of businesses dependant on each other (from the maker to the retail chains to yer joe blow's mom & pop shop) to profit from a set market or retail price. Yamato makes the call on how much their product is worth out there, proceeds to make a volume to fill a projected market that they think is gainfully profitable to them. They sell lower and lower to whoever are willing to carry more of their stuff. But the MSRP / Retail price / price point is ALWAYS there and Yamato must generate the promised product with the "perceived value" to match it. Otherwise, the whole exercise is pointless.
  8. NO! DON'T REMOVE THAT TAPE! That shite is THE 3M Magic tape. Not cheap if you buy the whole roll and hard to come by in small strip.
  9. This is more of an end by choice made by the company rather than circumstantial outcome. There are so many other small time companies out there competing with the big boys at same street price levels like Maxfactory, Softgarage, Marmit, Aoshima, Kaiyodo, Kotobukiya etc... Of course, you could say they don't make transforming toys like Yamato. But we're talking about BUILD QUALITY and FINISHING here. Had any of these people undertake Macross VFs as their project, the materials used will certainly be in tandem with the demands of the job.
  10. Most of us who are burned are just being nice. You shouldn't discount the fact that fans here are more forgiving with Yamato despite the repeat transgressions. Had it been another company, the results will be different.
  11. Ha! Bad, bad QC and planning and fly-by-night marketing. Straight from the horse's mouth.
  12. Well, you really can't deny that it's gorgeous. Now had you listed "Beautiful POS" as well, I would've vote differently.
  13. Since we're guessing here, if they added a vibrating device also on top of that lighting change gimmick, that would be quite a decent attempt. The '19 does vibrate and warp in shape during fold in the anime... besides, a vibrating '19 in toy form will be heavier than when it's static - so we can have the illusion than the damn thing ACTUALLY has diecast metal and heft to it!
  14. Ya know, my second edition 1/72 YF19 is less problematic than the current 1/60 YF19... no breakages, no stressmarks, no tab-B ED breakage... it plays and displays beautifully. It's Battroid looks more agressive than the current incarnation. But what's the point in comparison? I was smart to hold back for a second edition back then but not smart enough to it this time. GARR! What the hell am I saying... Should have voted POS instead. Too late now.
  15. It's suppose to glow white (pre-fold) to red (fold). Hey, maybe they're incorporating some smart lighting color change device inside? Probably that's why it's expensive - just guessing.
  16. It could've been better - yeah I'm trying to be impartial. The '19 and the VF0A&S should even not be listed to contend with the other toys this year. They're half-a-toy toys. Others are pulling their weights, the '19 and the VF0A&S didn't do a thing.
  17. That's because you are not suppose to sell what's broken, or in need of fixing - as new. We're not Yamato.
  18. Graham, there is no denying the beauty and potential of the 1/60 YF-19 as a great toy. How long have we been waiting for it, 4-6 years? Even with the issues that you've deemed minor and the massive letdown some of us are experiencing on the current release, that has got to mean something to Yamato. No other toy companies are THAT lucky to have fans anticipating its releases, product after product and these Macross toys from Yamato has always spring-up unpleasant surprises ranging from minor to numerous and massive. They were never entirely problem-free or problems-easily fixed problems on the toys. We're not even asking for perfection. So PLEASE don't downplay the issues on the 1/60 YF19 that are all brought up. You may love all of your '19s despite its problems, but you or Yamato shouldn't dismiss the fact that our feelings aren't mutual. If anything it's more like tough love. And so the magical beauty of the Yamato's sculpts and the love for the Macross anime saves the day again for Yamato. The fans are still here - b*tching and moaning or not. Let's see how long this magic will last.
  19. Yup, they know they're the only ones making the transforming VFs (Toynami is no competition) and their ever increasing prices show it. Yamato affect the lion share of the retail price. Picture a small lawn pool crowded with kids and very little water... the FATTEST boy there is usually the problem.
  20. Ya know, the SOC Gunbuster came out at about the same time as the 1/60 '19. IIRC, the MSRP for Gunbuster was 19,800 yen, the '19, 18,8000 yen and you know what? The YF19 retailed for slightly higher than the Gunbuster st shops in both Singapore and Kuala Lumpur. They say it's because everybody is clamoring for the '19. Gunbuster was just 'nother supa robot... they say. UNFECKINGBELIEVABLE. The thing for me is, both prices (although crazy expensive) is already a secondary issue for me. I understand that if I'm to have these things, arguing about it won't help. What I'm unable to understand is, why is Yamato's '19 so badly made? They went all the way to get the best CAD drawings done, which I'm sure wasn't cheap at all, they went all the way to make sure the sculpts of the '19 they make is SUPA accurate to the CAD drawings, which sure is another hole in their pocket.... Then, they handover their blood sweat and tears to some toy manufacturer (who are surely not cheap also) to get it fvcked up. I mean, I looked at my Gunbuster and I can't help comparing them both. Apples and oranges I know. But we're talking about BUILD QUALITY and FINISHING. Gunbuster is almost 60% plastic, none of them are POM and yet, everything holds together nicely, tightly and transforms like a dream. You know why? His innards and crucial areas that hold the transforming ABS as hinges, pegs and sockets are all DIECAST METAL. Diecast metal innards. What gives Yamato the balls and creativity to attempt such crazy transforming feats of the '19 to rival someone more established, more careful when making the Gunbuster in toydom to attempt the same thing with nothing but plastics? Maybe it's our money. Yamato needs to be taught a lesson guys. We gotta hurt their bottom line. We gotta stop buying anything Yamato for a while, at least until they shape up.
  21. If the price makes sense, we would. I do agree that it's kind of stupid for Yamato to bundle this now and not from the get go. Still, bundling it now with the '19 shows that the people at Yamato aren't only good for drinking... The thing is, you just can't sell the foldildo on its own. Just think of all the wierd stares you're gonna get when you take it out in the office, or the train, bus, in front of the missus...
  22. So true. Exo, I'm gonna make this my new sig.
  23. Sideshow is just selling the Medicom stuff Stateside.
  24. nugundamII, the only thing Toynami that I like enough to pay full retail price for is the MPC Voltron. I get an expected performance from it, but unlike a complete satisfaction that one would get out of its Godaikin predecessor. For the rest of Toynami's stuff you'll need this. [attachmentid=40359] Sorry, as much as I hate Yamato right now... Toynami is not there yet.
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